macdaddy121 said:I thought the 18-135 that they were using as the kit lens for the D80 was selling for $300. Am I wrong?
Abstract said:Don't know if you read my last post, but I said I had read that it's 300 quid in my last post. 300 British pounds. Maybe you misread the £ symbol as a $ symbol by accident. I don't know. Again, I had checked DCResource for the American price, but Steve's Digicams also reports $485 US dollars. I'm regurgitating info that's available at some of the main camera sites, although who knows......maybe they won't retail for $485.
macdaddy121 said:By the anyone planning on buying seems to be getting really good reviews. If it's anything close to the D200 it's going to be unreal.
bep207 said:i would buy it if i didnt just buy a d50
anyone want to buy my d50?
beavo451 said:No. It just stacks pictures one on top of another. So if you take two perfectly exposed pictures, you will end up with one over exposed photo with the contents of both photos. The only other Nikon that does this is the D2X. A throwback to a film technique for diehard anti-photoshop people.