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A small update. After discarding repeated update prompts in the course of the last 3 months I no longer see them and the badge has gone. I'm still on iOS 12 happily.
Mine has the badge but I know how to avoid the pop-ups. They seem to only happen if you're on the home screen and not in an app, and only between 9-11AM.

On my Mac, I set DND to 12:01AM--11:59PM every day. Can't get any of those blasted nags to update now!
I wonder are there routers that let you block domains and hosts per device on the local network?
The NetGear NightHawk range of routers (I have one) does. You don't need custom firmware either. Just go to advanced settings, security, block sites, and enter the URL or domain and voila. Unfortunately, Apple has found a workaround for tvOS. I can block every single Apple server but that breaks apps and you can't watch purchased itunes content (but you get rid of updates 100%!) It was far more practical to just EOL the Apple TV and go back to my Fire TV Stick.
Per device, I meant for a specific device on the network. E.g., to block for iPhone-MyPhone.
Speaking of the macOS System Preferences update badge I wrote an AppleScript script that creates a launch agent constantly running in the background. Once it detects the badge it removes it (it reloads Finder so that you'll know if you encounter the behaviour unexpectedly) relieving you of the necessity to either run the shell command it's based on manually, or tweak your notification settings in an attempt to find a fitting combination.
The iCloud Drive link to download the AppleScript script is posted below. Before running read the use instructions carefully.

Create Suppress SysPrefs Software Update Badge Launch Agent
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I wouldn't know a way to do it for specific devices on the network. I personally don't believe in updates (and also app updates) since iOS 7 was a thing which ruined updates. I am still using a Samsung Galaxy SII. I refuse to use 'modern' devices with a UI that feels straight out of the days of Tandy DeskMate or Amiga WorkBench.

I go out of my way to ensure no device on any network, be it mobile data or wifi (as I use public and other private wifi as well which doesn't have my personal restrictions)can get updates and no app can rearrange the aisles. It's easiest to just use a device that no longer can get updates and not run an OS new enough so apps can shove their little 'you must update to the latest version to keep using this app' pop-ups in my face. This way, I can use my favorite apps, with a UI I can stand to interact with, and not worry about them ever changing. I can use much of them blind as I know exactly where all the interactions are.

I used to go to the review section of Android Market (Play Store as it's known today, still a stupid name) and tell developers their updates suck, or that I don't want to be forced to update an app, but obviously they never listen, and I just uninstall it. There's always another app that can do the same thing but leave me alone. I make it a point never to support developers who insist on forcing their updates on people. People have a reason to avoid updates; I personally fear it flattening the UI or moving vital settings behind confusing gestures or redundant icons such as the infamous 'ellipsis, gear, hamburger menu' icons. Which one does 'settings?' You never know!

Updates used to be great--they'd fix actual bugs, or improve things (Angry Birds adding additional levels, as one example) but lately they're just changing things for the sake of change, and adding new bugs to the mix. Or outright making an app an eyesore or confusing to some users. Tell the dev, they just call you old or a luddite or worse, they tell you some form-letter style response 'have you tried turning your phone off and on again?' gosh I hate that! Not everyone who doesn't update apps or the OS is a grandparent who can't understand updates. Quite the contrary, I've had updates change things for the worse so often I just stopped doing them (making devices slower, or flattening the UI, rearranging settings, etc)
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