Just to jump in and steal a thread, i too would like to know how to-do this.
simply because i am not really interested in writing applications for the app store at present as i am still a massive newbie to xcode, objective c and programming for the mac in general.
i get the feeling if i pay up for the $99 licence now to upload to my phone and other things it would be a waste for me as its proberbly going to take me that long to get a good skill set going with this language.
i have installed openssh on my phone (via cydia) and can connect to it via my mac. i have uploaded my application to the phone and its visible on the "desktop" but when i run the app it immediatly closes.
from what i have read up i am guessing this is someting to-do with the fact my app is not signed using the cert i have not purchased etc etc.
all i would like to-do is sort all this out so i can write my little apps and get to know xcode n the sdk see them work on the simulator and make SURE they work on the phone just for me. no one else. theres no point as it would take too much effort to get the app onto there phones (i.e. theyd need jailbreaking etc etc).
sorry if this sounds like a hash of random off topic sentances, most of my posts tend to.
the long and short for me is all i want to-do is write my app, stick it on the simulator to make sure it works, bang it on my phone to gurantee it works and sit back knowing i wrote that app for me and im happy i did.
then once im a better xcode programmer i will run off and pay for the official route.
any suggestions would be welcomed, but please dont spam me about the rights and wrongs of doing things like this, as mentioned a few times its for me to get to know things a lot better.