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My D2VOX usb audio device workes HORRIBLY with Deck 3.5. It starts popping and clicking and everything after 5 secs.

But with other apps, it works fine.. strange issue.
the state of osx music dec 2002

here's a interesting article on the subject
Re: the state of osx music dec 2002

Originally posted by daveg5
here's a interesting article on the subject
he mistakenly said emagics logic was the first pro daw for osx when it was bias deck 3.5 and had no mention of yamaha's mlan firewire audio or thier dsp factory and many other card makers s which was the 2nd most used card in cubase pollor even emagic/apple audiocards
looks like anoter full year until everything is up to stuff.

i'm have a terrible time trying to get imic to work with cubase sx.
im currently running a imac/osx2.1(jaguar)

the problem is that when i choose the imic under the device settings in sx it says someting aobut not being able to find the 'record file'.

im not sure if i should be trying to find some type of ASIO driver for it to work?

or is the imic not even compatable with cubasesx..
Well, i'm using Panther 10.3.2, and I just purchased an imic as well. I have an iMacDV 450. I'm also using Cubase SX as my primary multitracker. For a current project I have been testing audio on 4 different types of Macs. Here's what I've personally experienced;
I went to use Protools 5 Free, but it had an outdated OMS. So after a long painfull search, I found one. I didn't even get to the part where the imic would've been a problem when I gave up on that. (I HATE OS9, I don't care how important the job!) So back in OSX, I've found it best to use Sound Studio 2.0.7 to check my signal. Now it works, but I already notice line buzz/hum. It's VERY small, but my ears hear it. So, back to Cubase,... I was able to download a driver from Griffen Technology to support some programs, but they didn't mention Cubase. In the VST settings, it SHOWS the imic, but once you hit the record button, the error comes up stating that "Record could not be enabled because there is no input." Herein lies the problem. There is no hardware attached, so they might not have this worked out at the time of this postings. BUT, I MUST use this time to tell all the other posters, "If you haven't used OSX, or the apps we're talking about here, PLEASE keep your comments to yourself. You help no one with your hear-say." With THAT out of the way, This project WILL see this issue through, if I have to use a friends comp that has a Digi 001 & Sound card, instead of takleing Pro Audio on an unqualified comp. Also, I've found that some Pro Studios still use 9600's reliably AND in OS9. Although I feel sorry for their 200mhz & 512 of ram, but I envy thier results. Look for more posts from me. ~MidNyte
I should have said this beforehand,
the iMac has a sound input jack on the righ hand side. You can plug directly into that, and set the audio setting to built-in audio.
Next, (I) use SoundStudio 2.0.7 (free demo) to hear the signal.
When in SoundStudio, go to Audio/Sound Input-Output Settings. In That dialog, choose Built-in Audio. If you choose Hardware Play-through, there will be NO delay in what you hear. But in Soft Play-through there IS a small delay.
If you choose the latter, then click the Advanced tab & adjust the top latency slider. It controls the delay you hear. You MUST click OK to hear the change. I use a low setting of like 7 before it starts to sound horrible. The second slider is the Recorded latency. Mine is set to 35. but feel free to experiement with these settings. This is a great app for 1 stereo track recording, but not for multi-tracking like in Cubase SX.
But at this point, you can now open Cubase/Device Setup/VST Multitrack/ Choose Built-in Audio. (Make sure SoundStudio is running in the background. You can hide the window in the dock. This is where you set your levels.) Cubase will now hear the signal from SoundStudio. All there is left to do now is go to Project/New track, and hit the record button. Viola' Sound! But,.....a horribly noticable buzz awaits you. This is the problem i'm currently trying to solve at the moment. ~MidNyte
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