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Jun 28, 2023
This has been an interesting thread to me, but I've realized something else.
I quit the only "popular" SM I was on (facebook) about three weeks ago. And up til that point I've noticed that the battery life on my '21 MacbookPro was steadily decreasing, from over a day (I charged it every night) to dying about 7 pm at night. Since I left facebook, my battery life is now about (right now, at ten pm, exactly) 33%! My actual daily "on-line" time hasn't changed (I'm getting more news/ewetubes to replace the FB time) so I'm thinking FB had a lot of "behind the scenes" activity going on, that isn't there anymore. FWIW.
Also, even though I tried to do everything to delete everything in my FB account, I still get the occasional (every two days or so) email (!) saying that a contact left a message, memory or whatnot. If I click on that, it takes me to my FB "Notifications" column, with all the inputs from my contacts but without any advertising; I read thru them and if I notice one post that has a huge number of responses from others, I click on that to see what's up, and again get no advertisements/clickbait.
I'm actually okay with this, so am going to leave things status quo. If there's something serious with one of my contacts I can email/call them directly. Just some FYI for anyone else thinking of deleting FB (I'm resigned to the fact that I can't delete all my info they have, unless I bomb their headquarters (and I'm too old for that anymore)).

Even when I was on FB I never installed their software, just used the browser version, read up on zucks history and you’d have to be out of your mind to install anything that came from him


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2008
It is very common for girls to give "fake" numbers(taxi office in this instance) in order to indicate their lack of interest without hurting the feelings of the other person on the spot.
Poor "Applefanboy." He had no idea that the most beautiful clients were giving him fake numbers.:eek:

~Just kidding with you fanboy!
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macrumors 6502
Dec 22, 2019
It is very common for girls to give "fake" numbers(taxi office in this instance) in order to indicate their lack of interest without hurting the feelings of the other person on the spot.
Huh, I was always given the number of the local pest control.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2008
If your friends and family don’t have an iPhone it’s time to ditch them!
🤣 Some of them do. For example, my youngest son and older daughter, plus grand daughter have iPhones. My wife and I have iPhones, but some of my nephews and nieces don't. My younger daughter and grandson don't have iPhones, but my son-in-law does. However, the only friends I have in Alaska have iPhones, and so a great number of people in Alaska. For some reason iPhones are quite popular in here, including with foreign students from Asia, and India.
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Jun 28, 2023
I have family and friends in places where I would have to use a calling card (too expensive). I prefer iMessage and FaceTime, but a lot of people don't use the iPhone.

If they live in those types of places Session is a much much better choice over Facebook, works on iPhone, android or even desktops



macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
Well, now that I've run across this thread again, and am intensely thinking about it as a result, completely quitting social media would get lonely. I don't mean that in the sense that I have a social media addiction (because in my opinion, I don't), and that social media is all I could ever live for. But, in my case at least, I think it's true. Without it, I think it would be tough.

(Unfortunately, perhaps??--depends on your perspective) I don't make friends easily in real life. So social media has sort of fixed that problem because I can sort of establish myself in an online community without anyone knowing a thing about me. Sure, part of the reason why I find it so difficult is partly because there have been some instances where I just have not put in the effort. That's completely on me, and sure, there are things I can (and should) do to improve that. The other part of it has to do with (and I know this)... how should I put it... the way I was born and how I'm built. I think you know what I'm trying to imply. So in that sense, having social media has made it so that I don't have to speak or show myself. It's all (or mostly) written. In the case of stuff like Discord where there are voice channels, sure, I like being a part of those, but not until I establish myself first. No way am I jumping in one of those right away. I think that part goes for most people.
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macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Well, now that I've run across this thread again, and am intensely thinking about it as a result, completely quitting social media would get lonely. I don't mean that in the sense that I have a social media addiction (because in my opinion, I don't), and that social media is all I could ever live for. But, in my case at least, I think it's true. Without it, I think it would be tough.

