Weird it didnt post entire text sorry. I was told by Apple and a bunch of other sources in order to run my new 49” dell monitor at full resolution I would need the eGPU since the on board graphics card cant handle the 5120x1440 resolutionIf you what? Mac Pro has PCIe support, why bother with eGPU???
I have tried everything :-( that’s why I went this route.yep i cant see why it wont work, use a DP cable to the display and see if it works.
lot simpler than using an egpu
when I change it to the 5120x1440 setting it shows (low resolution)
Isn't that exactly what you want.
"Low resolution" means no retina, that means exactly rendering and transmitting at 5120x1440.
That's the prefect resolution for a 49" 5120x1440 monitor.
what display is it? modle number
is it this one
Computer Accessories and Peripherals
Shop Dell’s high-quality computer accessories like keyboards, mice, webcams, batteries and more. Enjoy great deals and build your ideal PC setup for home or
blind gess as it was the first hit for dell 5120x1440
this may help
Connect a display to your Mac - Apple Support
Mac computers support one or more external displays, depending on the Mac model. Here's how to connect an external
make sure your cable is DP1.2 or higher speck
edit ok not sure now after some google time you may need the EGPU if the display dose not suport dual DP inputs to drive it but not 100% as iv not used both the 2013 mp or a display like that
try this app and see what it shows
it is what I want and need but the image is so stretched by menu bar doesn’t even show only 2 icons on the right of the screen.
thank you for the help I will take a look but I did research for a good 3 weeks andkept getting same answers even Apple genius mentioned I would need the eGPU but I’ll for sure check out your suggestion as well
I will take some shots and post it tonight once I am home.Is there any screen capture / photos etc to illustrate how wrong the image is?
I am also using 32:9 monitor, but 3840x1080 @144Hz. So, you can see 5120x1440 @60Hz at here, right?
View attachment 864978
And the desktop looks like this.
View attachment 864979
when you say you cant see the menu bar can you be more clear as i see it in the screen shot at the top of the screen, is it visible in the screen shot but not on the display?menu bar is no where to be seen
So here is where I am at now.
Got the Vega 64 in the Core X originally it showed up in the display as vega 64 but now only shows External GPU as shows below.
View attachment 865084
So when I try to take a screen shot of how bad the screen looks the screen shot shows perfect but everything is pixelized and stretched out. As you can see only shows half the screen and the menu bar is no where to be seen but the image is clean.
View attachment 865085
And this is what I mean where the options show "low resolution"
View attachment 865086
can you select 5120 x 1440 and take a screen shot?
it looks like you have the display set to a not native rez of 3840x1080, is that why it looks bad to you?
when you say you cant see the menu bar can you be more clear as i see it in the screen shot at the top of the screen, is it visible in the screen shot but not on the display?
if you have time check what this part of system info says
View attachment 865096
edit i did notice the screenshot of the desktop you posted is 3495x1393 which is a odd size but im not sure if it's a full screen grab or if the forum has resized it?
o and ignore the bit where system prefes say low rez it may just be a bug or something, if you select that option and it makes the display show at native rezz than that's all you want.
may also be worth checking the displays OSD settings
No problem, this is what it should looks like when you select 5120x1440 low resolution.
View attachment 865175
I can see that your screen capture isn't really at 32:9 ratio. So, I can understand why the top right icons are missing. However, don't know the reason yet.
So, even display via the Vega64, still exactly the same?
Driver is included inside the OS.Anyone know where I can find AMD RX VEGA 64 drivers?
Driver is included inside the OS.
Did you try Luxmark etc to check if the Vega64 can work in headless mode.