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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2010
Before I start, I'm not new to these forums and I just spent a good amount of time looking for already existing threads relating my question. So far, I came up empty, so any help is appreciated. If there is an existing thread, please kindly point me in that direction. :)

Anyway, I just decided to get an iPad 3G (32 GB) and am looking to purchase in store. I was just wondering if there are places that are more likely to even have the iPad in stock (Best Buy, Apple Store, etc.). I called a few stores tonight and one Apple Store only had limited quantities of 64 GB models, one had none in stock, and the other I never got through to over the phone. I also called Best Buy which had no 32 GB 3G models in stock. All this brings me to my main question...

Is it best to go to the stores in the morning and are there set delivery days for stores (Obviously, if I walked in right after a delivery, there would be more on hand)? I'm looking to make another attempt tomorrow, so any help is greatly appreciated! :)
you would want to get on the priority list because even if they have ipads in stock they wont giving them to you unless theres no one on the list and apple stores are more likely to have them because they get about 50 a day and best buys only get about 15 a day
you would want to get on the priority list because even if they have ipads in stock they wont giving them to you unless theres no one on the list and apple stores are more likely to have them because they get about 50 a day and best buys only get about 15 a day

Wow, 50 a day is pretty crazy! I will head to an Apple store. I would love to hear more about the "priority list" though. I didn't really know that it existed.
From what I can tell, most Apple stores are still putting people on a wait list and telling them that they'll call them within a week or so. If you want to give Best Buy a shot, you're best bet is to check their store stock online:

From what I've been told BB stores receive their stock in early afternoon, so that's probably the best time to do your searching.
there are usually 300 people on a priority list at least at my local store so it can take anywhere from 3 to 6 days to get your ipad but its still quicker than ordering online. you can only reserve 1 ipad per apple id (itunes account) and you can only buy two per person. when your ipad is ready you will get an email telling you to come pick up you ipad you have 24 hour to get it and if you dont it goes to next person on the list.
I was about to post a similar question. My girlfriend will be in LA and Vegas next week and was hoping to pick up a 3G (she's from Australia).

Sounds like she will have trouble doing this, correct?
About a week ago, I walked into the Best Buy in San Jose and bought a 64GB iPad 3G. This seems to be the only model that they are currently getting significant numbers of. The BB website reports that the Harrison St. store in SF has them in stock now.

I'm really happy that I got the 64GB model. I'll be using it a lot for travel so the storage will be important for storing movies and uploading photos. If you're just using it around home, the maxi-iPad may be overkill though.
I decided to buy my iPad this past Tuesday. I walked into my local :apple: store Wednesday morning an hour after opening, walked up to a sales person, told her I wanted an iPad 3G. I was expecting to get laughed at and told where the waiting list was. Instead, she asked, "which size?".


15 minutes later, I was walking out with my 32GB WiFi + 3G.

They had dozens of 32's and 64's in stock.

Raleigh, NC store in Crabtree Mall.
I bought mine in May. Went to the Apple store in Charlotte, NC and put my name on the priority list mentioned above. Got an email that it was ready for pickup 2 days later. So not bad on the wait times!

By the sounds of it, some stores may have better stock now.
If you have more than one Apple store in your area get on the reserved list in different stores. I was on 2 and it took 13 days to get mine yesterday whereas, I know of someone who got on a reserved list and received the pick it up email in 2 days. Unfortunately, I didn't think about that particular store as it was some distance further away. As stated above, check Best Buy's website however, I was at a Best Buy who had 2 in stock and the website said none. Get on the list and be patient.
If you have more than one Apple store in your area get on the reserved list in different stores. I was on 2 and it took 13 days to get mine yesterday whereas, I know of someone who got on a reserved list and received the pick it up email in 2 days. Unfortunately, I didn't think about that particular store as it was some distance further away. As stated above, check Best Buy's website however, I was at a Best Buy who had 2 in stock and the website said none. Get on the list and be patient.

Awesome advice, I think that's just what I will do.
The priority list in NYC Apple Stores must be longggg, because I've been waiting for 9 days now and all I got was a email two days ago saying that I've moved up in the priority list...
Ah i was hoping for a thread like this to pop up.

