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happend to me to

i used winpwn to successfully unlock and jailbreak my 2g 2.0 iphone. an hour or so after i unlocked it i noticed cydia had some updates available. it said that i should update 4 items or my iphone may experience problems. i decided to update them and now my phone is just sitting there with a black screen that says "complete" at the top and some other small writing on the screen. at the bottom of the screen it says close window and when i selected "close window", it froze and now there is a spinning line thing that indicates loading. this has been like this for 30 minutes now. is there any thing to worry about? i am scared of what is happening to it. can someone please help me and maybe tell what i need to do next. please!:(

something is not right, cydia keeps freezing on me also
This is driving me mad...

It says it needs to install updates (libxml2, bzip2, SQLite v3, NES, etc...) but when I click install - it downloads them all then goes to a screen with just the usual animated working ticker

And it goes nowhere - I cant force quit, ive left it for 10mins, it does nothing just hangs

I have to hard reset the phone :(


same here. now my cydia says i have 6 updates. i dont want to install them because i think it will just freeze again :(
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