How do I check the status of my order?Did you have the same 14-24th estimate for delivery?
I wonder if I made the right choice...
How do I check the status of my order?Did you have the same 14-24th estimate for delivery?
I wonder if I made the right choice...
How do I check the status of my order?
There has been a wave of restocking on certain 12.9 models at Apple Stores nation wide this week.
All five of my local stores had 256GB space gray in stock yesterday, three still available today.
I'm in SoCal and I was referring to the 256GB wifi SG model.At click on the shopping bag on the far right of the top menu. In the drop down click on "orders." From there you can either sign in or enter your order number and you see your order and status.
I have to ask... which country. Curious because iStockNow reports none in the U.S. Looks like Germany is the only country with decent stock of that model. But if iStockNow is wrong and you are in the U.S. which stores are you looking at?
Mine has arrived in Charleston this morning, but I am guessing it won't be delivered until Monday because in the special delivery section on FedEx is says "Deliver weekday".
Isn't this stock issue been there before the new iPads?
Yes and no. There's been low stock whenever a new iPad launched before, but this time it's a little different. Like...damn. We all saw the smaller less expensive one as the big seller and the bigger one as niche, but you can't walk into a store within 600 miles of my house and get a single model. No matter what configuration you get.
Some people like to speculate the low stock is attributed to apple underestimating demand and blah blah whatever the hell. But that is looking at things with such a narrow focus it's ridiculous. Look at all the posts on here, on Reddit and all over tech sites about iOS 11 and the iPad since wwdc. The general tone about the iPad has shifted and now you're getting people every single day asking about "whether an iPad can replace thier laptop and will it do this and that" and the interest is far far different this year than the year the first iPad Pro launched. There's this feeling in the air that people are actually interested in moving to iPad and not even the small one. The big one.
People are excited for iOS 11 and multitasking and we're more accustomed to larger devices now. When it first launched, the 12.9 inch iPad (can we call it the ipad 13 already? .1 off and we gotta get so specific) was seen as a device primarily for artists or people doing a very specific type of work and the very idea of "can an iPad replace my laptop" wasn't asked as much and if it was. The answer was usually "lol you funny". Now the size of the iPad 13 is more acceptable and we've gotten used to it and the general public is more cool with it because they like the contrast in size difference between it and their phone. The smaller iPad didn't seem much bigger than my phone, that's why I used my iPad so rarely. With my iPad SO much larger, I see a benefit to using it vs my phone now. And more people do too
My theory? There's a ton of people finally switching over to the larger iPad this year because of a cultural shift AND because iOS 11 is a big freaking deal
We all saw the smaller less expensive one as the big seller and the bigger one as niche, but you can't walk into a store within 600 miles of my house and get a single model. No matter what configuration you get.
I ordered a 12.9" Space Gray 256GB Wi-Fi+Cell from B&H on July 13th, and it shipped today. Their website is still showing that model as "Coming Soon". They do have several of the others in stock now though.
BTW I don't think people are considering the 12.9 because of a cultural shift, but rather it's a better iPP than the first gen. It's lighter and the gap between the middle model (10.5) doesn't make the 12.9 seem as quite as big now. It's what got me to test it out. We'll see how it works out in real life rather than a showroom.
I don't buy that. That's copy and paste logic from every other thread jumping to the "apple sucks with stocking" theory. There isn't ANY iPad Pro 12.9, no matter the configuration within 600 miles of my location. Ordering directly from apple is more than a 2 week wait. There's a bit more at play here than just the routine low stock after launch stuff.In the U.S. at least, the WiFi only version can be had, esp white bezel. This based both on iStockNow and my own searching, both locally and online. It's the cellular, really the Space Gray 256GB that's so impossible. If we were a week after launch I'd understand. But we are over a month after launch. It's really very similar to the iPhone 7 plus situation last year.
I know everyone has their own theory but I believe, even though TC apologized for missing demand of the iPhone 7+, Apple does this intentionally -- not to hype up demand, low stock does the opposite and Apple's MBA's understand that phenomena, but rather Apple is shy about flooding inventory of a model so it's slow on the ramp up. It has so many SKUs and has no real sales data which one will be the lead model so it just makes a few of each and then watches which ones sell and then adjusts production ratios months later. You could say it has last model's sales data, but that was last model. I mean how many of us had zero interest in the 12.9 when it launched in 2015? I'm guessing a lot.
To wit, In the past week I have come across white bezel cellular 256s. I have also found black bezel 64 and 512GB cellulars. It's the Space Gray cellular 256GB that everyone wants and is backordered. It doesn't seem to be a parts issue since other 12.9s have immediately availability. It looks completely like supply and demand to me.
Amazing. Congrats for such a quick turn around there. Jealous. Still have another 1.5 weeks or so -- but I'll survive with my "measly" IPP 9.7.
I don't buy that. That's copy and paste logic from every other thread jumping to the "apple sucks with stocking" theory. There isn't ANY iPad Pro 12.9, no matter the configuration within 600 miles of my location. Ordering directly from apple is more than a 2 week wait. There's a bit more at play here than just the routine low stock after launch stuff.
10.5's are in stock everywhere near me and every configuration. But maybe apple just doesn't want us to buy bigger more expensive iPads
I guess I should have added a /s at the endSo, you don't buy his explanation, but somehow you think that Apple is selling something they don't want us to buy?
I don't buy that. That's copy and paste logic from every other thread jumping to the "apple sucks with stocking" theory. There isn't ANY iPad Pro 12.9, no matter the configuration within 600 miles of my location.
Seattle/Tacoma area in Washington is hardly the boonies. And I had an apple specialist try to help me find inventory within 600 miles of me and couldn't find anything except for a single gold model
Just clicked the site you included and still didn't see any. Unless I'm missing something?
My order finally went to preparing for shipment and I've been charged for the device!
12.9" Space Gray 256gb Wifi only
Ordered on July 12, estimate July 26 - Aug 2
Me too! I ordered mine on July 12th with same configuration and I was just charged this morning! Hopes to get mine pretty soon!My order finally went to preparing for shipment and I've been charged for the device!
12.9" Space Gray 256gb Wifi only
Ordered on July 12, estimate July 26 - Aug 2
Me too! I ordered mine on July 12th with same configuration and I was just charged this morning! Hopes to get mine pretty soon!
I got the shipping notification on July 19, and it had already left China on July 18, went to Hong Kong and then, Taiwan, before jetting to Alaska where it stayed overnight, it then headed to Tenessee, before arriving in Charleston early on Saturday morning. It is now on a truck out for delivery today. It is scheduled for a weekday delivery, otherwise, I would have got it a couple days ago.