Before purchasing my Panasonic GT50 plasma last year, I did purchase - for the minimum 1 month - a subscription to Consumer Reports. I am a member of AVSforum for over 10 years (by far the most detailed, active and technical forum on home theater display technology, etc). I also, despite the differences between NA models and European models, had always looked at Avforums and HDTVtech in the UK. For NA, CNet was the major review site, although inferior to professional reviews of Kevin Miller, "Chad B" and "D-nice"
However, prior to purchasing the Panasonic, I was looking at other TVs which had not been reviewed by any of the above.
So the Consumer Reports subscription.
After some 15 minutes looking at their "reviews", I cancelled my subscription. They plumbed new depths in terms of "superficiality", clearly not understanding what "display quality" actually meant, all the while appealing to the LCD (lowest common...)
As I said previously, I would trust their reviews for toasters.