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taeclee99 said:
i am finally gonna taking the plunge and either a dell 2405 lcd or an ACD 23."
i am hesitant about buying the acd 23" because of all the pinkish hue on the screen. does anyone know if the newer batch of 23" acd's exhibit the same color problems? i am currently leaning towards purchasing the dell because of the known issues with the 23" acd and because the 2405 is five hundred dollars cheaper. but the design of the apple lcd looks so much nicer than the dell.

what do you guys think? which one should i get?

I've had the 2405 for about 2 months now. I don't regret the purchase for a nanosecond. The little extras on the device make it worth it IMHO. The display has a USB hub built in which is slick as heck. I permanently leave my flash drive connected to the monitor and run firefox off of it so I can take my browser wherever I go.
The device also has a media reader built into the side of the thing...SD, MMC, CF II, MS all are supported.
I found a little applet for Windows that sits in the notification area. Click and I can rotate the screen which is where the built in swivel for the screen is handy. Honestly I've wowed several Mac users by doing this turning the system into portrait mode. It’s so much easier for browsing forums, working on word documents, etc. I honestly can’t wait for January and the new Mac Minis that will doubtless come out. I’ve been teeter tottering with the “new” upgraded minis that supposedly sport 64MB of VRAM (Since anything less gets kinda funky with the native resolution on the screen.) but I figured I can wait til January.
Finally there is quality. I started the replacement of my 17" CRT in early Spring. Started off with a 2005FPW. Replaced it 3 times. First: Backlight bleed, Second: about 15 dead or stuck pixels, Third: Backlight again. Most people can probably deal with the backlight on most monitors but I'm uber sensitive to it. So I ended up returning the monitor and waiting for the 2005 to go on sale and try it again. Well Dell F-ed up big time. They sent me a 2405 instead of the smaller 2005. The monitor out of the box was and is flawless. ZERO bad pixels. I went over that thing with a magnifying glass thinking it’s impossible to get a screen with that kind of pix density and no dead pixels but its true. Not a one. Backlight is VERY even and very bright. I've found that I've had to actually decrease the brightness because it was hurting my eyes.

The only reservation I have at this point is future proofing the device. Microsoft has announced support for High Def Content Protection (HDCP) that encrypts the media all the way to the screen. This requires monitors and TV’s to support HDCP. At this point in time the 2405 does not support this so you won’t be able to watch HD content that is content protected. I know you are thinking no big deal right? Its MS. Apple will never pull such a BS stunt. You’d be wrong. Apple will do it. HDCP is one of the major stipulations from the MPAA and most media groups. Apple doesn’t want movies to only run on Windows Vista so Apple WILL support HDCP.
The end result is when you play HDCP content on Vista and possibly Leopard its going to dumb down the content to DVD quality on a monitor such as the 2405.

It’s a small gripe. Other then that if you have the cash get the sucker. NOW.
Apple 23" specs:

270 cd/m^2 brightness
400:1 contrast
16 ms response time

Dell 24" specs:

500 cd/m^2 brightness
1000:1 contrast ratio
12 ms response time

I seems that the Dell monitor blows the Apple out of the water. How much difference does twice the brightness and contrast, and the quicker response time make? In my opinion Apple's design, and having the 'Apple package' balances the Dell's cheaper price and greater variety of ports. So what it comes down to is whether or not the specs listed above are going to make a difference.
You simply cannot beat Dell's flat panels. Before I went entirely portable, I had 3 1901FPs and I loved them. Now I am Powerbook only.

I was talking to a friend about this monitor decision, and he reminded me of one critical importance that I had forgotten. Gamma differences. A Mac display uses different gamma than a Windows display. I'm in an advanced graphic design course, and inevitably with each project, someone is explaining how on their PC the colors looked so much different than they printed. I have never had a single problem with this on my Mac. Now, is this due to the Mac driving the monitor, or is there going to be something inherently different in the monitor?
stoid said:
I was talking to a friend about this monitor decision, and he reminded me of one critical importance that I had forgotten. Gamma differences. A Mac display uses different gamma than a Windows display. I'm in an advanced graphic design course, and inevitably with each project, someone is explaining how on their PC the colors looked so much different than they printed. I have never had a single problem with this on my Mac. Now, is this due to the Mac driving the monitor, or is there going to be something inherently different in the monitor?

Mac driving the monitor, you can change the gamma to Mac or PC in a program in the Utilities folder colorsync i think
eva01 said:
Mac driving the monitor, you can change the gamma to Mac or PC in a program in the Utilities folder colorsync i think

Do current versions of Windows have this feature built in, as well? Where do you access it?

I definitely agree, if you want color matching to printed work, you must, must, must calibrate your computer screen.
By the way the ACDs are not good quality enough to be colour calibrated. That's right, just think about it.. they (are low quality enough to) even have hues on it, how good do you reckon it to be.

Don't take my word for it. Google at for the numerous whinges.

