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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
I have built a bit of a portfolio for myself. It's still a big work in progress but I would love some comments on how i could improve it, or what you like the most. Thanks guys!



That looks great. The overall design is really clean and modern looking. I really llike the way it's intuitive to navigate - that although you've made good use of Flash, the fact that it's based in HTML means the back button still works, and you don't have to think about navigating.

Hmm. What would improve it? Personally, instead of having the coloured menus that match the photos, have them all the same and a more neutral colour? But that's a small thing, it looks good how it is, and it is just my opinion. Others may like the menus!

Oh, and some nice work on there too. Anyone who does a poster about Univers is ok in my book. Frutiger is the man. :)


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2004
Calgary, AB
Over all I'd say it's very well done. Nice, clean and very professional looking.
The only real interface comment I'd make is when I get into one of the gallerys I'm not seeing any obviose way to return to the portfolio. Yes it's just as easy as clicking the back button but personally I'd put a "return to portfolio" link on each of these pages.

But other than that I'd say it's great...better than mine even :p

James Philp

macrumors 65816
Mar 5, 2005
V. Nice.
Good work.
I guess my main advice would be to carry on tweaking etc. etc. as from the site I can tell you are a perfectionist as it is, and only you will be able to take the site where you want it to go!


macrumors 65816
Aug 16, 2004
Looks good..
One nit picky thing :)
_/crew.htm - you have another layer showing through at the top..I know I know, nit picky.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
Thanks a bunch for the kind comments and criticism. I really do appreciate it. I do have a lot of tweaking to do yet like you said.

On the comment about the menus, I have previously had them all the opace black, kinda like the apple dashboards in their pro apps, and iphoto, but I started sampling colors from the photos and it gave a different effect. I don't know how I feel about them yet as well. I re-did the design/music/crew menus, compare those to the contact page menu and let me know if you like the change. I'm not sure if the menus are too light of a grey.

On the comment about the layer showing through...aggh!!! In Photoshop because I have rules to line things up I wasn't able to see that the layer was showing through, and yes even as picky as I am I didn't hide the rules before I sliced the images. I went through and fixed these tonight.

Thanks again.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 2, 2005
It is a very well-done site; I refuse to nitpick, and any suggestions I offered would be more out of personal preference than true design practicality, so I won't even start. I like most of your work, too. My dad runs an advertising agency out of Minneapolis, so I have sort of grown up an unwitting design critic, even if I do disagree with him on certain advertising principals.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
My concentration is actually Advertising, and I have my eye on Minneapolis as an option for looking for jobs once I graduate in Spring of 2007. So that comes of interest to me.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 20, 2004
"Between the Hedges"
Really nice
Simple and understated, I like that

I may contact you at some point in time if I ever decide to do something similar

Woof, Woof - Dawg


macrumors 603
Sep 3, 2003
North Carolina
Overall, looks pretty cool, but in the photos section, it's unclear how to get back to the main page. I think I ended up using "back" to get there, but it would be better if there was a clearer way to do it.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
wordmunger when you say in the photos section, do you mean when you actually click on a title and are viewing photos, or is it unclear when you are at the main photo page. I am going to be going through all the flash pages and adding a link to direct back to the homepage because that is a concern that keeps coming up. Thanks again for the great comments.


macrumors member
Nov 14, 2005
Los Angeles
I like

Nice design. Just a quick question. That flash code for dynamicly resizing the window. Did you download it from somewhere. I've been looking for something like this in ages.


6914708 said:
On the comment about the menus, I have previously had them all the opace black, kinda like the apple dashboards in their pro apps, and iphoto, but I started sampling colors from the photos and it gave a different effect. I don't know how I feel about them yet as well. I re-did the design/music/crew menus, compare those to the contact page menu and let me know if you like the change. I'm not sure if the menus are too light of a grey.

Yeah, they look great now. I like the fact there's a uniformity to them (the grey) whilst still taking the coloured heading. Nice :)


macrumors 68030
Nov 7, 2003
You are obiviously very talented because you work is very nicely done. The overly experience of your blog was very good. Perhaps, I would add some animation to the menus. I'd also put a target="_new" for the journal link. That is just me, I'd prefer the blog open up in a new window because it ruins the theme. If you really want to you could still use blogger, but host the blog on your server and integrate it in your site, or redesign your template. This is just me being anal though. I still liked the site.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Great work (on both the site and the content of your portfolio). I also appreciated the back button taking me back. Is there any way you could use larger pics in your porfolio though, some seemed too small? It may ruin the effect you've got going on there, I'm not sure. Also I think the magnify effect would be more useful for navigation if you could increase the size of that effect maybe 10-15%. As for the color choices in your various menus, I think it's a great touch, but maybe lighen the grey shading just a touch. Overall I think it's a marvelous site. It makes me which I had a corporation so I could hire you:D .


