It’s time of year old threads start popping up.
Threads go through cycles.
New iPhone fever in September. How to order, how to track, I got mine, did you get your’s threads.
Then come the open box, wow I love it, oh god I hate it threads.
Closely followed by series of “gate” threads. Apple doomed, android better threads.
Once this dies down and before rumors of next year’s iPhone begin in earnest very little to thread about so a bunch of old threads are rehashed. Why McRumers keeps em in storage.
By spring the rumors will be swarming the threads again. Leak threads will abound. This will continue and intensify till September to start anew the cycle.
Thread cycles do overlap and are augmented with threads about cases, accessories, chargers, ear phone, and some legitimate question from new users. With the occasional toilet drop thread. And the every present my battery when to 99% freak out threads.
So watch for the old threads coming back to life. It’s that time of the year.
Not quite sure if you copied and pasted, or did that on your own... But it's worth a thumbs up.