Yes, but you pay a lot less for the Pentax reduction.
IMO high ISO is more important -- low light shake can always be worked around by using a tripod. As Abstract said, high ISO is more useful for action shots. Really VR is an "emergency" situation. "Oh #$*^ I want this shot and I forgot to pack my tripod"
That said, there is so little difference these days up to ISO 800 that it isn't a factor anymore. I've seen ISO 800 shots on a K100, and it is very good. As is my D80, and my wife's D40. I might be able to tell a difference at 100% crop, if I'm looking for differences. But that's not how we normally look at photos.
The how to make the decision is very simple: LENSES
Look at the shooting you would like to do, and what lenses are available. Which company offers lenses you can afford in that range? Wander around the local camera stores and see in you area which system has the best availability of used lenses.
Then go, hold a camera, fire some test shots in the store and see what you like to hold.
That is the _only_ way to decide, and nobody in an internet forum can tell you what you need.
I had the same experience buying a tripod yesterday, I spent two hours browsing and researching, walked in the store, and ended up spending twice what I expected because once I strapped my camera on there was no longer any choice, and there was no way I could have made that decision reading about it.
I realised that.
sorry a noob question,
why would you want to change so many lenses?
would 3 types (short medium and long) be fairly okay for any occasion?
for "entry level" IQ would 2 or 3 types be more than enough?