(Unfortunately, perhaps??--depends on your perspective) I don't make friends easily in real life. So social media has sort of fixed that problem because I can sort of establish myself in an online community without anyone knowing a thing about me. Sure, part of the reason why I find it so difficult is partly because there have been some instances where I just have not put in the effort. That's completely on me, and sure, there are things I can (and should) do to improve that. The other part of it has to do with (and I know this)... how should I put it... the way I was born and how I'm built. I think you know what I'm trying to imply. So in that sense, having social media has made it so that I don't have to speak or show myself. It's all (or mostly) written. In the case of stuff like Discord where there are voice channels, sure, I like being a part of those, but not until I establish myself first. No way am I jumping in one of those right away. I think that part goes for most people.

I don’t think social media is capable of replacing real human interaction and friendships and love and disagreements and all that goes with real life. It’s meant as an addition. From the way you have phrased your post I’d most definitely conclude that you have a tendency towards an addiction there.


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
From the way you have phrased your post I’d most definitely conclude that you have a tendency towards an addiction there.
Really? There are plenty of things I'm doing in real life that's not on social media. None of those things are what you might call "friend activities," but I'm playing plenty of gigs, etc. If those things weren't happening, sure, I'd have an addiction. But I don't.
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macrumors 603
May 31, 2015
Well, now that I've run across this thread again, and am intensely thinking about it as a result, completely quitting social media would get lonely. I don't mean that in the sense that I have a social media addiction (because in my opinion, I don't), and that social media is all I could ever live for. But, in my case at least, I think it's true. Without it, I think it would be tough.

(Unfortunately, perhaps??--depends on your perspective) I don't make friends easily in real life. So social media has sort of fixed that problem because I can sort of establish myself in an online community without anyone knowing a thing about me. Sure, part of the reason why I find it so difficult is partly because there have been some instances where I just have not put in the effort. That's completely on me, and sure, there are things I can (and should) do to improve that. The other part of it has to do with (and I know this)... how should I put it... the way I was born and how I'm built. I think you know what I'm trying to imply. So in that sense, having social media has made it so that I don't have to speak or show myself. It's all (or mostly) written. In the case of stuff like Discord where there are voice channels, sure, I like being a part of those, but not until I establish myself first. No way am I jumping in one of those right away. I think that part goes for most people.

I don't do social media but quitting forums, like Macrumors, would get pretty lonely for me as well instead. Not totally but somewhat. Could manage but it is easier for me to make friends online too. Though I can in person but it is much more difficult for me sadly. Not impossible though.

Think we are all moving to slowly being connected 24/7 or close to it. With our smartphones, computers or macs, and watches.

VR may be the next giant leap but I hope not. If it is though so be it.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
I don't do social media but quitting forums, like Macrumors, would get pretty lonely for me as well instead. Not totally but somewhat. Could manage but it is easier for me to make friends online too. Though I can in person but it is much more difficult for me sadly. Not impossible though.
You and I are mostly in the same boat. Except for I have more social media accounts. I honestly think that (in my case at least), I can make "friends" online because no one is forcing me to reveal anything. Are my qualities deterring people from me in real life? Maybe. I have no idea, nor do I really care. I really hate discussing this, but I will say this much: I was in special education programs for most of elementary and middle school. While there, I made a couple friends, but none from outside the program. I guess you could say that now I'm friends with some adults, and I'm certainly trying in college right now.
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macrumors 603
May 31, 2015
You and I are mostly in the same boat. Except for I have more social media accounts. I honestly think that (in my case at least), I can make "friends" online because no one is forcing me to reveal anything. Are my qualities deterring people from me in real life? Maybe. I have no idea, nor do I really care. I really hate discussing my problems, but I will say this much: I was in special education programs for most of elementary and middle school. While there, I made a couple friends, but none from outside the program. I guess you could say that now I'm friends with some adults, and I'm certainly trying in college right now.

Everyone has problems even the people who you think who do not do. Every member on this forum does. That is a guarantee. Though I know you most likely already know that. Just saying. Not going to judge someone no matter what. I know sometimes we do without thinking about it. That is understandable but I think slowly that is changing maybe. I could be totally wrong.

