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I really am surprised at such a huge backlash right away. Sure there are some things I wish were included, but realistically I don't think it was all bad. For the most part it's going to make my 13" MBP sit on the shelf. I'll just use my iMac for more intense computing and the MBP when I need to do the same on the go. Otherwise the iPad would suit me just fine.

I get the impression that people are just looking for a complete notebook replacement in a tablet format. That seems unrealistic to me. I also think people are expecting far too much from a 1st gen device. I'm looking forward to what the iPad can accomplish and I think a lot of issues can be solved with software revisions from 3rd parties as well as Apple updates.
Put me down for a fail.
It could have been great but leaves so much out.

1. No flash. I don't care about flash much but I would love a device like this that I could watch hulu or other video sites besides youtube.

2. No SD card or USB support. Can't use it as a device to display my photos I just shot on remote location.

3. No free 3G downloads of iTunes or iBook content like the Kindle (or at least it wasn't mentioned).

4. Still have to use a cord to connect to your computer. This is unthinkable in 2010.

5. No camera. No video conferencing. This would be a nice feature.

All adds up to a no buy for me.

I get the impression that people are just looking for a complete notebook replacement in a tablet format. That seems unrealistic to me.

It really isn't with today's technology. Have you held a Macbook Air? I would be satisfied with it in tablet form.
More I see iPad, instead of seeing innovation, I see Apple being more concerned about not undercutting the sales of their existing product line....
Almost everything that iPad could have included, such as flash, camera, connectivity without peripherals, and multi-tasking are more than technically possible with current hardware.
iPad could have been so much more, but they just couldn't.
It really isn't with today's technology. Have you held a Macbook Air? I would be satisfied with it in tablet form.

Ok, so you would still have the issue of running a full version of OSX with a completely multitouch interface. I'm not so sure I'd want to have to deal with that. Sounds like I'm in the minority.
Lack of a DVD/ cd drive does it for me. Was hoping to be able to watch my collection of movies and tv shows on it.

PLUS: what's with apple creating proprietry adapters for things that come standard on all other equivilant products. I'm talking 'bout the lack of at least one USB connector. Instead, you must buy an overpriced adaptor for standard features. The same with the MacBooks mini display port- which replaced the mini dvi, which replaced VGA adaptor.

With all that dislike, I will say it still lookz like an Awesome product!
Based on what was shown at CES 2010...

Lots of e-book readers...

Lots of tablet/slate Windows & Linux devices...

The iPad will sell and succeed really well.

Probably not in iPod or iPhone numbers, but still really well.

It really isn't with today's technology. Have you held a Macbook Air? I would be satisfied with it in tablet form.

I have seen the crappy hinges break rather easy, just bend that sucker around lol.

Bingo! Tablet form you shall have!

** Not to mention you would then have a mini, George Forman grill! Blocking those heat vents off with the lid would make the MBA a very nice grill!
This thing is going to sell ridiculously well.

I kind of think of it almost as an evolution of the MacBook Air. The majority of people who bought one of those probably use it for the basics; internet, iphoto, youtube, basic word processing. The iPad seems like it can do all of those things, in a smaller package.

Anybody who needs to real high powered stuff will buy a MacBook Pro. For the majority of computer users though, the iPad will work fine.

I also think the big revolution is in the multi-touch interface. How long will it be before the mouse is extinct and all computers are either touch screen or have a second LCD where the keyboard normally sits that can be used as a virtual keyboard or large surface touch interface.
I understand that people were expecting a full fledged computer but seriously with everything the iPhone OS has going for it and everything thats backing it the iPad's software is fine for the first iteration. Apple said this would fill a gap their perceived between laptops and smartphones. It does just that. Having a full fledged desktop OS would make it a tablet laptop and thats not what they said they created.
I sincerely hope it fails. SJ needs to learn - albeit it doesn't seem possible - what we really want.

and what do you really want? seriously wondering what you are expecting from something called a 'Pad'.. FPS-like graphics? it has iwork... its a pad not a freaking gaming frisbee

it seems to me like the 'we' has no real interest in anything specific and just a bunch of garbled nonsense..

its a Pad.. like a notepad but all high-tech, what in the world do you want? the 3 grand minicomputers failed, and failed hard.