For quality, stick with Eizo panels, they do cost more than ACDs, although slightly more.

For the ACD grade of image quality I will gladly stick with a Dell.
Btw if you are in the market for a 20" my 0.02 in this would be to get a NEC 2080UX+.

It should be in the same price range as the ADC 20", and I choose this one after reading a review of it conducted by a Mac site.

Great colour saturation, great contrast, simply gorgeous.

Virtually as good as higher prices Eizos I've used before.
I'll have to agree with the guys touting the Dell monitors. We just got a 20" for a TV in my apt. and its impressive.

Can anyone comment on the ability of a PB12 & a PB15 to run the Dell monitors? Any problems with either one? What about running a dual 20" setup off a laptop? Doable...stupid?
munckee said:
I'll have to agree with the guys touting the Dell monitors. We just got a 20" for a TV in my apt. and its impressive.

Can anyone comment on the ability of a PB12 & a PB15 to run the Dell monitors? Any problems with either one? What about running a dual 20" setup off a laptop? Doable...stupid?

laptops can run dual monitors, but not 2 external. 1 of them has to be the built in display.
munckee said:
What about running a dual 20" setup off a laptop? Doable...stupid?

Pretty much impossible if I am correct, because of only 1 DVI port on the laptop.
We have one 2405 and it is a really nice display.

I still do my photography work on CRTs, but am thinking of upgrading to the dell LCD. Is it perfect for graphics work? No. Am I a professional and need top notch perfect results? No. Do I want to spend an arm and a leg on a Eizo CG? No.
Go With The Dell...

.. aethetically inferior but never the less a good on screen image. When you factor in the savings and also that some places are offering 4 year warranties it beats the Apple hands down. The 23 needs a drop in price by 300€. and an improved warranty on all Macs would be a good idea as well.
tuartboy said:
laptops can run dual monitors, but not 2 external. 1 of them has to be the built in display.

Thats exactly what I figured. Not a problem. Looks like I'm leaning toward a 15" PB mated to a 24" Dell monitor (which I'll probably use as a television as well?), so with the new PB resolution I'll have PLENTY of real estate. I may even drop it back to a 20".
tuartboy said:
laptops can run dual monitors, but not 2 external. 1 of them has to be the built in display.
You are wrong there! Villagetronic makes pcmia cards which are videocards. You can even hook 2 displays up to one of those cards, so in total you have 4 displays (3 external!)
Well, the choice is realy hard for me.

I will buy my monitor next week (and I cant wait!).
I know that I woudnt regret buying any of thoses 2 monitors, wich are actualy the same price for me becose I can only get the student discount on the apple monitors.

The thing is, I also want to be able to stream the playstation3 at full res in my display, and while the dell support it, there is no information on the net on apple's side. Does the resolution just stay centered since apple does not have a display scaler? Will it work? Will it work with a display scaler bought seperatly?

As for the tint on the apple display, I beleive its only with older models, and its the angle at wich your looking at it (If your too close to the monitor). I went to a store and checked it out with 1 color backgrounds.

Bah, I think I'll try to contact apple to see if they can answer me.

Update, from the pdf in the specs page:
The DVI standard specifies a single connector that handles two different digital signal
bandwidths: single link and dual link. At 165MHz, the single-link bandwidth supports
HDTV and UXGA (1600-by-1200-pixel resolution) display formats. The dual-link bandwidth
(transmitted over a single cable) uses the same DVI connection, but it supports
much higher resolutions, such as the 2560-by-1600-pixel resolution of the 30-inch
Apple Cinema HD Display.

Does that mean anything, or is it just there to impress the buyer about what dvi CAN be?
pionata said:
wich are actualy the same price for me becose I can only get the student discount on the apple monitors.

Um. Unless you're getting the mac-daddy of all student discounts, the prices STILL aren't even close. The 20" with the student discount is $699 and the 23" is $1099.

That may beat the Dell retail prices, but you can't even go a solid month without the Dell monitors being offered for extreme discounts. The "normal" discounted price that I've noted on the Dell monitors is $394 for the 20" and $779 for the 24"; both substantial savings over the ACD's.
munckee said:
Um. Unless you're getting the mac-daddy of all student discounts, the prices STILL aren't even close. The 20" with the student discount is $699 and the 23" is $1099.

That may beat the Dell retail prices, but you can't even go a solid month without the Dell monitors being offered for extreme discounts. The "normal" discounted price that I've noted on the Dell monitors is $394 for the 20" and $779 for the 24"; both substantial savings over the ACD's.

Well it seems the dell are hard to find in Montreal, and the student loan for computers only works if I buy a computer from a Quebec store.
And that might sound stupid, but I dont mind paying more becose it look better (and it get deducted later as a work expense so that the finicial aid for student pay me back the same ammount in scolarship instead of loan)... (Maybe I would change my mind If they had a Dell somewhere I could play with).
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