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Hey, i attempted this method and it worked flawlessly, however i was careless, and didn't backup the original file.

Everytime i plug in any kind of USB storage device, my whole macbook crashes ( same goes if i boot it up with it plugged it. )

I have a Macbook Pro 17" purchased in April.

Anyway or anywhere i can get that original file??


see item #46, someone posted the original file there.
see item #46, someone posted the original file there.

Just tried that, Same thing.
The weird part is that it's only for storage devices, i use an external keyboard/mouse and that seems to be just fine, if i try an iPod or a USB stick or anything of that sort, the screen fills up in a gray shade and says - you must restart your computer ... etc.
Just tried that, Same thing.
The weird part is that it's only for storage devices, i use an external keyboard/mouse and that seems to be just fine, if i try an iPod or a USB stick or anything of that sort, the screen fills up in a gray shade and says - you must restart your computer ... etc.

user, odotan, posted the instructions and some users reported it works. i personally have not done yet with my unibody macbook.

maybe odotan can comment on your problem. you absolutely followed all the instructions especially where you have to set permission and owner?

on the other note, are you saying you followed the instructions to use the IOUSBFamily file (from 10.5.5) and you were able to jailbreak without any problem. now you are unable to go back to the 10.5.6 IOUSFamily?

i think item #46 is for the 10.5.5 file. so it sounds like you need to 10.5.6 file instead. i am running 10.5.5 with the unibody macbook, otherwise i would send you the file. hopefully someone can send you the 10.5.6 file here.
Yea, jailbreak wise all went great.
and i did upgrade to 10.5.6 and the whole jailbreak was done on 10.5.6. i guess i do need the 10.5.6. Can anyone please upload the 10.5.6 file?

Just tried that, Same thing.
The weird part is that it's only for storage devices, i use an external keyboard/mouse and that seems to be just fine, if i try an iPod or a USB stick or anything of that sort, the screen fills up in a gray shade and says - you must restart your computer ... etc.

I also have similar results. I did NOT notice it with USB sticks, but my external MBA SuperDrive does not work with the modified kexts as I stated in my post #56.

For those who do not have keyboard and mouse in safe mode, I have also gone thorough that and had to reinstall from the OS DVD's. Notice (jamestemroot), all my data remained unchanged (I do remember some minor change, but I cannot recall what it was, but it was very minor) and my keyboard and mouse started to work. I was then able to run the command lines in my previous posts without a problem.

dnguyen, I do not have a solution if you don't have access to the DVD's except try to download them... they're on the internet... torrents etc.

Oh... wait... maybe I do... you can try screen sharing (or maybe remote login or remote management) from another computer. Of-course, you have to have enabled one of these to be able to reach your computer.

Please check my note half way down my post #63 where I suggest to keep copies of old, new, and modified files in different folders in order to be able to return to an unmodified state after you're done with the jailbreak/unlock. This, in order to avoid the little incompatibilities with the modified kexts such as with my SuperDrive and other USB devices.

I have uploaded my versions of the kexts:

Inside the zip are a text file with the command lines (change "Dotan" to your own username) and three folders with the different kexts (see my post #63).

VERY IMPORTANT: These files are for an early 2008 Macbook Air OS X 10.5.5 (folder named "old") and a Late 2008 Macbook Air OS X 10.5.5 * (folder named "new"). The third file is the NEW kext with the OLD kexts inside it.

*The new MBA came with OS X 10.5.5 which had the DFU issue even before 10.5.6 was released to the other macs.

I do NOT take responsibility for anything that you might try with these files. It does work for me and I am able to be recognized in DFU. Again, I stress, these are for a NEW MBA and I have not tried them on any other device.