I will be ordering a 32gb wifi iPad at the end of the month, what are the waiting times/availability like on the United Kingdom Apple online store?
I walked in to the local Best Buy yesterday and they had about 15 of them in the glass case, only 32 and 64GB 3G models. Grabbed a 3G.
I just bought an iPad 64GB+3G today at a local Best Buy (I'm in Cincinnati, OH) and quite a few local stores seemed to have the 32GB and 64GB 3G models in stock. Not sure why, but they didn't seem particularly hard to find.
I called my local Apple Store yesterday hoping iPads were in stock there, and instead ended up placing a reservation for one (32 GB Wi-Fi). At the same time, I called four area Best Buys to see if they had them in stock, and three stores only had 64 GB 3Gs, while the fourth wasn't an Apple retailer.

Got an email at 8:00 this morning telling me my iPad is waiting for me at the Apple Store at my mall. Less than 24 hours, wow!

Anyway, I would recommend reserving one at an Apple Store. I was told it'd be about seven days, and I'm on my way shortly to pick up mine fewer than 24 hours after I reserved it.

I wouldn't expect too much from Best Buy, as I guy I talked to there told me they get random shipments of the models at a time versus an even number of each; no surprise they only have the most expensive model available now. Of course, every store is probably different, and you could get lucky with one.
Well i've been waiting almost 2 weeks now for a 16gb +3g iPad at my local Apple store.. (freehold mall) tomorrow will be 12 working days since i reserved.

I think the 16GB +3gb must be the hardest to get... Here's hoping it shows up next week..
Soo, I called my local store Monday afternoon and put myself on the priority list. I was told I would receive a confirmation email.

It's now Wednesday, and my confirmation email is nowhere to be found. Should I call the store back and ask what the story is, or is this normal? Also, I am 99.99% (Please don't say, "What about the .01%?" :rolleyes: Haha) sure I gave them the correct email address, so I'm pretty sure that isn't the problem.
Guess I lucked out..I went into my local Future Shop store to buy a couple of blu-ray movies and on my way out the store I saw that there was a display model of the iPad not being used so I played around on it.. I knew I would get one at some point but wasn't planning on right now. The salesman came over and he said what size was I thinking about.. I said 32GB, he said that they just got fresh stock that day and had some left over after filling the requests.. So I figured why not and bought it there and then..:apple: :)
I am loving it.
Soo, I called my local store Monday afternoon and put myself on the priority list. I was told I would receive a confirmation email.

It's now Wednesday, and my confirmation email is nowhere to be found. Should I call the store back and ask what the story is, or is this normal? Also, I am 99.99% (Please don't say, "What about the .01%?" :rolleyes: Haha) sure I gave them the correct email address, so I'm pretty sure that isn't the problem.

Just check the Best Buy website ( ). It currently shows that they have 32GB 3G's in stock in Colma, Marin City and San Bruno.
Well i've been waiting almost 2 weeks now for a 16gb +3g iPad at my local Apple store.. (freehold mall) tomorrow will be 12 working days since i reserved.

I think the 16GB +3gb must be the hardest to get... Here's hoping it shows up next week..

You should have just bought it online, you'd have it already!
I went into my local Best Buy today just to see if they had a display model I could try out. No display model, none in stock, and not even any accessories. When I asked about it the girl looked confused and took me over to show me a Sony eReader. Needless to say my BB sucks.
I went into my local Best Buy today just to see if they had a display model I could try out. No display model, none in stock, and not even any accessories. When I asked about it the girl looked confused and took me over to show me a Sony eReader. Needless to say my BB sucks.

Not all BB stores are selling the iPad.
My Apple store had 32GB and 64GB 3G's for purchase (without reservation). I picked up the 32GB and also got the Apple iPad case, which is apparently hard to find these days. The had 64GB 3G's in stock for awhile and the day I called in I believe they had gotten a stock of 32GB's a day or two ago.

I would just call in the day you plan on going to see which they have available for direct purchase. Originally, I was going to get on the waitlist for a 16GB 3G and the representative from my Apple store said it should only take about one week. A one week wait is pretty short, IMO.

On the other hand, I called into BB several times over the past week and they never seem to have any models in stock. Check and call into your local Apple's likely your best bet. The staff there are usually more knowledgeable than BB's.
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