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I finished the quest to acquire Freya as a companion. In game, the final stage is very demanding as far as gear, your either literally freezing or your overheated. This quest chain is minimalistic, in the RPG realm, it's really bare bones. FunCom touts it as "The Age of Heros" but this game would never standup to a real RPG. It's forte is base building, and you can build some nice bases, plus a social life for thralls was a huge step forward, although you really can't talk to any of them.
And now that Freya is my companion because she wants "to kill things", I need to work on that ;), but now that she is a companion, there is zero dialog with her. OK, game developers, here is your goal, give me NPCs I can talk to and have meaningful conversations with. A bonus is when they profess their affection for me. :D

I don't know what FunCom did, but the screen shot button that gets rid of the UI, is not currently working, hence no images. I usually avoid shots with the User Interface showing. :(
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Figured out Screenshots. This is fun building. I'll test the engine with it's ability to handle a load. It was worth buying the Observatory building kit for $10, from the game's Bizarre. It includes large windows with glass. I used parts of it to build my Tanis Residence Penthouse.

The last time I placed the Palace inland, and I did not like that it exceeded the draw distance, so you could not see it from the town area, dock. This time it will be next to the water so it will impress visitors.
Last time I serious played this 2017, there were ship mods that actually had ships sailing up and down the river. With the updates, I've not determined if they still work...

Tanas ResidenceExt.jpg

My residence up on the side of the cliff. You get to it via the second floor of the Tanis Grog Shop.

Tanas City Center Crafting Centr and Bar.jpg

City Center Crafting, note the bar at the back. This keeps people coming in from
the surrounding area. They just walk up.

Downtown Aerial Tanas Evening.jpg

Night shot includes residence, Grog Shop, worker residence and kitchen, and the Tanis Port Authority foreground, still under construction.​
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Progress on the Oasis Spa and Bathhouse:

From Residence looking at Oasis.jpg

View from Residence

Oasis Spa Barside.jpg

Oasis Spa, Swim and Bath.
On the right behind the palm is a huge boss alligator, that players are supposed to kill. I like him and had to lower ownership offset way down to keep him spawning. I've segmented the pond off from him with a one block high wall, the brown blocks on the outside, and he does not roam very much. The pond is inhabited by normal sized crocs, but the swimming area are in the spa surrounded by walls. I see no way to get thralls to swim, they will stand in the water, but just as likely they will walk off somewhere.

Oasis Bar.jpg

Oasis Bar
Not Starwars, but besides the Barkeep who I saved from imprisonment at the hands of canibals, and hired her to work there, these characters showed up on their own.

Oasis Upper Deck.jpg

Sundeck upper level, VIP Suite on right.
These characters are placed, I've not determined if they actually get up on their own or are in perpetual sleep. At work stations, thralls tend to move about. It I place them to stand and guard, as in this image, they seem immobile, unless here is an attack and if triggered they spring to fight.
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Progress on the Oasis Royal Bath House-
Here is my 2017 Oasis bathhouse. There was a time before Funcom added all the DLCs where everything was a shade of brown. Besides the original game which I got on a bargain during early access, I think I’ve added three or four DLC‘s which were $10 a pop. This time the bathhouse is a bit grander, and I’ve amended the name to the Oasis Royal Bathouse. This game satisfies my urge of wanting to be an architect…


Bathhouse 2017ish

Entrance to Royal Bathhouse.jpg

New and improved, but no longer quaint…
Bathouse entrance complete which includes guard stations.

Oasis Crock Incident.jpg
Aftermath of the Croc Incident at the Oasis Bar, getting back to entertaining.
Note: Dancer is wearing a top.
The Exiled Lands are a dangerous place. The Boss Croc I previously mentioned ended up causing issues. I don't know what agroed him, but he got up into this area and wreaked havoc, killing a couple of my NPCs before returning to the lagoon. Luckily the game won't let him destroy furniture. Damn it, I should of taken an image while the big fight was going on. I had to settle for the one above.

I tried with a couple of NPCs, not in God Mode to kill him, we got him down fairly low health, but I never made it to the goal. Just not enough patience. He’s just to damn tough and all I have is sword, axe, hammer, and measly arrows. It really does require a crew to take him down. Hence, he is the Boss crocodile.

Apparently a one high block wall is not nearly enough, but he'd never been argoed before by the NPCs. So I extended and built a 2 block high wall and now he's despawned. If you build too close to spawn points and patrol areas, NPC critters, specifically bosses, will no longer spawn.

I have to think about do I really want him back? I might try to reconfigure the wall. Before he despawbed, I watched him use human steps on his side of the wall to climb up and over. 😳 Those were removed. He was a nice attraction for the customers before he started eating them. 😜

If you wondering, the dead croc in the image is one of the little ones who made the mistake of venturing into the bar for lunch. The customers, including the dancer made quick work of him. She's got a quick access machete hidden somewhere close by. Waiting for the despawn crew to take care of it, although I could chop him up for croc stew on bread, a local delicacy... :)
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