That's the most shocking thing I've read all day!
Not that there are really very many brick & mortar camera shops left, but Ritz/Kits is definitely the McDonald's/Radio Shack/Wal-Mart of the crowd. Mostly in malls, anymore, and carry a lot of overpriced, cheaply made "house" stuff. Typically most of the employees are not camera people, but retail types, so if you found a good one, keep that resource! Thankfully, most of their margin is on processing, so they may have exactly what you're looking for at a reasonable price, no worries. Just beware the upsell.
Well, I guess I should have stated they were helpful to me
Anyway, I have been searching some of the retailers other posters have suggested and Ritz seems to have a pretty good deal going for the $749. They also offer free photography classes with the purchase so it may be a good thing to attend.