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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 19, 2006
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I just can't find it in a search. I have been a lifelong PC user. I have a 4 year old Dell. Based on my work duties and my desire to spruce up my computing life (which unfortunately takes up a big part of my work at home days) I've decided to buy an Imac or MBP when the new processors arrive. (crosses fingers for a September release) I am just bored with windows and the general hassle of worrying about Viruses, spyware and such. I played with one in the mac store and felt that with a lot of learning, the OS I would really enjoy the working with the mac.

My significant other, soon to be fiance, thinks I am crazy for buying a mac. Since we are planning on moving in together soon, we try to make big purchase decisions together. We need 2 computers as both of our jobs require some home computing. I bought her a dell a few months ago.

Its not one of those things that would prevent me from buying it, but I just want her on the same page as me. She insists macs are stupid and I just want one as they are the new fad of the day and I would be better of just buying another Dell. Again I would still buy it, but I would rather her on the same page.

What do you think the best way to convince her that the mac would be the best way to go?
Once you show her that you can run Mac OSX AND all of her favorite
Windows XP programs on the same machine, she'll see the light.

If either one of you does presentations, you'll put everyone else to shame running Keynote.

You might give us a list of what your spouse to be considers essential applications that she can not live without.
Just a few points:

1. Macs are definitely not a fad. They've been around for over 22 years now.
2. Viruses, spyware and other malware are a non-issue for Macs.
3. Does she/he know what Unix is? Because that's what Mac OS X is.
4. Do you know your way around iLife applications? If you do, show her/him what they can do. If not, take her/him to an Apple Store and ask them to demonstrate. Or take her/him to one of their in-store clinics.
5. MS Office 2004 for Mac is compatible with Office for Windows.

I wouldn't push the idea of running Windows too much. The point is, it's a Mac, not just a good-looking PC.
levitynyc said:
What do you think the best way to convince her that the mac would be the best way to go?

When a person is of the fervent anti-Apple mindset the way your SO seems to be, I personally would not invest too much time trying to alter her views. You stated you will purchase what you want notwithstanding her lack of support (I agree with that), and your household will be better for it. It is only a computer purchase, not a matter of life or death ... I see no compelling need for everyone to be on the same page. Good luck.
Abstract said:
Tell her that her Dell computer makes her ass look fat.

A good answer but to be used with caution. Unless, of course, you have a soft spot for attending those Weight Watcher meetings as a supportive partner. :)
the real question is why would you marry someone who thinks that?

kidding. just kidding.

or not.
FFTT said:
Tell her she can't use your Mac!

Then wait till her Dell crashes and wipes out all her important files.
or you could purposely 'accidentally" fill her drive with viruses :rolleyes:

my mate did that to his mum. they now own a mac :D
If she's going to be your fiance, the PC=Mac question is right up there with the do you want kids question.

If all else fails, Abstract's response is sure to work.
My husband insists on keeping a PC, and I don't care about it. I just told him that if it gets infected he cannot come crying to me, I will just laugh at him :D
What does it really matter that she has a PC? You can network your Mac to the PC, share files in Office, anything.
Sometimes you just have to let it go and use your mac and let her use her PC. I have a family who swear by HP and even when my sister was looking for a new PC my family pushed her to get an HP. I am still the sole mac user in the house and they taunt me at every opportunity and exaggerate any thing they see as negative about Apple.

I still get flamed for MacBook/MacBook Pro issues (your macs suck, they burn with heat and whine). Heck when i had my computer in for a display replacement...they didnt let me live it down (Your mac always has to go to the Doctor).

I would say macs speak for themselves. So just buy your mac and enjoy it. Enjoy dual booting,aesthetics, performance and happiness. She'll notice and may reconsider with time as my brother is gently starting to.
Definitely the best way to convince her is to buy one anyway and she'll see it and start to come round. I had a PowerBook and my boyfriend still insisted on buying himself a Windows laptop to play HalfLife 2 on it. He wasn't anti-Mac, but thought that he'd be just as happy using Windows. A year later I was putting it on eBay for him and he was buying an iBook. :D

When he had the Windows laptop, he kept saying "ooh, can I just use yours for a second, because mine'll take ages to boot up", and I think it was that sort of thing that won him over — it was convenient and easy and nice to use. So I think the best thing to do is just to go for it. When you get to your new house and set up your network, you'll do it in 2 minutes on your Mac, and then fiddle around for ages on her Dell. Stuff like this will start to make her realise how much easier it is.

And if she doesn't end up "coverting" ;) , no worries. You'll still be using a computer that suits you, and if she's happy with Windows it maybe just suits her better. As erikamsterdam says above, they'll network with each other and files are compatible. When we had both there was very rarely an issue with file types or anything like that.
Not worth it.

You become tech support when they don't know how to use it.

Ungrateful bastards.

I stopped trying to convert people ages ago. I just point and laugh when a virus cripples their machines now.
And, on top of that, for years we were a 3 OS household. Window$, Mac and Linux, all in one happy network :D All thanks to wonderful Samba.
My wife has a Dell that is provided for her by the school she teaches at. She thought I was nuts when I switched our home desk top to an iMac. Now we fight over the iMac while her Dell stays in her briefcase.....
levitynyc said:
I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I just can't find it in a search. I have been a lifelong PC user. I have a 4 year old Dell. Based on my work duties and my desire to spruce up my computing life (which unfortunately takes up a big part of my work at home days) I've decided to buy an Imac or MBP when the new processors arrive. (crosses fingers for a September release) I am just bored with windows and the general hassle of worrying about Viruses, spyware and such. I played with one in the mac store and felt that with a lot of learning, the OS I would really enjoy the working with the mac.

My significant other, soon to be fiance, thinks I am crazy for buying a mac. Since we are planning on moving in together soon, we try to make big purchase decisions together. We need 2 computers as both of our jobs require some home computing. I bought her a dell a few months ago.

Its not one of those things that would prevent me from buying it, but I just want her on the same page as me. She insists macs are stupid and I just want one as they are the new fad of the day and I would be better of just buying another Dell. Again I would still buy it, but I would rather her on the same page.

What do you think the best way to convince her that the mac would be the best way to go?

bring her to a local mac store and test drive one. that oughta let her see the her expose and viruses...easy workflow....trendy appeal

and if that doesn't work,

tell her she's cut off from getting any ;)

deepisland said:
Just tell her you are the man in the relationship, and that you are buying a Mac. No discussion. :)

Even the oddsmakers in Las Vegas would not give that strategy much of a chance of working.
Scarlet Fever said:
or you could purposely 'accidentally" fill her drive with viruses :rolleyes:

my mate did that to his mum. they now own a mac :D

Yeah, that the way to prove that pc's are more prone to viruses ... wait, I'll go crash my car to prove it stops driving if it hits a wall :rolleyes:
FFTT said:
Tell her she can't use your Mac!

Then wait till her Dell crashes and wipes out all her important files.

This is how I turned my SO into a (soon to be) MacHead :)
Don't forget to regularly backup her stuff on your Mac (hint: use the \\machine\c$ IPC share so she won't have anything to set up).

You'll end up gaining multiple b* points for that.

So go ahead, buy your Mac, prove that YOU are the alpha male, then save the day ;)
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