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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 3, 2004
For some reason, my finder kept showing 2 users. It turns out that I had an iphoto library from both users, half of the pictures from user 1, and the other half from user 2. I didn't know this, and I deleted user 2 (because I thought it was an idle user, with nothing important, I didn't know that it had saved pictures in it.)

I dragged the user to the trash. And now I just lost most of my important pictures from abroad.

Is there ANY way I can get it back? I'd even pay money to go to the apple store.

There's some software, Data Rescue, that can recover deleted files on OS X. I don't know how good it is. It appears to cost $99.

Edit: I think neocell's advice to not shut down the computer, and just don't use it at all makes more sense than my previous advice which was to shut the computer down and not use it.

Research how to do it on another computer still holds.
Did you empty the trash? If you did. Don't shut down your computer, don't basically do anything to it as new file creation could lead to loss of the files you'd like to recover. Try out what gekko513 said. I remember some else on the forums having a similar problem and they got their info back. I'll try a search


Couldn't find the thread but here's another option not much cheaper though
Or MediaRECOVER for $30
Here's a free one
gekko513 said:
There's some software, Data Rescue, that can recover deleted files on OS X. I don't know how good it is. It appears to cost $99.

If you want to try and recover your data with this, shut down your Mac and don't use it until you're ready to start the recovery process. Research how to do it on another computer.

That is a bit expensive. So I'm guessing there isn't anything I can do from anyones instruction from here.

This is horrible. I was JUST looking at my beautiful pictures from Paris. Now they're all gone.
Not exactly what you want to hear I know. Data recovery is generally far too expensive for personal data recovery.

It's these kind of moments that usually kick us into shape to start backing data up. Harddrives for example will die without warning, so make sure you make use of an external harddrive or a DVD writer soon!
neocell said:
Did you empty the trash? If you did. Don't shut down your computer, don't basically do anything to it as new file creation could lead to loss of the files you'd like to recover. Try out what gekko513 said. I remember some else on the forums having a similar problem and they got their info back. I'll try a search

I didn't empty the trash. But when I went in there to see if I can drag it out. There were only other trash from before. None of the pictures from iphoto was present.

Also, the user that I deleted didn't even delete everything? The user is still there with icons to desktop, library, music, and documents. It seemed to have only deleted my iphoto folder.

I will not empty the trash or shutdown/restart my computer.

I just got back from Paris tonight, I'm jet lagged- been awake for over 24 hours yet I can't go to sleep now knowing all of my pictures are gone. It's 1 am here in california and attempts to call apple is futile.

PatrickF said:
Not exactly what you want to hear I know. Data recovery is generally far too expensive for personal data recovery.

It's these kind of moments that usually kick us into shape to start backing data up. Harddrives for example will die without warning, so make sure you make use of an external harddrive or a DVD writer soon!

Thats the thing, I HAD everything backed up from my trips. It was this last weekend ones. And it kills me that I DID IT. I deleted it. And now I hate myself.

Will the genius bar recover my pictures for a smaller fee?
Try doing a spotlight search for some of the file names. Sometimes folders disappear on me, only to show up later (sometimes after a Finder relaunch). If it doesn't work try the links I posted above.
neocell said:
Try doing a spotlight search for some of the file names. Sometimes folders disappear on me, only to show up later (sometimes after a Finder relaunch). If it doesn't work try the links I posted above.

I just finished searching through ever image I had on this computer. It is not here. The cheaper options you posted seem sketchy and I don't want to risk needing to restart my computer. And the ones that seem reliable are too expensive for me at the moment.

I don't know what to do.

I might as well just cry.
As you stated in your original post, you would pay money to get the photos back. Pay the money. You may not like forking over the money now, but when you get your photos back, it will seem like money well spent.
DZ/015 said:
As you stated in your original post, you would pay money to get the photos back. Pay the money. You may not like forking over the money now, but when you get your photos back, it will seem like money well spent.

I don't have $100 at the spot. But I guess if it comes down to it, I'll have to come up with it.

Does file recovery depend on the length of time? I will NOT shut down or restart my computer, and I will not empty the trash bin. But I won't have 100 dollars in the next few days.
Which trash did you drag them to? iPhoto has its own trash, doesn't it, or is that just a shortcut to the "real" trash?

I mention it because it took me forever to figure out how to delete pics - I thought I had deleted them, because I right-clicked and chose to trash them, but even after I emptied the trash, I would still find them if I went into my pics folders via Finder. Someone then told me to empty the iPhoto trash.

Sorry if this is a big vague, it was a long time ago, I don't remember specifically. But I thought it was worth mentioning, just in case.
annk said:
Which trash did you drag them to? iPhoto has its own trash, doesn't it, or is that just a shortcut to the "real" trash?

I mention it because it took me forever to figure out how to delete pics - I thought I had deleted them, because I right-clicked and chose to trash them, but even after I emptied the trash, I would still find them if I went into my pics folders via Finder. Someone then told me to empty the iPhoto trash.

Sorry if this is a big vague, it was a long time ago, I don't remember specifically. But I thought it was worth mentioning, just in case.

I dragged a user into the trash in the dock. It wasn't like deleting pictures within iphoto. I wish it was.
gekko513 said:
There's some software, Data Rescue, that can recover deleted files on OS X. I don't know how good it is. It appears to cost $99.

