(3) If Apple creates an xMac, they will not only lose Pro sales, but all the people who bought iMacs over a theoretical xMac would switch, probably losing Apple Money, as they couldnt sell it at the same price as the iMac, because people like YOU would complain that its too expensive, and not buy one anyway if they did, defeating the proposed point of the machine.
Give me the guts of the iMac in a case that holds two hard drives and an optical drive and one PCI slot. Make it easy to get into. Do you think Apple could make it where the price would be $1500? I'd pay $1500 for a Mac that was positioned between the mini and the Pro without a screen. I'm not asking for it to come with two hard drives for that price. Just in a case that can hold two hard drives.
iMacs start at $1200 with the 21.5 inch screen. Apple would be saving the cost of the screen plus charging me $300 extra for a bigger case and one PCI slot.
$1500 for a headless iMac. Could it be done?