My MBP 16" M1 MAX 64Gb 8Tb used to freeze, the fan came on full blast and then it rebooted itself. Apple online Support were unable to find a solution. Apple Store took it in.. no fault found after in-depth tests. Came back again this time they wiped drive and installed OS afresh. Asked me to add applications manually. Only installed a few applications. Problem recurred.
One cannot have a laptop that intermittently freezes and reboots. Bad news in midst of a time critical financial transaction (share purchase) or during a business Zoom meeting. Or when using Excel, Word, PowerPoint and you lose all your work.
Returned the MBP and refunded. Apple Store said watch the Forums to see when the issue is sorted! Hence that's what I'm doing and I'm seeing users still reporting issues. Even the same issue when given replacement hardware! Something seriously wrong here. How many users are not reporting it and living with it? Oh! and 12.3 has not solved the problem.