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i dont know why all say its not working im running jb 3.0 and have sbs and wb installed and it works fine

More screens. Is everyone US based? I'm thinking as the I'm in the UK and the UK iTunes Store is different that might have something to do with it.

Im UK based dude. so is my mate. Neither of us have a working iTunes app

I used redsn0w. How did you jailbreak?
Im UK based dude. so is my mate. Neither of us have a working iTunes app

I used redsn0w. How did you jailbreak?

Using redsn0w as well. I have installed the following;

Ustream Watch
Ustream Broadcast (which doesn't work by the way)
SBSettings (think I've only got the Battery Percentage preference toggled)
I have SBSettings installed and my iTunes app is fine. What else you got installed?

I have SBsettings and cycorder installed. I have a 2G iphone unlocked and jailbroken for t-mobile US using pwnage. I just had to do a complete restore because a lot of things started getting out of wack. couldn't get a cell data connection. facebook wouldnt attempt to update, cydia kept crashing on startup.

I'm going to avoid installing JB apps for now
I have SBsettings and cycorder installed. I have a 2G iphone unlocked and jailbroken for t-mobile US using pwnage. I just had to do a complete restore because a lot of things started getting out of wack. couldn't get a cell data connection. facebook wouldnt attempt to update, cydia kept crashing on startup.

I'm going to avoid installing JB apps for now

I had the same problem when I used redsn0w last night (to unlock/jb my iphone 2G). I went into Cydia this morning and there was an upgrade for the mobile substrate. After I installed this, iTunes was working correctly again.
Fix Posted, All Is Well

Saurik posted 2 Updates on Cydia today. Just pop into the app, do a complete upgrade, respring, and everything will work. (He must've been hearing ALOT about this if he managed to fix the problem this quickly!)
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