Sometimes I despair of the fact that so many people's social skills are so lacking these days that they can't even raise an issue or counter a point without being rude and aggressive.
The developer's put a lot of work into this - what's wrong with just politely pointing out the problems he might have getting it approved without almost flaming him?
Your application, ClickWheel 0.1, is requiring unexpected additional time for review. We apologize for the delay, and will update you with further status as soon as we are able.
Thank you for your patience.
iPhone Developer Program
Thank you, I was thinking the same thing
"With this app, the iPhone comes full circle."
Definitely going in the description
For all those interested
I submitted it on 6th August, so 17 days down the line and still no responce from apple.
However, I have recieved two emails like this:
With all the news surrounding the app store policies loosening and Phil intervening with some of the approvals, my nerves are at an all time high!
I can see where you are coming from but I can't see how I could change the design that would still keep the authenticity of the app.
Also, somebody said you can submit apps to cydia, but for the life of me I don't know how, could you share?
While you're waiting, create another version (or versions) in parallel without thelogo (that is definitely a no-no) and perhaps has a slight variation (octagon vs. circle and/or different font for MENU) just to be safe, and submit as a different app.
That way, you're not starting from scratch if you get rejected.
See this thread for Rowmote's experience.
The apple logo doesn't feature in the app, that is entirely for promotion
Apple did think of it already, and designed the iPod app regardless. This is a novelty that people will be tired of within an hour.
And as already stated, read the guidelines before spending all your time coding just so people can read another David & Goliath App Store sob story.
Give away the source code.I will help you put it on Cydia.
Yeah, very nostalgic indeed.
Can I install Peggle with it? jk![]()
Good news everyone!
It is on the app store, it has been approved!