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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

I remember playing the original back in 2011 or so, but don’t know why I stoped playing. I think I thought it was hard. But this time around purchased on Steam on sale, (don’t see it on GOG) having a good time taking down walkers, some are runners! I am a big fan of Left for Dead and The Walking Dead, this game is reported to have co-op, but I’ve not tried that.

Having left the beach Resort (but will return due to quests) I’m now in Act 2 having moved to town. Since the beginning as the character who knows karate and is a blade expert, it has been easy to kick average zombies to death. Unlike some zombies, they can be killed without targeting the brain. I’ll assume all characters can kick, but don’t know if there is a difference in this ability depending on the character. I just know that early on, it saves you huge costs in weapon repair.

And I’m finding that as my abilities and weapons increase it’s somewhat easier to take down the tough zombies. They are barely mobile, so the key is timing and avoiding being hit by their relatively long reach which knocks you on your ass.

Surprisingly the fight does not end, there and then, but it does not. It’s as if it waits for you to get back up which I don’t find realistic. There is a crafted weapon called a Ripper, a baseball bat with a motorized circular saw on the end, which cuts their arms off, making being punched less likely, but they can still head butt you. And so far Molotov Cocktsils are lethal. There is also a nifty deodorant grenade that can be crafted.

So far there is no armor you can wear. I’d think there would be…

Your character also has a frenzy Rage mode but that builds up slowly. It’d seems to be rarely available when you need it.

The type of missions continue to be a combo of making efforts to facilitate escape from the island and helping people, kill off a dead wife and daughter for a husband to put them out of their misery, bring a will back to the loved ones of a dying person, supply people with food and water, investigate a helo crash for supplies, find parts for a radio transmitter, locate a satellite phone. etc.

I had one person ask me to bring them champaign, right… no, but the one who wants whiskey, they will make me Molotovs until I got the blueprint for it and now I make my own with less material required.

Having a good time with it. My female character who knows karate and is a blade expert finally got hold of a cane knife that decapitates walkers, I’m still looking for a katana which is reported to be in game. Kicking still works, but it is a lot of effort, taking all of your stamina, 2 swift kicks to knock them down, then your kicks apply the real killing force. As previously said, this tactic early in the games saves a huge amount of weapon repair cost, which for some reason at a repair bench costs $$, but I don’t know who the money is being paid to… 🤔 Fortunately energy drinks and snacks that restore health are found in abundance laying around the landscape.

The adventure continues! :D
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