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I'm wondering maybe you guys can give me some advice. I bought my iPad primarily to replace my MacBook in school but I am disappointed so far.
My first issue is the lack of a decent word processor.I bought pages only to be dissappointed (it's problems have been discussed in other threads). My second issue is taking notes with a stylus is not what I expected! I tried many apps already except for that new "HD something" but I have a feeling it won't impress me.

I just hope that i can get a refund on my Apple case! I know i'll lose the 30 bucks for the power support ag film.


I did research the iPad and many reviews said it was great for note taking. I knew I was not going to replace my MBP but I thought it could replace it for taking notes in class. I love using it at home, it is light and comfortable until I have to watch a flash video. Then I have to wip out my phone or fetch the laptop. That's annoying. I knew it was not going to play flash videos but I did not think it would bother me. Its just a luxury I don't have a use for. Maybe in the future note taking will be more advance on the iPad.

You contradict yourself. You initially said it was to replace your MB ( now MBP ), now after supposed research you knew it wouldn't. Somehow in that research you missed a well known fact that it wouldn't play flash, something as a Mac owner you may already be hip to.

Again I ask, what stylus did you use with your MB? How did you take notes with the MBP? If you did type that fast and are uncomfortable with the virtual keyboard, have you considered the BT keyboard? Having done some research before hand indicating that it might not be the most comfortable way to type, I ordered a refurbed Apple BT keyboard, and I love it.

The IPad had always been presented as a luxury device. It doesn't replace a laptop, but does more than a smartphone. It is a device that the user finds a need for.

At this point, I'm guessing you are trolling. What exactly did you want our opinions for? Do yourself and many others a favor, sell it. Someone out there wants an IPad evidently more than you do. Make yourselves both happy and sell it to someone.

Once you do, I got two words for you... seller's remorse.
There sure are a lot of touchy iPad owners who seem threatened by a contrary opinion.

For the record, I'm on the fence about buying an iPad and I found this (and similar) threads very informative. It's useful and interesting to read others experiences -- good and bad -- with their iPad as I try to figure out if I'd make good use out of the device.

I don't see why everyone's calling him a troll.

You contradict yourself.

Actually, he didn't.
Why is it each time one wants to return their iPad due to dissatisfaction, it's always their fault. Either they have bad taste, had the wrong expectations, have bad vision (yes, I read this in a thread), shouldn't have bought it to replace device X, etc...

Why can't we just agree that there are definite shortcomings and limitations with the iPad (and anyone who is not drinking the Kool-Aid knows this) and to try a different device? Seems to me this would the reasonable response.
Why is it each time one wants to return their iPad due to dissatisfaction, it's always their fault. Either they have bad taste, had the wrong expectations, have bad vision (yes, I read this in a thread), shouldn't have bought it to replace device X, etc...

Why can't we just agree that there are definite shortcomings and limitations with the iPad (and anyone who is not drinking the Kool-Aid knows this) and to try a different device? Seems to me this would the reasonable response.

+1. Absolutely agree.
No one here has said there isn't shortcomings to the device, actually the opposite. The real point is that many users knew their WERE shortcomings to the device, and purchased the IPad anyways. It's buyers who bought the device supposedly unaware of the shortcomings, then come to a place where perhaps some people may be pro about the device, and want to tell everyone they are returning it. I'm guessing most at said place won't care, it instead just comes across as agitating.

With all the hype surrounding the IPad it's hard to believe that a lot of people weren't able to do some research on it. The thing had more negative press about what it isn't, what it can't do, & what it should do. More than what it actually is, ...a luxury item, a complement to devices you already own. Only after it's release did it receive more positive press from converts.

It is YOUR fault if you don't do the research on a major purchase. Do you expect sympathy for buying a car, and it doesn't fulfill your needs? Same thing for a computer or phone? No, you do your research on such products that cost a considerable amount of money. Now if the money isn't the issue... well... there's even less sympathy available.

...and yes, If one is buying something to PRIMARILY to replace something else, then says he knew it wasn't going to replace it, that would fit a definition of a contradiction.
If one is buying something to PRIMARILY to replace something else, then says he knew it wasn't going to replace it, that would fit a definition of a contradiction.

The original poster never said what you claim -- you must have just skimmed his post in your eagerness to get started on your bolded retorts.

You really should try decaffeinated. It tastes almost as good.
What I meant is that I planned substituting the MBP with the iPad ONLY in school. In other words...the MBP would be my primary computer at home but the iPad would be my portable computer.

I knew it would not play flash but the simple fact that my phone can play flash vids through "skyfire" kind of made me realize its lacking.

However, I would be willing to live lack of flash if I was able to be productive with the iPad in school (no bt keyboar, might as well bring the mbp).
I don't want to get rid of it, but I don't and should not force myself to like it.
Something else that irks me is that there are no demo for the apps...I hate to pay 4-9 dollars to find out I don't like them. I'm still on the fence. I have until next Tuesday to decide.
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