I don't think that the SLR camera will die, but it will certainly evolve into something very different that the cameras of today. For example, it makes no sense having to carry a camera plus a bunch of heavy and expensive lenses. What would make a lot more sense is to produce a camera that can cover most focal ranges and apertures, with one removable lens alone. Yes, something like the super-zooms of today, but very advanced in relation to light gathering, weather resistance, and image quality. One would have perhaps 3 or 4 lens choices: super macro-macro, fish eye-wide angle, wide angle-800mm or more (?)
The way it is today, most of the money goes into the purchase of lenses, and we spend fortunes on these. Besides, these things are extremely bulky, some project like a bazooka in front of the camera, and are heavy; so heavy in fact, that a solid tripod must be used. Lens design has not changed through the years in relation to the use of glass. Why not a lens design similar to a Canon pancake lens, but dimensionally wider for the glass to cover the whole sensor?