Thanks for sharing your site, Mildredop. I was expecting an outdated-looking layout circa 2000 with the contents off to the left of the page LOL… It’s very trendy-attractive, and shows off your impressive creds at a glance. I think the web designer has succeeded by all accounts in producing a simple and professional web presence for you.
I’m not sure I understand the resentment and spite towards the web designer? It seems like you’re holding him responsible for recommending to you what you deemed an incompetent (and very cheap) graphic designer? Did he pressure you into going with the graphic designer...?
As most have said, it’s a responsibility of the client to ask to see the graphic designer’s portfolio before committing to any agreement, as informal as it may seemed to have been. Most designers will have a PDF-ready book to email to you— if not a website. It’s also the graphic designer's responsibility to provide a book— whether digital, website or a physical portfolio (if meeting in person) to potential clients. Never just go by the word of the individual recommending— since taste is so subjective. In this day of virtual communication, I can’t understand how either party would not provide, and ask for, such important reference before agreeing to the job.
For those that “don’t agree you pay for the person’s time”— then please don’t hire professional designers and agencies. Because logo design does take time, and professionals designers will work with a client until they’re satisfied, no matter how difficult the client may be.