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First off, you don't "need" one. Second, you own an iPhone, so you should already have a general idea of what to expect from an iPad. If you feel that extending that capability to a larger screen provides a significant benefit, then go get one. For me the small screen on of iPhone is the biggest limitation to what I could do on it. The iPad has changed my day-to-day computing experience, so much so that when it comes time to replace my Laptop, I may buy an iMac instead.
If you have to ask then you're not cool enough to own one. We don't want your kind in our exclusive club! :mad:
Don't buy it. That is my helpful advice to you.

You clearly don't need nor want it. Why bother?
Dont get one, especially if you have a mac laptop and a iphone.. that is unless you have $700 dollars to waste... then by all means.

No body NEEDS a Ipad... you want one. You want one for a purpose...

Get a dell streak instead.
OP, convince me that I should go take a dump. You know, I could just crap my pants. Please tell me what to do!!!
Why you should buy an iPad? Because if you don't, the world as we know it will come to an end. Do you want that on your conscience?
Dont get one, especially if you have a mac laptop and a iphone.. that is unless you have $700 dollars to waste... then by all means.

No body NEEDS a Ipad... you want one. You want one for a purpose...

Get a dell streak instead.

Yeah, get a Streak if you really want to waste your money. :rolleyes:
Well thank you all so much for all your comments.(most of them were not all that nice, you people need to chill out a little) I decided not to get an iPad. I did have the luxury of playing with it for a while and while its pretty cool, its just a big ass iPhone. If I didnt have an iPhone I would probably have gotten one, but since I do, there is no reason for me.

Thanks again for your responses, although im not sure any one of you can give me a reason that suggests the benefits over an iphone.
Thanks again for your responses, although im not sure any one of you can give me a reason that suggests the benefits over an iphone.

If you're simply trying to understand the benefits an iPad would offer you vs. an iPhone, I would imagine that a quick glance at the official website would give you as good an overview as any comment on this site. They are simply quite different products.

I think that the reason you got some hostile responses on this board is simply because you're asking a community (us) to prove to someone (you) why you should buy a product. The answer is twofold - firstly the capabilities of the product are easily researched by typing "iPad" into google; and as to whether the product is worth buying, well nobody can answer that question but you.
Well thank you all so much for all your comments.(most of them were not all that nice, you people need to chill out a little) I decided not to get an iPad. I did have the luxury of playing with it for a while and while its pretty cool, its just a big ass iPhone. If I didnt have an iPhone I would probably have gotten one, but since I do, there is no reason for me.

Thanks again for your responses, although im not sure any one of you can give me a reason that suggests the benefits over an iphone.

The benefits are you get a larger screen, you can see more of your iphone. A few Ipad apps. There are no features that are on the ipad that you cant get on your iphone... if you want just a larger screen... then get one.

I bought one because it makes me feel good to buy things, and it is a type of thing that I did not have yet, so I could justify buying it to myself.

This is the real reason that it has been successful. I'd bet anything that most of the people buying it right now are simply those who are sick of walking into Best Buy and realizing that there is absolutely nothing left for them to get.
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