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macrumors newbie
Sep 29, 2013
Same thing happened to me. The problem was that I had a home number for the contact saved under "other" as well as a mobile number. iOS7 was sticking a mobile prefix in front of this "other" number and treating it like a mobile number. Deleting the other number stored under the contact, or putting the full international prefix before the number seems to have sorted it out for me.


macrumors newbie
Oct 12, 2013
My son was trying to FaceTime his aunt today and some guy answered. It was so weird. We use her email address to call her iPad though. I thought maybe we were doing something wrong. It never happened with iOS 6. Has Apple acknowledged this issue yet?


macrumors newbie
Mar 18, 2012
FaceTime getting wrong callee

Same thing with me, my wife left missed FaceTime call, I call her back and get a couple in Australis! Same Christian name as my wife, but my wife is in uk and I am in Bahhrain.
Worse still the Australian couple say I've called them a dozen times but my FaceTime shows me only calling my wife!
I know today is Halloween, but this goes back some several days already!

OK, So I know this thread will either go down in history as me embarassing myself and missing something obvious, or people simply won't believe me.

Since upgrading to iOS 7, and not before, I've facetimed my girlfriend a couple of times the night before last, and once this morning. She didn't answer (no jokes please :D ).

Anyway, a few minutes later a mate texts me asking why I've just tried to facetime him. I said I hadn't, suggested (as a joke mainly) it was iOS7 and he replied saying it had happened a couple of times the other night too.

It seems almost replicatable. If you use contacts, its fine. If you go into messages, select my gf, scroll to the top of the messages and press Contact > Facetime, it comes up with the video screen with the correct name at the top, but by all accounts - it calls someone else.

My call history shows I facetimed the girlfriend. My mate's call history insists I've facetimed him. Girlfriend confirms she hasn't had any missed facetime calls.

I've checked the contacts, all seems good.

Am I going mad?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 19, 2006
Mine started calling random people when I tried calling my parent's house. It also connected them to someone else at the same time. Happened several times, but turned out to be a switching issue between my cell phone provider and their landline provider.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 20, 2012
Dubai, UAE
My FaceTime went to Jonny Ive and I told him what pile of poo iOS 7 was.....

He said he it is a feature of iOS 7 that FaceTime calls random people... Idea is to get more people to know each other and spread love....


macrumors newbie
Nov 8, 2013
Got a reply on the bug report that this has been fixed. Please test and PM me if it's still not working for you. Work as expected on both of my dev iPhone 5's.

I just had it happen twice to me tonight!!! My friend and I were facetiming and her phone died and when I tried to call her back it connected me to someone else, so i hung up, then she kept trying to FT me and it wouldn't even ring or attempt to connect and so I FT'd her again and it connected me to the people I didn't know (their numbers aren't even in my contacts) AGAIN!! I had to block the number because they kept trying to facetime me. Extremely unhappy and very scared to face time now...


My son was trying to FaceTime his aunt today and some guy answered. It was so weird. We use her email address to call her iPad though. I thought maybe we were doing something wrong. It never happened with iOS 6. Has Apple acknowledged this issue yet?

Agreed it never happened with iOS6... it's extremely creepy to have it happen though, because it's such an invasion of privacy on both ends. The people who you get connected to now have your number and the people on the other end are now under the impression that you have theirs.


macrumors newbie
Dec 11, 2013

Yes, I can confirm that as of Dec 12th 2013 the same thing is happening to me. Very annoying, and somewhat scary. But so far it has only tried to call someone who was also in my contact, and who I'm friends with, so not a huge deal...yet. But I am now officially scared to sue it. Has apple commented on this?


macrumors member
Jan 17, 2010
Me Too!!

This happened to me just now. I called my Mom on Facetime and some stranger answered. My phone says I called the correct contact & number ....

Is it a coincidence that Game Center is not working for me? Everything else seems to work that's related to my Apple ID.

I also cannot do a hard reset properly. As soon as the iPhone shuts down it turns back on by itself. It's supposed to stay off until I turn it back on .... Or has this changed since iOS 6 which was the last time I did a hard reset (by holding down ON button and home button simultaneously for 10 secs).



macrumors 65816
Jun 23, 2012
Mason, OH
I also cannot do a hard reset properly. As soon as the iPhone shuts down it turns back on by itself. It's supposed to stay off until I turn it back on .... Or has this changed since iOS 6 which was the last time I did a hard reset (by holding down ON button and home button simultaneously for 10 secs).


That's how a normal hard reset works. It will shut off and then immediately start up again.


macrumors newbie
Apr 8, 2014
Nope, not fixed. Just happened to my husband last night - he tried to FaceTime me and got someone random. Then he had a missed FaceTime call today that was allegedly from my number (but it wasn't me). Not cool, Apple.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I use FaceTime quite frequently with friends. The only time it will call the wrong person (for me) is if someone is sharing their AppleID with someone else.

I tried facetime'ing a coworker the other day. A few minutes later his wife called me asking who called her. Very awkward situation that could have put me in had we not figured out what happened relatively quickly.