plus there is the macbook air, although with iWork, what does the air actually do? see above about minicomputers
I think relative to other hugely successful Apple products, yes, it will be a failure, but that means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
It's only just released and people are asking if it'll fail? Come on, give it a break. :rolleyes:
people not in the know will think its a revolution,but most people that keep up with wots out there and new will know its already outdated with its 1ghz rofl
people not in the know will think its a revolution,but most people that keep up with wots out there and new will know its already outdated with its 1ghz rofl

Ghz does not mean anything. Ask people who have actually used it and they will tell you it's blazing fast.
2 - without e-ink it really can't compete with the kindle

It might not be too bold to say that e-ink is the Betamax of the 21st century. I haven't seen anyone complain about trying to read the iPad's screen, which is what a lot of e-ink supporters were saying over the course of the last few months. To me, that's telling.

3 - why would companies pay $500-800 for a crippled tablet when they can buy fully featured pc laptops for the same price that can run MS Office and their proprietary security software? any software you run on the ipad has to go through the app store. why go through that headache?

Not in all situations, but there are going to be companies (and I'll bet mine could be one of them) that are going to look first at the price point. This is easily half the cost of the most basic corporate laptop. If you're big enough to buy a couple hundred laptops a year, the iPad looks more attractive, especially during this recession.

Two, the thing's data will almost have to be stored on corporate servers. The IT Nazis are going to love that.

Three, IT is also going to love the security it promises to have. OK, I'm making a leap here, feel free to shoot me down, but an iPad should have far fewer security concerns than your average PC laptop. And without any moving parts, it also OUGHT to have fewer repair issues.

On top of that, lots of corporate people are responsible for MOVING data, not creating it. Those folks are perfect iPad converts.

I don't expect it to REPLACE the laptop, but assuming Apple can deliver them and they work, corporate America could be ripe to embrace the iPad.

people not in the know will think its a revolution,but most people that keep up with wots out there and new will know its already outdated with its 1ghz rofl

Outdated by what? If you read the first impressions they all say its blisteringly fast.

Were you expecting it to have a Core i3 or something? For all that huge computation you would be doing on it?
For a first generation version of a new device, this thing is great, and it will evolve.

It's great and it will get greater.

Look at the first iPod as an example...

I sincerely hope it fails. SJ needs to learn - albeit it doesn't seem possible - what we really want.
Why, I hate to see any one fail. Anyways apple has had its share of failures and both apple and jobs learn from that, or at the very least move on. You imply that apple doesn't have a clue to what we really want, and while the iPad is debatable. Just look at apple's track record with the iPod, iTunes, iPhone, Macs (mbp, mini, imacs) and you see a company intune with what the consumer wants. That doesn't mean they don't make mistakes but they're track record speaks for itself. If they didn't know what the consumer wanted, they'd not be making +50 billion as jobs stated at the beginning of the keynote.

Palm. Foleo.
You may be kidding but in truth that was the first thing that popped into my head. I'm hard pressed to see the differences (funtionality wise not design wise).
I sincerely hope it fails. SJ needs to learn - albeit it doesn't seem possible - what we really want.

What you really want is idiotic and SJ knows that. Hence the :apple: team has produced something that will actually be useful (I am a PC tablet owner, Fujitsu Stylistic ST5112, so I know what I'm taking about). Perhaps you should go join the MS/PC crowd with their "awesome" touch screen laptops and desktop that is idiotic. Can anyone say "ouch my arms are hurting"?
I sincerely hope it fails. SJ needs to learn - albeit it doesn't seem possible - what we really want.

Macrumors poster does not equal the general public. People around here generally want something that is entirely unrealistic or doesn't have mass appeal.

Unless you're a multi-billionaire who has saved a company from the brink of destruction and introduced a series of revolutionary products to the world, you don't have a clue what you're talking about.
No. It just won't be an iPhone kind of breakaway success. I see the iPad as a lot like the macbook air--someday, it will be an amazing device. It will give Apple a huge head start on an emerging market. But it will take a little more time to gain steam.

To its credit, with such a low entry price, it will be able to avoid becoming too much of a niche device.
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