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The future of the Mini is not over...merely in limbo, currently.

Without question, some of ios11 features will be harder to use on the smaller screen.

But Apple hasn't killed the Mini by any means nor is its future...murky.

The current Mini is still a fairly useful tablet. Apple could update it any time they want. They just haven't yet.
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$100 off iPad mini 4 at Best Buy. I'm thinking about picking one up today.
The iPad mini has always seemed like the step child of the iPad family. I remember listening to a podcast (I forgot which one) that invited a couple of Apple engineers and they said that the development of the iPad mini was really quick - only around 9 months. It was able to be done so quickly because Apple just took a UI that was designed for a 9.7" screen and shrunk it into a 7.9" screen. They then patched up all of the UI elements that were unusable on the smaller screen size and shipped the product.

I owned an original iPad mini for a few months and returned it due to the lack of a retina display. Then when the retina iPad mini came out I thought that would make it the perfect iPad, but it didn't. The 9.7" UI just doesn't work on that smaller screen - some elements (like safari tabs and control center) are just way too small to use comfortably. The physical size of the mini is still too big to carry around in a pocket, so I question if there is really any benefit to owning a mini over a regular sized iPad. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple got rid of it eventually - I'd think it is not a product that they are particularly proud of.

I think they need to drop the mini and regular iPad fast and stop people having a low cost option onto iOS. Apple are supposed to be luxury products and are NOT meant for the poor.
The current mini is still an extremely useful tablet.

In landscape it is equally as good as the 9.7" Pro at multitasking if you've got good eyesight. I use it all the time with messages or mail open at 20% and Safari or Excel/Numbers/Pages/Word etc in 80% with a video playing PiP in the upper right corner. The mini is a great tablet for this kind of multitasking, which lends itself very well to drag and drop kinds of workflows. On any size iPad, I rarely use 50/50 multitasking anyway, always one dominant app and another skinny. The mini has a large following, and there is a decent market for the size. I'm not getting rid of mine anytime rMB on the other hand...

The most streamlined they could have made the iPad line would have been to have:
  • 12.9" iPad Pro @2732x2048, 264ppi
  • 10.5" iPad mini Pro @2732x2048, 326ppi
  • 9.7" iPad @2048x1536, 264ppi
  • 7.9" iPad mini @2048x1536, 326ppi
I know I keep harping on about this, but it would have made such perfect symmetrical sense, and given the 7.9" mini a natural place in the line-up.

As it is now, it does look a bit like the bastard runt child in the line-up unfortunately.

What would still make the most sense, though, would be a Fall upgrade for iPad and iPad mini to the A10, mini getting a downgrade to the older mini 2 chassis to match the iPad chassis thickness dimensions. Definitely wouldn't call the iPad mini dead just yet. It is not even close to being in the same league as the iPod Touch, that's for sure, or the MBA either!
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The iPad mini has always seemed like the step child of the iPad family. I remember listening to a podcast (I forgot which one) that invited a couple of Apple engineers and they said that the development of the iPad mini was really quick - only around 9 months. It was able to be done so quickly because Apple just took a UI that was designed for a 9.7" screen and shrunk it into a 7.9" screen. They then patched up all of the UI elements that were unusable on the smaller screen size and shipped the product.

I owned an original iPad mini for a few months and returned it due to the lack of a retina display. Then when the retina iPad mini came out I thought that would make it the perfect iPad, but it didn't. The 9.7" UI just doesn't work on that smaller screen - some elements (like safari tabs and control center) are just way too small to use comfortably. The physical size of the mini is still too big to carry around in a pocket, so I question if there is really any benefit to owning a mini over a regular sized iPad. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple got rid of it eventually - I'd think it is not a product that they are particularly proud of.

Every user's experience is different I suppose, but I've never had a problem using the iPad Mini and I have carried it in my a jacket pocket many times so is more portable than is larger brothers. When travelling by train in the UK, even the 9.7" iPad size can be too big for the seat-back tables and as a regular commuter, this is an important aspect of the Mini's usability for me. I'd be very sorry to see it go, but can see its end may well be near. I don't want to carry an iPhone Plus around all the time and I don't understand how anyone can say that the extra 2 inches or so in screen size is unnoticeable.

I do think though that iOS 11 has been wholly designed around the 10.5/12.9" sizes and that users of the Mini will be left on their own to grapple with the multi-tasking features as best they can. If iOS 11 features are all ported to the iPhone then this might help usability on the Mini but I think some features will remain iPad only.

I had a play with the 10.5" iPad Pro in an Apple Store at the weekend and, to be honest, could not see what the fuss was about. Maybe I'm just not sensitive to the new spec improvements.
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I think there will be a new Mini down the road.
The Mini (apart from just once) was always a generation behind the bigger iPads.
The Mini4 is still plenty fast and usable (it has the A8, just like the Air2, which is still running great), so there's enough time for Apple to sell it and replace it with a Mini5 once the current model is starting to show its age.

