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Well, I suppose the article makes some people feel better that they are stuck with WIFI only, and those who are enjoying their 3G outside, traveling in their cars, moving from place to place, etc., will not really mind what people say.

So, although I disagree with the article, I will not say anymore. :apple:

All I can add to this is...

So the fact that I get an average download of 2mb on 3G here, sufficient to stream, Skype, YouTube, download etc, I assume this anti 3G is basically US centric? :confused:
The reason I want 3G is simple:

1) 3G coverage abounds in Houston, and the Greater Houston area.

2) I'm not worried about if 3G is as fast as wifi....I'm worried about the "YES/NO" factor of having access to email and the web.

3G is a good purchase for me, and it's worth the extra $130.
Bottom line: The iPad 3G isn't the slam dunk upgrade you might have hoped for. But for some users, the extra cost will be well worth it.

Sorry, but the DMN writer who made this conclusion is an idiot. It's like Count Dracula writing that the daylight is overrated, but for humans it might be OK.

I don't think any credible reviewer or Apple evangelist has termed the 3G as a "slam dunk" upgrade. It is what it is -- The WiFi model plus 3G, which is why its called "iPad WiFi + 3G". This got lost in the writer's translation of the model names. If you want 3G you buy it. If you don't you save the $130. Seems fairly obvious to me.
We all know that 3G cannot handle streaming much of anything from our phones. That is probably why Apple held off on putting a camera in the iPad. A 4G network is required for useable video conferencing.
This is another wait until next year.
Shocker.... A wifi connection with a real backbone is faster than 3G.

What else is new.........
so this goof hasn't heard of jailbreaking and 3GUnrestrictor? 3GU makes the 3G network act like wifi so Skype and others work fine over 3G as a result.

More likely he deliberately left it out.
News flash

Wow! Do you mean to tell me that streaming a video over a 3G connection is slow? Who didn't know that? How can one base an article on this. Of course wifi is faster than 3G. I don't think I'd sit on a bus and watch a video of anything. Having 3G iPad is about freedom. You don't have to use it but you CAN if you need to. So you pay an extra $130 to have the ability to access the Internet regardless of whether you're near a wifi hotspot. And to all you DBs bragging about your jailbroken iPhones, get a real job, pay for a service. It's called VOIDED WARRANTEE.
kinda glad I just got the WiFi version....

Bottom line: The iPad 3G isn't the slam dunk upgrade you might have hoped for. But for some users, the extra cost will be well worth it.

Which is code for "I'm jealous that I didn't wait the extra month for the 3G version."

You wi-fi people make me sick. We 3G/64GB/$829 upper-middle-class executives and their trophy wives need our own subforum.


Posted from my McMansion
I'm replying to this while sitting in my truck waiting to pick up my wife to take her to lunch. Not a wifi signal in sight but 3G is working beautifully!

So to me the price difference is nothing to get this luxury.

Hmm since I'm not doing much I might as well go pay some bills online.... Booyah


That's it. Time for the revolution. It's long overdue. The 3G majority will remain silent no longer. You wi-fi underlings better watch yourselves. Who's your daddy? That's right. You bow before the 3G, lest the 3G stomp you like the grape you are.



Posted from my McMansion
Which is code for "I'm jealous that I didn't wait the extra month for the 3G version."

You wi-fi people make me sick. We 3G/64GB/$829 upper-middle-class executives and their trophy wives need our own subforum.


Posted from my McMansion

I see you favor the blunt approach.

That's it. Time for the revolution. It's long overdue. The 3G majority will remain silent no longer. You wi-fi underlings better watch yourselves. Who's your daddy? That's right. You bow before the 3G, lest the 3G stomp you like the grape you are.



Posted from my McMansion

I bet that the majority of iPad owners are using video "on the go". It is one of the best features of the thing. After all it is a Media Tablet.

Yes, I use it, and it works well. The video quality is not as good as when using WIFI, but that is to be expected, and better than to have no video at all or to have to carry a second device.
Frankly the guy points out only one thing throughout the whole article. Wifi is faster than 3G. However, he falls short when he says that streaming video is pointless. I've had the 3G since day one and couldn't live without it. I can watch any video on netflix in just a few minutes of loading. And the video quality is very good. Obviously not as good as wifi but it's not like the apples and oranges comparison he's trying to show. It could be the fact I live in the San fransisco bay area so 3G is very strong here but to say the 3G upgrade Is pointless to everyone is just silly.

Posted in a car on the 3G network traveling back from my cabin. Couldn't do that with a wifi version. And if I wanted to be tied down to a wifi hotspot I would have gotten a MacBook pro instead. :rolleyes:
Ironic article. I suspect very few of us are looking to stream HD video on 3G. I want it so I can get my email ANYWHERE, so I can browse the web ANYWHERE, stream radio/audio ANYWHERE, get real turn by turn GPS ANYWHERE. He is missing the point that for the vast majority of people 3G is an augmentation, not replacement for wifi. He then goes on to point out that the things we want augmented WORK VERY WELL.

Yes, you can hack your iphone and turn it into a 100 min 3G hotspot. It still won't be any better than the 3G iPad and you'll be burning the battery on 2 devices now. There are also many of us who actually use our phones to talk on and text with, a novel idea I know.

The 3G is not needed for all but don't pretend it is not only loved, but essential for many.

ash =o)
I'm very happy I got the iPad 3G.

We are out of town for the weekend, a few states away. My wife has her wifi iPad and I've got my 3G. She is using the free hotel wifi which is averaging 300kbps in speed. My 3G speed is averaging 3.0Mbps. Back home my 3G speed is consistent like that.

I'm very happy I got the iPad 3G.
I'm pretty sure the 3g has a GPS and the wifi version doesn't. The 3g GPS is darn near perfect and the GPS alone could be worth the difference in price.

That's it. Time for the revolution. It's long overdue. The 3G majority will remain silent no longer. You wi-fi underlings better watch yourselves. Who's your daddy? That's right. You bow before the 3G, lest the 3G stomp you like the grape you are.


Posted from my McMansion

Hey BJ,

Before you go there you better tell everyone you have a poser 328i w/o sport. I mean talk about major underlings.
Hey BJ,

Before you go there you better tell everyone you have a poser 328i w/o sport. I mean talk about major underlings.

BJ drives a 328i? Good grief.

I sprang for the twin turbo 335ix and it is a freaking ROCKET!!!:D

Also scored a 64 gig 3G as a gift for someone yesterday -- but I may keep it for myself and give him the wifi version instead!
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