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2005
Blackpool - UK
OMG:: :O:O:O:O i really love that design, i really want :( ive wanted something along the lines of that for ages now, never been able to capture it correct though, and basicly looks like loads of pics everywere, man thats sweeeeet well done :D:p


macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2001
Moneyapolis, Minnesota
Not to sway the mood or be too harsh, but it seems like you redesign your site every few months and that the site always has the same look and feel as the last version.

I'm still disappointed that you are using stock photography for all of those pictures. I believe you are talented enough to either use your own or make a design that doesn't require them.

Your portfolio is getting pretty large... :eek:


macrumors 603
Sep 3, 2003
North Carolina
6914708 said:
wordmunger when you say in the photos section, do you mean when you actually click on a title and are viewing photos, or is it unclear when you are at the main photo page. I am going to be going through all the flash pages and adding a link to direct back to the homepage because that is a concern that keeps coming up. Thanks again for the great comments.

I mean when you're actually viewing photos -- yes, adding a link back home on all the pages would be a good idea. It doesn't need to say "home" or have a picture of a house -- it could just be your site logo or something.


macrumors regular
Apr 17, 2004
all looks fine but... (there is always a but) that is way to much drop shadow for me. i feel like you need to run with the soft depths more or you need to shrink it up and make it more subtle. tactile feedback in the form of rollovers and visited states for you buttons would be nice too.


macrumors 6502
Sep 14, 2005
I think it looks really nice- really good use of flash and I love the way on the illustrator/photoshop/etc. pages you've sort of emulated the Dock on OSX- I was trying to do a similar thing on one of my sites recently but gave up and went for a simpler method, so well done! Did you code it yourself?

My only criticism, and this may be down to personal preference, is that the feel of the site changes when you go into one of the portfolio pages, and it almost seems like you've been directed to a different site. I would have kept everything in the rectangular box format, and keep the navigation consistent so that whatever page you are on you can link to other parts of the site without having to revert to the homepage. In my experience this makes browsing quicker and encourages users to explore a bit more. I also think there's just a bit too much content- I'm not sure why you have links to the apple site under 'technology'...What is the purpose of your site? Are you sending it to potential clients?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2003
I really appreciate all the great feedback. Let me answer a few questions and comments.

I would love to use the exact same template in both the main pages, and the portfolio pages but my knowledge of flash is very minimal still. I tried to keep the feel the best I could, and I am going to be trying to optimize that soon.

I agree with the dropshadow being slightly overdone. I am going to see what I can do to update all the pages easily with a little less shadow, my display is pretty dim right now and to me it blends almost perfectly, but I have noticed on brighter displays that it is overdone a bit.

To paul, I would love to be able to include all my own photography, and I feel I could do a more personal, and customized job by doing it. At this time I don't have the resources, and professionally I would use stock or hire a photographer because of time management.

The journal has bothered me from day 1. Yes I like to have it included it gives a personal touch to the site. I am not sure how I would ever fit all my journal content into the current template. If you have any ideas be sure to let me know, because I'm kinda stumped so far on the best way to tackle it.

On the comment about some of the content being sized to small, are you talking mostly about the hand art / indesign pages? If so those are still on my previous format for the portfolio work. I have bumped up the size on the portfolio pages most recently dated, because i noticed that as well.

The flash code that is used in the portfolio pages is very simply the code built into photoshop cs2. If you automate a photo album, and select the flash template it will write all the code, resize your photos, and build everything quickly for you. I used it initially because it saves a lot of time for me. I would like to build that code into the entire site but I am unable to at this time.

I am going to take into consideration all the great comments and do some work this weekend. It's a lot to tackle on your own. So I really do appreciate the help a lot.


macrumors member
Nov 2, 2005
Atlanta, Georgia

Great looking site. I got an error in Safari while trying to open steve keene photos though. None of the thumbnail links work. I didn't read all the other post so maybe someone already mentioned that, but just thought i'd let you know.
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