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2014
Still getting wrong connect on facetime in Sep. 2014

For the past 6 months or so, I have experienced the same misconnect as zoonyx: I dial my husband on facetime and I get this stranger. It has happened probably 10 times or so. I always get the same person, and she knows me by now, we just hang up. I have never gotten a wrong call from her though. My recent facetime history shows my husband's phone number, but when that happens it is not my husband's number that facetime ultimately connects to.
Very strange especially the first time it happened.


macrumors newbie
Oct 30, 2013
For the past 6 months or so, I have experienced the same misconnect as zoonyx: I dial my husband on facetime and I get this stranger. It has happened probably 10 times or so. I always get the same person, and she knows me by now, we just hang up. I have never gotten a wrong call from her though. My recent facetime history shows my husband's phone number, but when that happens it is not my husband's number that facetime ultimately connects to.
Very strange especially the first time it happened.

Just to bring this back into focus as I am having a smiler issue with my FaceTime calling.

On 9/19/14, I received a FaceTime call from my girlfriend's phone, which was peculiar because I had her phone with me at the time so that I could trade it in and get her an iPhone 6+. I answered the phone call and it was a random older lady that I had never been seen in my life. She hung up quickly, maybe traumatized from seeing my face unclose but expecting someone else. I didn't think anything of it and put it out of my mind.

Fast forward to 10/11/14, I try to face time my girlfriend and am unable to connect, while my call log shows "canceled FaceTime." I then call her using the regular phone number and click on FaceTime once she answers her phone, and am successfully able to transition over to FaceTime calling. After I hung up with her, I get an INCOMING FaceTime call from my girlfriend which I proceed to answer, and it is that same random old lady that FaceTime me back on 9/22. My phone shows my girlfriend's info, but I am speaking with an old lady I don't know. She told me that I tried to FaceTime call her a few minutes ago. I let her know there might be an issue because I was trying to FaceTime my girlfriend and somehow I got her.

Over the last few days, I've been researching this issue online and landing on this page where others are experiencing similar issues with FaceTime calling.

Anyone have any suggestions or clues?

Some specs, we are both on Verizon and on the same billing account
On 9/22, both phones were used outside on the Verizon network
-- Girlfriend's phone was an iPhone 4S running the latest iOS at that time.
-- I had an brand new iPhone 6 that was running the stock iOS on launch day

On 10/14, girlfriend was using home wifi, I was using Verizon LTE
-- Girlfriend's phone was an iPhone 6+ running iOS 8.0.2
-- I had an iPhone 6+ that was running iOS 8.0.2 (I returned my 6 for a 6+)

Anyone have any suggestions or clues?


macrumors newbie
Aug 2, 2011
Just to bring this back into focus as I am having a smiler issue with my FaceTime calling.

On 9/19/14, I received a FaceTime call from my girlfriend's phone, which was peculiar because I had her phone with me at the time so that I could trade it in and get her an iPhone 6+. I answered the phone call and it was a random older lady that I had never been seen in my life. She hung up quickly, maybe traumatized from seeing my face unclose but expecting someone else. I didn't think anything of it and put it out of my mind.

Fast forward to 10/11/14, I try to face time my girlfriend and am unable to connect, while my call log shows "canceled FaceTime." I then call her using the regular phone number and click on FaceTime once she answers her phone, and am successfully able to transition over to FaceTime calling. After I hung up with her, I get an INCOMING FaceTime call from my girlfriend which I proceed to answer, and it is that same random old lady that FaceTime me back on 9/22. My phone shows my girlfriend's info, but I am speaking with an old lady I don't know. She told me that I tried to FaceTime call her a few minutes ago. I let her know there might be an issue because I was trying to FaceTime my girlfriend and somehow I got her.

Over the last few days, I've been researching this issue online and landing on this page where others are experiencing similar issues with FaceTime calling.

Anyone have any suggestions or clues?

Some specs, we are both on Verizon and on the same billing account
On 9/22, both phones were used outside on the Verizon network
-- Girlfriend's phone was an iPhone 4S running the latest iOS at that time.
-- I had an brand new iPhone 6 that was running the stock iOS on launch day

On 10/14, girlfriend was using home wifi, I was using Verizon LTE
-- Girlfriend's phone was an iPhone 6+ running iOS 8.0.2
-- I had an iPhone 6+ that was running iOS 8.0.2 (I returned my 6 for a 6+)

Anyone have any suggestions or clues?

I just had this problem today. Tried to FaceTime someone on my contact list, whom I've called numerous times before (and in fact had recently hung up with only seconds before but had a bad connection with). Some random guy answered whom I've never met.

This is pretty disconcerting.

I'm running an iPhone 6s Plus with iOS 9.2.


macrumors newbie
Jan 22, 2016

I have been FTing my boyfriend recently and get some random school girl somewhere else in England, poor thing is petrified, thinks I'm some crazy stalker, I contacted apple who said I should delete his work email address and replace it with his personal email address which seemed to work initially even though I was not satisfied with the explanation and now it's happening again!

Today I was pulling strange faces at her as she was covering her camera and I was yelling for my boyfriend to answer me when it wasn't him. Then I get a text from what appeared to be him but from the girl asking who the F*€% I was.

This is scary and frustrating!
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