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macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I didn't know the alt+cmd+v would move the file. Thanks a lot, that is gonna be a time saver for me. :oops::)

I'm not a shamed at all, I had no idea! Hell sometimes I forget what the little symbols mean that represent option control and shift (granted I got it now). I went about a year on OS X before I realized option clicking things presented me with different...options... lol saying it out loud makes it sound easy but right click

I used Windows for most of my life and while I don't feel that this is hard per se I just don't feel its as easy. Plus its hard to break old habits. If I'm not exactly sure how to do something at first I try the windows way, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't in which case frustration will pursue.

And the clipboard is still populated by the file on copy so I'm not exactly following the logic of losing whats in the clipboard. Then again I'm probably just not understanding the statement.

However I don't expect MacOS to change for me, I just need to learn it.
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macrumors member
Jul 17, 2011
University Place, WA
When is this finally going to be implemented into Mac OS? Dragging and dropping files while having to hold CMD is ridiculous. In every environment cmd+x and cmd+v means to cut and paste or MOVE something(s) except the Finder. This has been asked COUNTLESS times and if it wasn't for System Integrity Protection screwing over developers like TotalFinder and XtraFinder, it wouldn't be an issue.

Has Apple fixed this in Sierra? And if not, WHY not?
[doublepost=1521156233][/doublepost]I don't know what their refusal to implement this is about, but it has annoyed me all these years and, I fear, will continue to do so indefinitely. :-(
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