same actualy i tried downloading LiveClock but no luck just keep getting errors
There's a new server for iSpazio's Cydia repository.Also would this have an affect on which apps are in cydia? I was looking for clippy, the copy and paste from ispazio and I cant find it.
There's a new server for iSpazio's Cydia repository.
Add this source to Cydia :
Cydia > Manage > Sources > Edit > Add
Everything in cydia works for me except the ispazio repo. I added the new repo and it still dosent work. Anyone have any suggestions since most of the apps i want to install are from the ispazio repo. When i click on the ispazio repo there is nothing there. Thanks.
There's a new server for iSpazio's Cydia repository.
Add this source to Cydia :
Cydia > Manage > Sources > Edit > Add
i added tht repo still dosent work
i thinks the DNS has still to get spread about,
Acronym what does resolve to?
su root
dpkg -i clippy_0.94_iphoneos-arm.deb
sudo dpkg -iclippy_0.94_iphoneos-arm.deb
UPDATE: cycia is still down: network error - unable to load (time out)... WTF?
For some reason I keep getting kicked out of my WiFi with Cydia and I'm not sure why.Is this happening to anyone else? I'm finally able to reset my WiFi router and cable modem and *poof* back online and able to download/update cydia stuff...
I had this problem since last nght. I had to ssh in and delete the SOS repositry all good after that
ok...huh?? could you please elaborate for all us dumb newbs out here?