I hear ya. AptBackup bricked my phone. Restoring as we speak.
Your phone was not bricked as you can still use it.
I have a feeling that APT backup works as long as you're not using MS related mods.
I hear ya. AptBackup bricked my phone. Restoring as we speak.
For those like myself who do not really care about this update, saurik is working on a way to do this patch without having to go through the whole update/restore process. Should be available in a few days. I'm just saying...I am gonna wait on the update.
I hear ya. AptBackup bricked my phone. Restoring as we speak.
I hate it when security patches are sooooo inconvenient. I'm just gonna hope for the best. LOL
Think about it this way, doing the update and reJB now will help you do it even quicker when 3.1 drops. It was maybe an hour affair doing everything I needed.
I would rather have a secure phone because you're not going to hear about that txt happening until its too late.