I try not to even judge the spammers on here. lol. Know that is difficult to not do. Mainly mean the people who join just to spam with numbers or whatever text they use. Not saying what they are doing is right just saying I wish there was a way to tell who the spammer was by being able to read their mind. I know that is impossible. Just think it would be cool to be able to do if it was possible. To see their reason for doing the spamming.

In my opinion you can prevent something from happening if you can understand the reason for it sometimes. Not 100% but at least some of it.

I can give a great example. Bullying. Like in schools or the workforce. Do I think it is right? No not at all. Do I know how to solve it ? No. I am no expert.

Glad your in college!
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macrumors G4
Apr 24, 2016
Really? There are plenty of things I'm doing in real life that's not on social media. None of those things are what you might call "friend activities," but I'm playing plenty of gigs, etc. If those things weren't happening, sure, I'd have an addiction. But I don't.

We all do things in real life. That doesn’t invalidate that some mistake the internet for a like for like replacement or spend more time there than necessary. It also doesn’t cure the misconception that online people somehow replace real friendships and real human interaction.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 3, 2006
I quit Facebook proper in the lead up to the 2020 election as most of my "friends" had gone bat **** crazy and I felt it was bringing me down.

This, for the same reason - on all/both sides, frankly. 5-10 years ago people just talked about inane stuff on social media. Now it's a hate-fest on Reddit, Instagram, FB, etc.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
This, for the same reason - on all/both sides, frankly. 5-10 years ago people just talked about inane stuff on social media. Now it's a hate-fest on Reddit, Instagram, FB, etc.
Am I like the only one NOT getting ridiculous stuff on Facebook, Instagram, etc. feeds? Maybe because I only accept friend requests on Facebook from people I know, and I only follow people I know on Instagram. I also don't post much on either platform.


macrumors 6502
Feb 3, 2006
Am I like the only one NOT getting ridiculous stuff on Facebook, Instagram, etc. feeds? Maybe because I only accept friend requests on Facebook from people I know, and I only follow people I know on Instagram. I also don't post much on either platform.

You're not. I should clarify that I'm sort of separating the overall content quality from what I personally see on my feed - e.g., it's easy to see angry posts on the above listed sites, and easy to see it fuel frustrations. With that said, yes, I only accept friend requests from known sources, and I don't do anything at all on IG or the like.
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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
You're not. I should clarify that I'm sort of separating the overall content quality from what I personally see on my feed - e.g., it's easy to see angry posts on the above listed sites, and easy to see it fuel frustrations. With that said, yes, I only accept friend requests from known sources, and I don't do anything at all on IG or the like.

I dropped reddit, I have mentioned it before, I go there every so often as a guests, since my google search usually takes me there. I also do very little on FB anymore... Still have an account though. I do use IG... I look at it more as my version of Pinterest (don't have one of those accounts) since I get a lot of ideas on renovations as well as following a lot of comic book artists, writers, toys, and the like. I don't follow to many people and don't really comment on to many things.

By far, and it usually during my work week, I am on MR the most. :)
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macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
I dropped reddit, I have mentioned it before, I go there every so often as a guests, since my google search usually takes me there. I also do very little on FB anymore... Still have an account though. I do use IG... I look at it more as my version of Pinterest (don't have one of those accounts) since I get a lot of ideas on renovations as well as following a lot of comic book artists, writers, toys, and the like. I don't follow to many people and don't really comment on to many things.

By far, and it usually during my work week, I am on MR the most. :)
I hate Reddit about as much as I hate Twitter/X. I also hate Quora, too. I had an account on there back in the day—think I made it to make a single post about something, and they to this day have refused to delete my account. Search me up on Google and Quora will be the second result, I swear. So yeah... I only follow people I know on Instagram. I'm fine with random people following me on Instagram (mainly because I don't interact with my account very much), so long as they're not sus (see my thread about scams if you wanna know about that).

Don't have Pinterest (tbh I don't even know what it is). I have Instagram but rarely post on it. And I have Facebook solely for musician stuff. I hardly ever post on Facebook. Even when I have gigs, I don't really post about about them. I'm definitely NOT one of those people who posts some new article or photo or something on Facebook (or Instagram for that matter) every hour.

