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macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
pretty unimpressive on a few specs. 1600ISO and 3fps? This is an improvement on the D70s?

If the price point is $999 then Nikon has a winner. This camera might not stack up to its 30D Canon competition if its priced above $1200 or so.


macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
sounds like a direct competitor to my sony a100. the sony has the antishake and dust removal, the nikon has more software toys and so far the much better lens selection. if i hadn't had a couple of minolta lenses around i would have gone with nikon because of the better lens collection.

but for beginners there are now great choices. nicon d80, sony a100 or a canon 350d. i see a huge price war coming up!


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
^^The Nikon D50 is also still quite great. ;) Noise levels as low as the 350D at ISO 1600, and I like the way the photos turn out.

I really want that new 70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6 VR-II. I don't need a f/2.8 telephoto anyway like some of you seem to, although if Nikon or any 3rd party supplier were to make a 70-200 f/4 (like Canon does), I'd want it.


macrumors 6502
Aug 7, 2003
Can't really tell if it supports exposure metering with AI lenses....:confused:

The view finder is only 95%....:eek: and loads of silly picture "modes" :rolleyes: :

I also like the built in VR on the Sony but I'll gladily dish out for a Nikon body that would be as versatile as the F series was although I still don't see the same accessory line-up: I can't even find a Nikon ring flash for the APS sized lenses? How is this possible?


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2003
What does everyone think? I don't know much about DSLR's but I know this one looks pretty good. I like the two lenses as well.

What are the pro's and con's to this camera?
What camera is it trying to compete with?
Good camera for the money?
Are you thinking about getting it?


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
ScubaDuc said:
Can't really tell if it supports exposure metering with AI lenses....:confused:

The view finder is only 95%....:eek: and loads of silly picture "modes" :rolleyes: :

I also like the built in VR on the Sony but I'll gladily dish out for a Nikon body that would be as versatile as the F series was although I still don't see the same accessory line-up: I can't even find a Nikon ring flash for the APS sized lenses? How is this possible?

It is a consumer camera, what do you expect? What modern, film, consumer SLR does not have "silly" picture modes?

Probably does not support metering with AI lenses. Kind of pointless if you ask me because most amateurs (target crowd) probably do not have a ton of AI/AIS lenses and would/should buy new ones. Those with massive lens collections would either buy a D200/D2 camera, or sell and buy new lenses.

None of the dSLRs have 100% viewfinders except the pro bodies (D2s, D1s).

Replaced this old version:


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2006
Over Achiever said:
I like the new multiple exposure mode, is this just in-camera HDR?

No. It just stacks pictures one on top of another. So if you take two perfectly exposed pictures, you will end up with one over exposed photo with the contents of both photos. The only other Nikon that does this is the D2X. A throwback to a film technique for diehard anti-photoshop people.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 1, 2005
Anyone want to give a feature difference between the D80/200. I did a side by side here:,nikon_d200&show=all . But I'm curious about the feature set, this comparison seems to only cover baseline specs. My friend who doesnt post here is curious and I want to be able to give him valid information. He will be investing in a SLR in the next 6 months or so. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2002
I'm a Canon fella, but that is a seriously nice looking camera. Especially for the dough.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 28, 2006
Not much better than a 70

It sounds like a nice camera, an economy version of the 200.

If you currently have a D70 or D70s then don't bother upgrading. The megapixel difference is minimal under most conditions. The manufacturers perpetuate a megapixel myth so they can sell more cameras.

Check out to find out why.

PowerMac dual G5 2.7
Nvidia 6800 GT
4.5 GB RAM
.5 TB raid 0
Nikon F100
Nikon D70


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Abstract said:
^^The Nikon D50 is also still quite great. ;) Noise levels as low as the 350D at ISO 1600, and I like the way the photos turn out.

I really want that new 70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6 VR-II. I don't need a f/2.8 telephoto anyway like some of you seem to, although if Nikon or any 3rd party supplier were to make a 70-200 f/4 (like Canon does), I'd want it.

Nikon did make an "AF 70-210 f/4". There is a used one for sale right now at asking price is something like $180. It is a pretty good lens but is the older style of Nikon AF that uses the in-body focus motor. Snatch it up quick if you want it but it is not that hard to find Nikon 70-210 f/4 on the used market

Clix Pix

macrumors Core
beavo451 said:
No. It just stacks pictures one on top of another. So if you take two perfectly exposed pictures, you will end up with one over exposed photo with the contents of both photos. The only other Nikon that does this is the D2X. A throwback to a film technique for diehard anti-photoshop people.

Not quite so, beavo...... The D200 also has multiple-exposure mode and the camera automatically adjusts the exposure as you shoot the different images so that in the end it comes out perfectly exposed. Here is one I did a while back:



macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2003
Abstract said:
Where does it say that on their website? I still see 18-55 mm.

It said it this morning. I even did a double take....even a triple take. Obviously it was a typo because they changed it back.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2003
Abstract said:
Yeah, I would have as well. That lens sells for only a bit less than the D50 body alone, after all.

I think the lens sells for 300....even someone on DPReview pointed it out (then I pointed it out over here :eek: ) I just went and checked out the D200. If the D80 is anything like that will blow your socks away.

Does anyone have the D200? What are your thoughts. Thanks.


macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2003
Abstract said:
I really want that new 70-300 mm f/4.5-5.6 VR-II. I don't need a f/2.8 telephoto anyway like some of you seem to, although if Nikon or any 3rd party supplier were to make a 70-200 f/4 (like Canon does), I'd want it.
Seems like a wonderful lens even though we lose half a stop of aperture at the low end compared with the two existing 70-300mm lenses. However, Nikon has added:

1. Silent motor
2. Internal focus
3. VR-II

And best of all for me, it's not a DX lens, but fits on both FF and DX bodies.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
macdaddy121 said:
I think the lens sells for 300....

The article says £299 at dpreview, not American dollars. DCResource says the lens is $485 American, hence what I said about the D50 getting a kit lens that expensive to be impossible if the D50 stayed the same price (ie: around $600)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2003
Abstract said:
The article says £299 at dpreview, not American dollars. DCResource says the lens is $485 American, hence what I said about the D50 getting a kit lens that expensive to be impossible if the D50 stayed the same price (ie: around $600)

I thought the 18-135 that they were using as the kit lens for the D80 was selling for $300. Am I wrong?
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