If I had to bet on it, I'd say it will either be released in the Fall as a silent refresh and get the A9 (or less likely the A10), or in a year from now, and receive the A10 (or less likely the A11).
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$100 off iPad mini 4 at Best Buy. I'm thinking about picking one up today.

Picked one up last week. And I had a $50 Best Buy gift card. Really can't beat getting a 128GB Mini 4 for $250.

In my opinion, I can see Apple doing something similar with the Mini like they did with the 4" iPhone. Release a SE. Granted, I don't see them updating the Mini line each and every year, but who needs to upgrade iPad's every year anyway? So I don't think (and hope) that Apple will do away with the Mini line completely.
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People need to take a chill pill and have a little patience.

The iPad Pro is targeted towards more professional and productive use. He iPad mini line is not.

It would be completely idiotic, in my humble opinion, to even hint at a new iPad mini during the WWDC2017. Apple wanted to maintain full focus on iPad Pro as a productivity device and the fancy features of iOS11.

I don't see why Apple can't do a low-key reveal of an iPad mini 5 later this year or beginning of the next. Up RAM to 3 or 4GB and slap in an A10 and it's good to go with iOS11.

Sounds like you missed the part where Apple announced their augmented reality platform ARKit for iOS 11.

ARKit requires A9 or newer. The mini has an A8.

You want to let developers know what platform to develop AR for, not some low key reveal 6 months later.

Just sayin'.
Sounds like you missed the part where Apple announced their augmented reality platform ARKit for iOS 11.

ARKit requires A9 or newer. The mini has an A8.

You want to let developers know what platform to develop AR for, not some low key reveal 6 months later.

Just sayin'.
That's fair enough but if developers target the 9.7" iPad for this reason, there is no difference between this and an updated iPad mini. It's the same resolution, and same specs otherwise, there is no "developing for" iPad mini. It is simply a higher ppi iPad...

That's fair enough but if developers target the 9.7" iPad for this reason, there is no difference between this and an updated iPad mini. It's the same resolution, and same specs otherwise, there is no "developing for" iPad mini. It is simply a higher ppi iPad...


You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

When you scale graphical elements, you need to consider the PPI of the device. A TV may have the same resolution as the iPhone 7 Plus, but artifacts shown on the TV are much more visible. This will affect the level and type of compression used by developers on graphical elements. Menu items also need to be scaled properly to consider the screen size and reachability.
Since the mini is stuck on A8, it's only a matter of time (iOS 12?) before it sees it's last update.
It's sad--when the original mini came out, I bought one for my wife for her birthday, and it was a revolutionary redesign. Pencil thin, small bezels, light as a feather, etc. Just didn't have the retina display yet. But everyone we showed it to was wowed by its small footprint and thin design.

Now? It's kind of an afterthought unfortunately. I love the form factor. Would hate to see it go.
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really enjoyed my mini 4, and switched it it after the air 1 and air 2, but got to say I'm really happy with the new 10.5 pro
iPad mini is the victim of a marketplace that couldnt decide what it wanted.

Market: "we want smaller, more portable tablets; we already have laptops for house based tasks"

Apple: Okay, here's iPad mini.

market: We don't care for portability, we all carry bags anyway, give us productivity

Apple: okay, here's iPad Pro 12.9

market: we want desktop-class features, not tablet features stretched to a bigger screen

apple: okay, here's iOS 11

what the market will likely say next: we hate feeling like we have our laptops with us everywhere, we want a tablet to be a tablet.

What apple will likely say next: iPad has been discontinued because you're all idiots and can't make up your minds. Here's a 6.5 inch iPhone and be done with it.

I loved Ipad mini, I owned multiple generations, but theres no place for it now I feel.

I'd like to respectfully say I couldn't agree with this assessment any less.

Apple has in recent times confused the notion about what different sized devices should mean. How much of this is deliberate strategy and how much is because they themselves are confused I'm unsure but I think mostly the former. They like to keep the market guessing, unsure of Apple's intentions (as opposed to their own) and enamoured by the new kid on the block.

It was Jobs who said size should be a personal preference and users shouldn't have to unduly sacrifice features or capabilities for simply preferring a larger or smaller device. Well we all know how that turned out! I don't think users are confused at all; they'll generally go for the most economical product they can afford that meets their needs and has the features they want. It's Apple that keeps confusing things and the iPad is the best example of this.

In the beginning there was the iPad. Then a successor. Easy so far right? Well they released an iPad Mini but didn't keep it up to spec with its larger sibling. At one stage it used an older or weaker chip, had less ram and a poor screen (or a combination of all the above, I can't remember which) thereby crippling its capability compared to the latest and greatest "real" iPad, so people complained. Apple to their credit eventually released an iPad Mini that was almost on par with the 9.7" and not unduly crippled, but then things took a massive turn for the worse (in terms of Jobs' vision)!

