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macrumors newbie
Feb 6, 2022
So, despite every indication that this is a 64-bit installation (ppc64) on my G5 (PPC970FX), the actual kernel appears to be 32-bit, as indicated by:

getconf -a | grep LONG_BIT
 > 32

as well as:

file /bin/cp
 > ELF 32-bit MSB shared object

Are the kernel and libraries really only 32-bit for this install on G5 Powermac7,3 machines, or did I miss a step along the way?
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macrumors newbie
Feb 6, 2022
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macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2022
I'm using a mac mini G4 (silent upgrade) with 1GB Ram.
I cannot manage to install freecad or libreoffice, is this normal?
Also, the repository
deb [trusted=yes] sid main

doesn't work for me


macrumors regular
Finally managed to install Sid Remix with 2019 snapshot and MINT PPC on top of it. Works better than Lubuntu 16.04


  • Screenshot from 2022-04-30 13-48-18.png
    Screenshot from 2022-04-30 13-48-18.png
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macrumors member
Oct 1, 2018
Hate to say it, but the rage128's aren't well supported either. Check the Ubuntu powerpc wiki known issues page for some info on rage128 cards. If you're lucky you'll get slow 2d framebuffer mode only.
r128pro should do opengl quite well...but not on linux? what a shame.


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2021
Marion, IA
If you're on a G5 this remix will install a 64-bit kernel and 32-bit rootfs and packages. It's exactly how Ubuntu installed and worked on powerpc's. A 32-bit kernel wont run on a G5. If you want "true" 64-bit (kernel and rootfs) you should use one of the newer debian iso's.

This distro loaded onto my G5 with a radeon GPU. I get to the boot screen but it just boots to a black screen. Same old, same old. Tried editing the boot command with radeon.agpmode=-1 but no joy.


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2021
Marion, IA
Now, I don't really know if this has been found before, but I was getting keyring issues, even following your instructions, and I found what is, if not new, an easier way around.

deb [trusted=yes] sid main

Yeah, all i had to do was throw in [trusted=yes] at the start of that, and it stopped complaining, and just worked. I can't imagine it's the most secure solution, but I'll take it. I'm still setting the system up, but it looks to be going better than the last time I tried already,
Did you put [trusted=yes] in front of ALL of the items in /etc/apt/sources.list? I tried that and the “apt update” flamed out. I followed the instructions provided by Wicknix to the letter and wasn’t able to successfully load the info provided by the sources. I’ve seen that the Debian ports might be out of date or unreachable.

Is there an up to date instruction showing the Debian ports that would work when placed in the /etc/apt/sources.list?

Without these sources would I still be able to load a desktop manager and desktop environment (DM and DE respectively)? That step in the instruction didn’t work either.


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2021
Marion, IA
So I put [trusted=yes] in front of the above entry and it seemed to work. I did not change the other repositories. Tried to install lxdm, lxde etc but rebooting didn’t bring me to a GUI. I tried start commands but they were not recognized. Thanks for the snapshot.



macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 4, 2017
Wisconsin, USA
Did you install a login manager? Something like lightdm. If it doesn't launch after boot, you may need to start it manually. If i recall on debian, it'd be something like: sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm start


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2021
Marion, IA
Did you install a login manager? Something like lightdm. If it doesn't launch after boot, you may need to start it manually. If i recall on debian, it'd be something like: sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm start
I hadn’t taken any action to do that as I thought maybe the repos or the “standard system utilities” would have done that for me. I will research that soon.

In the mean time, I’ve come across another issue I didn’t expect. I have 5 separate hard drives (ATA) installed on my Mirror Door G4. 3 run OS9, Tiger and Sorbet. The other two run Lubuntu 16.04 and Debian Sid. As you know I’ still working on that OS to get it up and running. After some jumper/cable select issues were resolved I tested booting Lubuntu 16.04. It booted fine, then I tried to boot from the Debian HD, got the yaboot menu, selected “l” for Linux and the computer booted into Lubuntu 16.04. Yes, I’m sure I was trying to boot from the Debian HD.

How do I get the Debian yaboot boat loader to know I want to boot into Debian?

Really weird, but fascinating!!!! I have NOT researched this via forums, Dr. Google or other sources. That’s what I’ll be doing next.



macrumors 6502
Dec 8, 2019
The Lab DX
yaboot is a very, very simple bootloader, and I guess what's going on is that yaboot (either one) will do its own hardware detection (or even just use OF's) and since Lubuntu is the first one yaboot sees, assumes that's the one you want.

You may have better luck with GRUB.

You can also try doing some configuration voodoo with yaboot.conf. I believe there are some flags for disk specification with the boot options.


macrumors regular
Feb 6, 2021
Marion, IA
Did you install a login manager? Something like lightdm. If it doesn't launch after boot, you may need to start it manually. If i recall on debian, it'd be something like: sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm start
I installed lxdm, is that a login manager or a desktop manager? Also, after following the instructions, including the export PATH update to /etc/profile, lxdm, lxde,gdebi and synaptic then after rebooting, I get to the "debianmddg4 login" prompt, enter root or my user name, I don't get an opportunity to enter a password, the screen immediately reports "login incorrect" and offers another opportunity to log in. This occurs an ttyl 1-7.

The only updates to your instructions were updating the snapshot repo and adding trusted in /etc/apt/sources.list to all of the entries.

I don't feel the apt update and upgrade were as clean as I'd like. lots of errors, warnings, key issues not being valid. Not sure what I missed but after reboot , I can't login to even check directories or or look at files or try to install (or remove) anything.

By the way /etc/init.d/ had no entry looking like a DM or a DE, I'd send you what it did look like but I can't access the system.



macrumors newbie
Dec 4, 2022
I managed to get this working today on a PowerBook 5,4. The recommended mirror did not work at all during the install so I let it error out and used what was on the CD.

Post-install when it was time to add proper repos, the recommended repos left me with broken dependencies. Instead I had to use these to get it working:

deb [trusted=yes] unstable main
deb [trusted=yes] unreleased main
deb [trusted=yes] sid main
deb [trusted=yes] unstable main

deb [trusted=yes arch=all] unstable main contrib non-free

There is a known bug that comes up during the apt upgrade process concerning and perl. Search the page linked below for the words "manual steps" for a fix, then do 'apt upgrade' again to continue.

Once I got through all that, I ran 'tasksel' and checking the box for XFCE got me to a stable and working desktop.

2022-12-04 17.01.01.jpg

Themes came from this post: I had to reboot after installing the icons to get the icons to apply.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 4, 2022
Usually SID & UNSTABLE means the same. Are you sure it have to be in such way as in your config?
That was my understanding as well, but I was missing packages without the sid repo added. It could be a temporary issue due to the nature of Sid, but I had no ill effects from adding both. They both exist in the repo.



macrumors newbie
Nov 8, 2020
i cant seem to figure out how to apply the path fix, when i add it to the top of the file nothing happens and it still fails to boot with a kernel panic saying file system does not have /sbin/init so can someone show me a picture of what a correct /etc/profile should look like?
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