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I just recently bought a Macbook (first Mac), and my wife was not happy with it b/c Macs reminded her of "industrial arts". I'm not really sure what that meant...

Anyway, two weeks later and she's used our PC once. I think she's sold on the Mac platform and that our next desktop will probably be a Mac of some sort.

So, to answer your question, if you spend the rest of your life together trying to convince her of a certain thing you'll be beating your head against a wall. Do what you want to do and let her adjust from least when it comes to purchasing computers!
Scarlet Fever said:
or you could purposely 'accidentally" fill her drive with viruses :rolleyes:

my mate did that to his mum. they now own a mac :D

LOL, naughty boy :D
To the OP:

Just get the Mac. Once you use it enough I'm sure she'll come over to the light side.

My dad is the same way, takes every opportunity to riducle Apple, refuses to try it, only uses my Mom's PowerBook when he has too. When I get my iMac, he'll see. :)

mini.boss said:
Say you win and she goes mac. Whats next? Are you going to decide which car she should buy, which direction the toilet paper is supposed to be facing and what gender kid she should push out? Macs and PC's work together just fine so why cant Mac and PC users?

Maybe you won't understand this yet, but theres something great about a woman who can make her own decisions.

Don't be silly. There have been threads just like this on how to convince people's parents and siblings and families to switch to Mac, but as soon as it's a girlfriend, it's being controlling? You're looking WAY too much into it.

There is something great about a woman who can make her own decision. However, there is also something bad about a woman (or man!) who refuses to try a better solution just because they don't want to listen.
I've deliberately not got my GF a Mac.

Face facts, we're Apple usin', pustule poppin' geeks, except for the pustules ;)

How else are we supposed to maintain our air of mystery to our women if we give them the one undefinable thing about us that makes us perfect men?

Buy your mac, password protect it and keep her off ;)

(This is in jest, for the unhumorously gifted)
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