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macrumors newbie
Nov 9, 2009
Fake account?

Sorry to disappoint but I have better things to do than set up fake accounts

If you do a search on any number of photography forums on the same ID you'll find me registered and active on many

As an ex-Nikon owner this post attracted my attention to see if I could offer any advice but your words of wisdom prompted me to respond differently

El Cabong

macrumors 6502a
Dec 1, 2008
I have been pwned.

Gee what a friendly place this is! I registered today as my interests are anything Mac and even more anything photographic.

I've seen some pretty arrogant posters on other forums but El Cabong, who openly admits to being sarcastic, takes the biscuit.

The OP admits he's a new DSLR user and makes a genuine request for some help - hopefully he'll find others a bit more friendly and helpful.

Think I'll have a look at some of the other posts to hopefully confirm that I've been unlucky in picking this as my first forum experience

Sorry to disappoint but I have better things to do than set up fake accounts

If you do a search on any number of photography forums on the same ID you'll find me registered and active on many

As an ex-Nikon owner this post attracted my attention to see if I could offer any advice but your words of wisdom prompted me to respond differently

Sorry, but I don't really feel like looking up posts from an ID that you may/may not have borrowed, so I'll give you this one: I'm horribly disappointed.

I was just a little thrown off by your first post, since you wrote it like some afterschool special caricature of a first-time poster who was so grossly put off by some mild sarcasm that he/she decided to take the time to register a new account just to express his/her disapproval.

Also, for someone who claims to be so eager to offer photography advice, it's interesting that you've chosen to ignore the new threads that actually ask for advice (and not even give advice within this thread, something I did, and something the other people who disliked my comments were still able to do), to make me the selective focus (pun intended) of all the posts you've made since joining MacRumors. There's plenty of room to contribute to threads that haven't been sullied by my words, because I really don't post that often.

So let's put this all behind us, and...



macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Gee what a friendly place this is! I registered today as my interests are anything Mac and even more anything photographic.

I've seen some pretty arrogant posters on other forums but El Cabong, who openly admits to being sarcastic, takes the biscuit.

The OP admits he's a new DSLR user and makes a genuine request for some help - hopefully he'll find others a bit more friendly and helpful.

Think I'll have a look at some of the other posts to hopefully confirm that I've been unlucky in picking this as my first forum experience

Consider the fact that el cabong is a "newbie" and doesn't represent the tone of the photography forum in general, although like any public forum, there are those moments - just usually not if the photo forum.

Check out the photo of the day threads, the fortnight challenge threads and spend a bit of time getting to know the regulars here, and you'll probably decide to stick around. Generally, the folks around here are supportive, and very helpful.

PS: For what it's worth, I didn't think the "sarcasm" was all that bad, and el cabong did offer some very good knowledgeable advice... so whatever is going on between you two... <sigh> ... please don't let it get out of hand... :)


macrumors member
Dec 14, 2008
One thing you may want to consider when getting a prime lens (fix focal length lens example: 35mm f/1.8 or 50mm f/1.4) is what your priorities are for that lens. That is:

1. Is it only for low light situations?
2. Do you anticipate using it for general snapshots?
3. Do you want to use it for portraits?

The 35mm f/1.8 lens would be fine for the first two, but if you're looking into taking a lot of portraits of family, friends, etc. then the 35mm lens may be a little too wide. For me, the 50mm f/1.4 AF-S lens (which I have) is pretty perfect for portraits. On a APS-C camera like the D40 or D5000 a 50mm lens becomes the 35mm equivalent of 75mm. I find that indoors, it usually ends up getting only a little below the shoulders and up and outdoors since there's usually no space constraints you're only limited by your creativity as far as framing goes. Also, the extra stop in aperture of the 50mm f/1.4 lens does come in handy. Though rare for me, there have been times when I couldn't have made a shot without that extra stop of light. Especially if you want to shoot with lower ISOs like I do with my D40 which I hardly ever take above ISO 800 and preferably like to keep at no more than ISO 400. But like I said, those times are rather rare for me, but of course I'm also still very glad I had that extra stop otherwise I would've missed a photo I really treasure now.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
I fail to see the need to post sarcastic remarks in this thread, it was a valid question that probably required further clarity to provide a better answer. Most people on this forum are trying to help others. John is a new member, as are you and I think it is likely after reading this thread that he will post again, I think that is a bit sad.

I think you people need to relax. The sarcasm wasn't overboard, and the post was informative (which is more than can be said for most of the posts criticizing it.) The OP, like most who ask the same question did not give enough information, and the sarcasm was well-enough done that the OP could have went down the list and filled out actual answers and gotten more pointed advice.

I also find it ironic that we get someone complaining about sarcasm who then posts "Think I'll have a look at some of the other posts to hopefully confirm that I've been unlucky in picking this as my first forum experience."

If the OP can't handle some mild sarcasm that's actually helpful then really they shouldn't be on the Internet posting to public fora because the post wasn't the travesty of good, light and magic that it's being made out to be.

You ultimately pay a price for free advice, sometimes that price is in the humor of the adviser. Sometimes its in dis- or misinformation, and sometimes it's in dealing with people who's social diversity isn't what you'd consider normal- welcome to the Internet.

I can't imagine how any of you who are up in arms would have survived USENET during its heyday, especially the alt hierarchy.

Personally, I hope all the attacks haven't resulted in El Cabong having to self-sensor because helpful people who take the time to detail postings are much more useful than the usual rash of people who think everyone should own exactly what they bought no matter what the application is.


Mr Ski 73

macrumors regular
Dec 11, 2007
Has the OP provided further information in this thread - no

Has the OP posted elsewhere on the site since - no

I rest my case and think this matter is closed.


macrumors 68020
Aug 25, 2006
Oregon coast
Has the OP provided further information in this thread - no

Has the OP posted elsewhere on the site since - no

I rest my case and think this matter is closed.

If that's the case, then no big loss, really. I'd rather not lose el cabong, since despite his pointed sense of humor (or because of it...) he actually had some really good things to say... and he did make an attempt to make peace with his detractors.


macrumors 6502a
May 23, 2009
Check out the Nikon 18-200mm VR II. It does a lot, get it and you won't be needing another lens for quite a while.


macrumors 65816
Jun 9, 2009
Has the OP provided further information in this thread - no

Has the OP posted elsewhere on the site since - no

I rest my case and think this matter is closed.

To be fair, however, a lot of the "what kind of equipment should I buy" type posts here never get revisited or answered by the OP. I don't know if they just forget, don't care, or what. I don't think it's due to the OPs getting offended though (at least in the vast majority of cases).


El Cabong

macrumors 6502a
Dec 1, 2008
Has the OP provided further information in this thread - no

Has the OP posted elsewhere on the site since - no

I rest my case and think this matter is closed.

I agree that this matter is closed.

The OP's previous posts were back in September, asking about a scanner. It was a thread that he started and apparently abandoned after people made such cutting remarks as: "I would get the CanoScan 8800F" and "I also have the Epson V500 and I really am very satisfied with the results," and was hence loath to follow up further and was turned off to the forums for over a month.

Regardless, this thread has wandered very far away from its original topic. People need to calm down and move on/continue this pointless fight on a different and more appropriately titled thread.

My suggestion: "Hurting feelings on the Interweb"
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