If you want to try and recover your data with this, shut down your Mac and don't use it until you're ready to start the recovery process. Research how to do it on another computer.

Data Rescue II is a very good utility.
dorqiekat said:
I dragged a user into the trash in the dock. It wasn't like deleting pictures within iphoto. I wish it was.

Ok, so you dragged the user folder from the "Users" folder into the trash?
And you didn't empty the trash?

... your pictures should still be in that user's Pictures folder. Pull the user back out of the trash and take a look. Unless I'm missing something, they should still be there.

-rand() said:
Recovering a deleted user account or user's files from the same computer

If you just want to recover certain files from a deleted user, skip to step 5. If you want to resurrect everything from a deleted user account, choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
Click Accounts.
Create a new administrator account (select the "Allow user to administer this computer" checkbox). You can use the same short name as the former user's account if you wish—this account will essentially replace the former one.

Note: If you don't want this account to have long-term administrator access, deselect the "Allow user to administer this computer" checkbox after completing the rest of these steps.

Log out of your account, then log in as the new user account.
Go to /Users/Deleted Users, then double-click the deleted_user.dmg file (where deleted_user is the name of the deleted account) to mount the disk image on the desktop.

Note: If the Home folder was protected by FileVault, you'll need to enter the former user account's password to proceed. In general, make it a point to turn off FileVault before deleting a user to avoid this situation.

If you only want certain items, drag those files onto your desktop to copy them. If you want to resurrect the deleted account, copy everything from the disk image to the same locations in your (new user's) Home folder.

Could I do this even though the user that I wanted to delete didn't completely delete itself? (It only deleted my pictures folder)

HOPE? :eek:
rand() said:
Ok, so you dragged the user folder from the "Users" folder into the trash?
And you didn't empty the trash?

... your pictures should still be in that user's Pictures folder. Pull the user back out of the trash and take a look. Unless I'm missing something, they should still be there.


Nope, I can't find the pictures ANYWHERE. The trash was deleting them, (I did not empty trash) and didn't leave the pictures folder in the trash bin. I can only see other deleted items.

I have still yet to empty the trash
dorqiekat said:
I don't have $100 at the spot. But I guess if it comes down to it, I'll have to come up with it.

You went to Paris and don't have 100 bucks?

Anyway, try a search asking for all docs that are visible and invisible.
You also say that this is a recent trip... by chance are your pictures still on your camera / media? Or did you load them into iPhoto with the "remove from camera" box checked?

You could also look for a folder called "Deleted Users" in your main "Users" folder and see if there's anything in there. OS X won't let you drag a User folder to the trash (or empty that trash) without asking for a password first. Like I said before, if you haven't emptied the trash, then your data should be there. Keep your chin up and keep looking.

And if it absolutely cannot be found, look at the bright side: this is a great reason to go back to Paris.

rand() said:
You also say that this is a recent trip... by chance are your pictures still on your camera / media? Or did you load them into iPhoto with the "remove from camera" box checked?
yes I checked that dammed box.
rand() said:
You could also look for a folder called "Deleted Users" in your main "Users" folder and see if there's anything in there. OS X won't let you drag a User folder to the trash (or empty that trash) without asking for a password first. Like I said before, if you haven't emptied the trash, then your data should be there. Keep your chin up and keep looking.

I did drag a user to the trash and it asked for a password and said "are you sure" or some sort. I was sure at the time, so I did and did. However, AFTER deleting my pictures library, OSX says something like "cannot delete" blah blah...

So the user is still in finder, haunting me.

I click on it...

...and everything BUT the pictures folder is still there.

And ALL the pictures from that folder is no where to be found. I tried, trash bin, spot light, finder's search...........
Les Kern said:
You went to Paris and don't have 100 bucks?

Anyway, try a search asking for all docs that are visible and invisible.

I was studying there for a semester. I'm dependent on my parents. And they hate me now because of the abyss I am for money (i.e. Paris).

Pathetic, I know.
Sorry if this has been suggested already.

But have you looked through the account that still has the Pictures folder? Looking through Pictures>iPhoto and see if there is anything in there that is hasn't been imported into that iPhoto account. If anything just look through it by date. I really hope you find your pictures :(
GimmeSlack12 said:
Sorry if this has been suggested already.

But have you looked through the account that still has the Pictures folder? Looking through Pictures>iPhoto and see if there is anything in there that is hasn't been imported into that iPhoto account. If anything just look through it by date. I really hope you find your pictures :(

looked for them in every nook and cranny.
Still haven't emptied the trash right???

Have you enabled the hidden files on your system and looked through that? If you haven't then let me offer one more option. Although I really don't know if it will work.

1) Go to and download TinkerTool.
2) Open TinkerTool and under Finder select "Show Hidden and system files"
3) Hit the Relaunch Finder button in the bottom right of TinkerTool
4) Go to your home folder and you should find a folder called .Trash and look in it.

This is the actual trash file from the system, get info on that folder and see what the file size of that folder is. If the file size is rather large (over 100 or 200mb) then that means there is something still in there. The only thing is, if you looked in the .Trash file you will either see possible new files or not. Can't really say what will happen, but if you don't see anything in the .Trash file that is a folder and the size of the .Trash folder is really big, perhaps the image data is still there, but in some strange file.

This is going out on a bit of a limb, but I am in England (from Cali) right now and if I lost my pics I'd be devasted, so I really want to help.
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