I'm also on Discord--and that's probably the social media I'm most active on. Had to join it for this music program thing I did a few years back, then I realized I still had the account, so I started joining more servers. It's turned out to be fine; I've experienced no major issues with bullying or scams—two things people say Discord has a problem with.
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macrumors 603
May 30, 2018
I took am month off from typing to anyone online and had a clearer mind.
I didn't cycle thinking about what someone wrote on my thread here
my mind focused on negative family situations instead.
so im back here today
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Clix Pix

macrumors Core
Recently, unintentionally, I forgot to check FB for a while, and didn't even miss it. Only when a friend mentioned something in email was I reminded that I hadn't looked in on FB for some time. It is not that important to me. I don't post anything on FB in my account, just basically use it to keep up with family and friends who are in different places in the world, and also there are a couple of photography-related groups which I follow.

I use Instagram only to follow others' accounts, don't bother with putting my own images up on there. Now it's gotten to be rather a mess with more videos than still photos. I'll probably stop looking at that too much in the future now, too.

My primary interaction with others online is through forums such as MR and a few photography ones.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
Recently, unintentionally, I forgot to check FB for a while, and didn't even miss it. Only when a friend mentioned something in email was I reminded that I hadn't looked in on FB for some time. It is not that important to me. I don't post anything on FB in my account, just basically use it to keep up with family and friends who are in different places in the world, and also there are a couple of photography-related groups which I follow.

I use Instagram only to follow others' accounts, don't bother with putting my own images up on there. Now it's gotten to be rather a mess with more videos than still photos. I'll probably stop looking at that too much in the future now, too.

My primary interaction with others online is through forums such as MR and a few photography ones.
I'm trying to use Facebook to start to establish myself as a musician in Wisconsin, so I've joined a few run-of-the-mill Wisconsin musician groups, and that's it.

I don't use Instagram to post a picture of my food or my nonexistent pets or anything. Maybe something about a performance every once in awhile—that's it.

I do like forums, but can't say they're my primary source of online interaction.
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macrumors 6502
Feb 3, 2006
I hate Reddit about as much as I hate Twitter/X. I also hate Quora, too.

I'm a fan of Discord as well.

You make an important, although possibly unintended, point, which is this - my concerns about sites providing services have absolutely squat to do with who owns what site. I hated Twitter 10 years ago because it was SO easy to see what it was being used for, and what it could become depending upon those using the site - not those running the site. FB has been the same. 10 years ago or so they 'forced' people to use their real names (sort of) and all it's done was empower people already intent on misusing the site.
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macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
I hate Reddit about as much as I hate Twitter/X. I also hate Quora, too. I had an account on there back in the day—think I made it to make a single post about something, and they to this day have refused to delete my account. Search me up on Google and Quora will be the second result, I swear. So yeah... I only follow people I know on Instagram. I'm fine with random people following me on Instagram (mainly because I don't interact with my account very much), so long as they're not sus (see my thread about scams if you wanna know about that).

Don't have Pinterest (tbh I don't even know what it is). I have Instagram but rarely post on it. And I have Facebook solely for musician stuff. I hardly ever post on Facebook. Even when I have gigs, I don't really post about about them. I'm definitely NOT one of those people who posts some new article or photo or something on Facebook (or Instagram for that matter) every hour.

I'm also on Discord--and that's probably the social media I'm most active on. Had to join it for this music program thing I did a few years back, then I realized I still had the account, so I started joining more servers. It's turned out to be fine; I've experienced no major issues with bullying or scams—two things people say Discord has a problem with.

I forgot about Discord... I am on three boards, but it is mainly to see what new items are coming out or if there are updates to a few pieces of software I use. But, the interaction is very minimal at best. I haven't experienced the bullying or scams either... but again, my use is limited.

I pretty much do the same on FB... I follow a lot of bands, comic book artists, comic book companies, as well as some toy manufactures. :)
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