May I respond to the multiple posters talking about OCD in saying that there's no relation with OCD and keeping your messaging organised (or your apps in colour coded order, or food shelves ordered in size, or albums in chronological order etc etc.) - these things are not OCD. It's is a debilitating anxiety order that ruins peoples lives and its least important factor is perfectionistic organising or having a clear messaging list.
OCD being constantly used as a adjective to describe our little personality traits or quirks is akin to comparing cancer to the common cold and it really has to stop as people are frequently not getting the help that they need due to the incorrect cultural significance of the word. Those with the disorder hear from professionals that they have OCD and believe it just to be a hand washing or organisational thing that's just a bit neurotic and they leave their treatment, or never look for it in the first place.
Please don't take this as a personal attack, it isn't - the concept of OCD being a quirky personality thing about organisation and perfectionism or slightly excessive cleanliness is a widespread idea, so it doesn't surprise me to see it used in this way. However it continuing this way only makes sufferers suffer more when the disease is badly misunderstood. It's a devastating mental illness where sufferers feel compelled daily to carry out compulsions to their obsessions or they'll never escape the anxious ritualising and lead a normal life.
Many lose or leave jobs because of it, many end up in severe depression because of it, many don't leave their homes for fear of something triggering happening outside. The vast majority couldn't care less about their message organisation or whether it's clear before they start the day. Can we please all be mindful of how we use our language and if you weren't aware of this before, no worries, maybe you know a little more now.