I heard cyclorder will be updating soon
Hasn't Cycorder supposed to have been releasing an update 'soon' for almost a year?
I heard cyclorder will be updating soon
Cycorder is awesome but the ad(s) make the video move slowly.
For instance, if you first open up cycorder, for the first 10 seconds or so, the ad doesnt come up. Then you're good to go. When the ad pops up, then you notice the slow response to phone movement. Its almost like video capture is in slow motion.
If i have to pay saurik to remove the ad, i would. Because i seldom take video with my cycorder just for this flaw.
I agree with other posters, Cycorder is better than iPhone3G 24/7...
If you can't take the 30 seconds to SSH into your phone and drag a video out, then by all means, spend $20.00 for a comparable video recording product that instantly sends your video in an email or uploads it, by which you'd also have to take the time to log online to watch/download it anyways. People make it seem like SSH'ing into your phone is a huge chore that requires more trouble than it actually is. And if you think it's too much trouble, why did you bother jailbreaking?
If someone is travelling, for example, it's handy being able to post videos from the iPhone on the go, and not having to find a computer to SSH.
/private/var/mobile/Media/Videos/What's the SSH path to Cy recorded films?
ssh is easy peasy
I'm sure it is "easy peasy" once you take the time it takes to figure it out and do it afew times.
If you install PPVideoEnabler thru Cydia, your Cycorder videos will download right into iPhoto. You can use an app like PixelPipe (Cydia) to upload them from iPhone to the Internet. From iPhoto, you can drop them on the desktop or you can drop them into iSquirt and process them straight into iTunes.
All apps are free (except iPhoto of course)