Apple released a massive 12.9" tablet dubbed the "Pro" that competed with the 9.7" not just for size but for features. Users who wanted the Pro's features in a smaller form factor couldn't have it; they had to get the big daddy iPad even if the size was unsuitable. Later though Apple introduced the 9.7" Pro but it trumped the 12.9" model (gaining P3 wide gamut and True Tone display) without updating its larger sibling.

Users were again stuck not being able to choose based on size alone but on how much they valued or needed the better screen. Apple then goes and brings them back to feature parity, except for the larger one not gaining efficient smaller bezels. Did they want people to jump from the 9.7" Air to the 12.9" to the 9.7" Pro and back to the 12.9" again? That's what you've had to do if you wanted the best features and screen!

All the while the Mini gets relegated to third-class citizen. I don't know if it needs a Pro version with Pencil support, but a P3 screen, slimmer bezels, processor and RAM upgrade would go a long way to making it attractive enough so that people aren't forced to go for a size that isn't ideal for their needs just to get the features they want.

From this it's pretty clear that Apple are playing games. It's not the public that's confused in the slightest about what they want. It's Apple selectively adding features to each size one at a time.
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I've had the mini4 for a little more than a week now, grabbed one on at the bb sale after finally giving up hope for a new one anytime soon

coming from an Air1, the 9.7" are just ipads for blind people. same amount of content is on the screen

does the 10'5" show more content than mini/9.7"? I know the 12.9" can do 2 ipad apps side by side in 50/50 mode so at least that has something unique over the mini, pencil aside.

I really don't get the point if you don't see more content on the screen.. It is better for watching videos on a bigger screen, but that's all I've got so far

I'd say ipad mini is my favorite apple product
Like all corporations Apple is going where the money is. The 9.7" tablets had record numbers sold. With phones approaching mini sizes (albeit not that big, but still large), I don't think the mini will be focused on in the production meetings/etc. It's like the ipod. Once they figured out how to increase the memory size for phones, they didn't need to keep up with the need for ipods. I didn't think I would EVER put my music on my phone, but I did, and my nano has sat in my glove compartment for the past 2 years because of it. Eventually when they install communication chips in our hands and contact lenses for facial recognition, we won't even need phones LOL.
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

When you scale graphical elements, you need to consider the PPI of the device. A TV may have the same resolution as the iPhone 7 Plus, but artifacts shown on the TV are much more visible. This will affect the level and type of compression used by developers on graphical elements. Menu items also need to be scaled properly to consider the screen size and reachability.

So your assertion is that all the iPad apps out there have a separately designed UI for iPad mini...and I don't know what I am talking about??

I get what you're saying about the difference between a 42" 1080p TV and a 4.7" 1080p iPhone 7, but that has annsolutely zero to do with an iPad mini and an iPad.

If you follow Apple's developer guidelines for UI design, and adhere to the specified touch point sizes, there is nothing else to do. Apple designed the iPad mini screen resolution and ppi to be within their recommended touch point size range for every single app properly designed for iPad.

In other words, if you design your app for iPad using the specified touch point UI guidelines and resources, Apple is guaranteeing your app will look and feel great on iPad mini and iPad.

Then, they have provided the resolution independent design tools to allow your app to take advantage and optimize itself for the larger resolution screens of the iPad Pro's (and scale itself down for the 3 active iPhone resolutions if you make a universal app) Here is where a developer will have to do a bit of fine tuning, to take proper advantage of the extra pixel space...
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iPad mini is the victim of a marketplace that couldnt decide what it wanted.

Market: "we want smaller, more portable tablets; we already have laptops for house based tasks"

Apple: Okay, here's iPad mini.

market: We don't care for portability, we all carry bags anyway, give us productivity

Apple: okay, here's iPad Pro 12.9

market: we want desktop-class features, not tablet features stretched to a bigger screen

apple: okay, here's iOS 11

what the market will likely say next: we hate feeling like we have our laptops with us everywhere, we want a tablet to be a tablet.

What apple will likely say next: iPad has been discontinued because you're all idiots and can't make up your minds. Here's a 6.5 inch iPhone and be done with it.

I loved Ipad mini, I owned multiple generations, but theres no place for it now I feel.

the iPhone 6.5in is coming, so I don't think there is room for a Mini.

Where has this 6.5" iPhone been rumored? I've never seen it mentioned in any MR article and a google search turned up nothing as well. Happen to have any links?
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I used to buy mini few years ago for ebook, but then found Kindle (6" screen) with bette battery life and better screen for the eyes. Now, I bring my 6s and Kindle everywhere.
Where has this 6.5" iPhone been rumored? I've never seen it mentioned in any MR article and a google search turned up nothing as well. Happen to have any links?

I think its applying an extrapolation of the iPhone 8 screen size increase to the iPhone Plus models
I think its applying an extrapolation of the iPhone 8 screen size increase to the iPhone Plus models

But the iPhone 8 is rumored to have a 5.1" actual viewing area. Hard to extrapolate when going from two devices to one device that's an in between size.
My wife has the mini 4 currently and she won't go to a larger size ever so I hope they do continue to offer one in the future; I think they will but in the end it's really anyone's guess right now.
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