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macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
Ok something I don't understand at all is infiltrating MULE camps. When I get anywhere close the "ping" goes off alerting them I'm there. There's not always grass to hide in so they usually see me. I end up taking them all out if I'm successful with the infiltration. How do you do this stealthily?


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
Ok something I don't understand at all is infiltrating MULE camps. When I get anywhere close the "ping" goes off alerting them I'm there. There's not always grass to hide in so they usually see me. I end up taking them all out if I'm successful with the infiltration. How do you do this stealthily?
I was able to do it a couple times, but it is tough.If you go in with no cargo the ping will not find you (it is looking for cargo and not people). Then use the strand rope thing to sneak up behind a mule as he wanders around the countryside and knock him out. Do this with each mule in the camp and you are in. It took me a while waiting for them to get in the right spot so I could take them out without alerting their buddies.

Like I said, I think I was only successful maybe twice. Most of the times I tried they would see me and swarm around me, so I just shot them to knock them out.


macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
I was able to do it a couple times, but it is tough.If you go in with no cargo the ping will not find you (it is looking for cargo and not people).

Thanks! Does the bola gun count as cargo? Because I like wrapping up those fools!


macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
Nope... only cargo will make the ping find you. If you notice when the ping hits your cargo will sort of glow.
I never noticed that! It was confusing to me because the bola just looks like a regular box on your back when you carry it around. I'll try and stealth those MULEs next time!
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macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
Ok, I just rolled through the credits. What a bizarre game this was! Honestly I wouldn't have even tried it if IGN hadn't named it as their best PS4 game of 2019.

  1. The motion capture was great. Most of the time I felt like I was watching Norman Reedus, not a rendering of him.
  2. The characters were memorable and well acted. Heartman, Deadman, Fragile, Higgs, etc aren't characters I'll forget anytime soon.
  3. There's such a sense of accomplishment when you're struggling though a difficult delivery and see the goal finally pop into view after climbing a hill.
  4. MULEs - I had a lot of fun messing with them once I got access to better equipment.
  5. Boss fights. Normally I can't wait for them to be over in other games but I enjoyed these.
  6. Cooperation - It was kind of fascinating seeing how the cooperation worked. Leaving signs for other players reminded me of Demon's Souls but leaving behind bridges or roads changed everything sometimes. Getting feedback that people were helped by what I did was cool.
  7. Lou!

Didn't like:
  1. The first few hours were brutal for me. It felt tedious and hard to control. I had no idea what to do during BT and MULE encounters. I'm glad I stuck with it.
  2. The section on the beach where they run the first set of end credits felt endless.
  3. I kept assuming you would graduate to doing more than fetch quests and that didn't happen.
I can see why some people would love it and some would hate it.
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macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
You never played Origins? What a shame, it's a really good game, and it still is even if you played Odyssey. Go and get that Chocobo/horse-hybrid mount! ;-)

No. I was a huge AC fan but I started to get burned out on it. Hey, I'm walking through the city and have stopped a pickpocket for the 1,000th time. Yay. Odyssey brought me back.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2004
Some say Origins is better than Odyssey, for me they are on par. So if Odyssey brought you back, Origins should be able to entertain you :)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2015
Funny how the 'zero contact' delivery - surely something they did to keep development cost down - fits so appropriately just a few months later.

Shame that this game is a slog though - felt like an actual job to me and not the kind I'd want to stick with. If it was more enjoyable to get going in it, it might have its grand sales revival just about now. Not a chance with those dreadful sneaking bits and the general struggle to move, in particular with vehicles on rocky terrain, argh. And the endless lists of things you have to sift through.

I really wanted to like it - heck I bought it twice (first copy lost in transit, LOL) - just to have it ready for the Xmas break. Yeah well, we played 'Inside' instead (feverishly - what a great experience).


macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
Funny how the 'zero contact' delivery - surely something they did to keep development cost down - fits so appropriately just a few months later.

Shame that this game is a slog though - felt like an actual job to me and not the kind I'd want to stick with. If it was more enjoyable to get going in it, it might have its grand sales revival just about now. Not a chance with those dreadful sneaking bits and the general struggle to move, in particular with vehicles on rocky terrain, argh. And the endless lists of things you have to sift through.

I really wanted to like it - heck I bought it twice (first copy lost in transit, LOL) - just to have it ready for the Xmas break. Yeah well, we played 'Inside' instead (feverishly - what a great experience).

I'm so used to just blasting past rocks on the ground without even thinking about it but in Death Stranding they send you flying! And trying to get around them with vehicles. ARgh


macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2015
I don't mind that they made traversing difficult terrain their main gameplay but the ways in which you can get stuck on rocks or in creeks with your vehicle - that's just not fun to play IMO. I used to think that the Mass Effect 1 buggy was the poorest vehicle gameplay I've ever had to suffer but in DS it's such a major mode you have to spend time in, literally no way around it.
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macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
Did you guys finish the extra pizza delivery that was at the end of the game? You had to hold the pizza in your hands, which meant deliver it by foot, and it was clear across the map. I "noped" out of that one right away.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 10, 2019
Atlanta, GA
Didn't like:
  1. The first few hours were brutal for me. It felt tedious and hard to control. I had no idea what to do during BT and MULE encounters. I'm glad I stuck with it.

I'm at that point right now in the game. I just started the whole "reconnecting" everything phase, which is very early, but damn am I having a hard time being motivated to continue playing. I'm going to press on for a few more hours at least and hope that something clicks and I can say "this is fun". Cuz right now....I just can't say that. lol


macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
I'm at that point right now in the game. I just started the whole "reconnecting" everything phase, which is very early, but damn am I having a hard time being motivated to continue playing. I'm going to press on for a few more hours at least and hope that something clicks and I can say "this is fun". Cuz right now....I just can't say that. lol

I relate to this so much. If IGN hadn't have named it as their PS4 game of the year I would have stopped playing at the point you're at.


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
I'm at that point right now in the game. I just started the whole "reconnecting" everything phase, which is very early, but damn am I having a hard time being motivated to continue playing. I'm going to press on for a few more hours at least and hope that something clicks and I can say "this is fun". Cuz right now....I just can't say that. lol
Once you get past chapter three, it gets better and less frustrating. I felt the same way and almost just gave up.
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