Old dude, age 88, use for email and read news 9 hrs per day, Netflix, no games (stop laughing).
I'm not rich, but I do have ample means to buy anything I want, and I'm psychologically inclined to overkill when buying electronics.
All of these options are overkill for my use. I don't care. I like top end stuff.
Any assistance from the brilliant young minds here would be greatly appreciated
first, thank you for your service.
It sounds like you really enjoy being on the cutting edge of technology, which has me very curious about something.
As most of your usage seems to be related to consumption, and you admit yourself that the specifications of the Max studio are overkill for your usage, why would you not opt for an Apple Vision Pro?
Sure, it only has the M2, but it’s a totally new experience and operating system, and if you’re looking for cutting edge, it’s that.
Re Vision Pro. As a kid, Dick Tracy had a watch he could speak to other ons. That was like out-of-this-world "star wars". Vision Pro is my adult Dick Tracy watch. Can't begin to comprehend it.
while it definitely seems complicated to understand how it works, the actual usage of the device (as demonstrated by Apple) seems simple enough that anyone could pick it up.
I dare to say that it even looks easier to use than macOS, the current operating system you’re using.
And most importantly, it seems to fit all of your qualifications perfectly.
No need for monitors or any connection to them, AVP can be your monitor.
And for the ultimate experience, you could pick up a used M1 Mac mini or MacBook Air for probably around $400-500, and as demonstrated by Apple, you can automatically run macOS apps off of that Mac alongside Vision Pro apps.
And even a basic M1 with 16 GB of ram will still be leaps and bounds ahead in performance compared to your 2014 iMac.
I understand you’ve already purchased a M2Ultra, and it should absolutely serve your needs fine, but definitely don’t rule out not getting that M3 ultra and instead trying out an AVP.
Just to throw in an extra option - have you considered an iPad Pro instead??
Coupled with the keyboard, it’s pretty much like a laptop and will easily handle your news reading/Netflix etc…….
Haven’t read through the entire thread so apologies if its already been ruled out - but I replaced my M2 MacBook Air with an iPad Pro/Keyboard/Pencil and it serves me perfectly well for mobile use, or general use around teh house etc (granted, I do have an M1 Max laptop on my desk to other work).
The main reason I don’t think an iPad would work is because the OP is already using multiple 27 inch monitors, and the largest an iPad can get is 12.9 inches plus a single external display.
AVP seems to have most of the same software as the iPad, but the screen can be any size you want, not to mention content consumption (especially video) is going to best both the iPad and Mac.