Happy New 2009, and hope it helps some of you.
would user for item #46 please verify the download for 10.5.5 IOUSBFamily.kext is for macbook & macbook pro.

i believe odotan's 10.5.5 IOUSBFamily.kext is for macbook air.

in other words,
1. if you have 10.5.6 or unibody MB or MBP, then you need the 10.5.5 file from #46
2. if you have 10.5.6 MB air, then you need the 10.5.5 file from odotan

am i correct in assuming the 10.5.5 file for MB air is not compatible with the unibody MB or MBP?

would someone please verify for us. the whole unibody MB, MBP, MB air and 10.5.6 are very confusing.
10.5.6 Original File - Fixed the USb Storage device issue!.

Alright, i got my hands on a Macbook Pro 10.5.6 file, replaced and everything is working flawlessly now! - One note is that when replacing and changing permissions, i had to reboot.

Decided to upload this one in case someone else is suffering from the same problem i had.
Okay, I got myself into a bit of a mess.

Tried that, it removed the kext files but didn't add the new ones and it never asked me to reboot, the Automator file just crashed and quit.

Now I want to just undo everything I did. Will installing the 10.5.6 combo update replace all the changed (or in this case, removed) kext files?
Okay, I got myself into a bit of a mess.

Tried that, it removed the kext files but didn't add the new ones and it never asked me to reboot, the Automator file just crashed and quit.

Now I want to just undo everything I did. Will installing the 10.5.6 combo update replace all the changed (or in this case, removed) kext files?

I just tried using the Automator program and it quit for me, too, right after I entered my password. The "Updating Boot Caches" window never came up. I'm running 10.5.6 on a non-unibody Macbook and am trying to jailbreak for the first!!
I just tried using the Automator program and it quit for me, too, right after I entered my password. The "Updating Boot Caches" window never came up. I'm running 10.5.6 on a non-unibody Macbook and am trying to jailbreak for the first!!

I just reinstalled the OS X 10.5.6 combo update and the files are back in place and the boot cache sorted.

I've not jailbreaked yet - apparently on the Unibody MacBook's it isn't possible, you need a Windows machine. Sure others will chip in on this.

I gave up trying.
I have done a ton of research on topic and I have to heed some caution because I followed the directions to the teeth and it almost wrecked my new Unibody MBP.

My MBP would reboot and the dreaded curtain would come down every time. Thank God I had a bootable clone backup and ran the 10.5.6 combo fix.

The trick @ Hackintosh is impartial with success rates. Some have gotten it to work and some not. It has been discussed that the Unibodies have some file differences that cause DFU to have issues.

It appears that the fixes posted so far work very well w/ pre-unibody machines. If you have an Unibody and need to pwn your iPhone, I'd take extra precaution.
I found a solution. It's not necessary to copy the whole IOUSBFamily.kext file. If you open the file, inside it are more kext files. You need to replace the following with a version from an old macbook:




Simply replacing them won't work. You have to copy the whole IOUSBFamily.kext folder to your desktop (for example), replace the above files(/folders) and then replace the whole folder in its original location like this:

open terminal, type
sudo -s
enter the password
then enter the following (replace "User" with your username):

rm -r /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext
mv /Users/User/Desktop/IOUSBFamily.kext /System/Library/Extensions
sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext
rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext

Wait a few seconds for the Extensions file to rebuild itself and reboot the machine and you should be good to go.

My computer can now detect DFU and go to sleep normally :)

Ps. I'm still checking to see if this method can be further simplified and I will update accordingly.

I just want to clarify your directions as they were a bit murky to me.

You wrote, "You have to copy the whole IOUSBFamily.kext folder to your desktop (for example), replace the above files(/folders) and then replace the whole folder in its original location like this:"

I'm not sure what you mean by that portion, care to elaborate more?

If I am correct, you are suggesting to copy modified IOUSBFamily.Kext (found in \System\Library\Extensions and explained in the below paragraph) to the desktop and run the Terminal commands.

If that is what you mean, then my Unibody MBP has failed to re-enable DFU.

I already created MY own IOUSBFamily.Kext file (by replacing AppleUSBHub.kext & IOUSBCompositeDriver.kext files inside it with the older version).
That's why I keep a crap old Dell laptop around. Works great for pesky Apple-imposed restrictions like this. It's kind of surprising they would lock-down DFU on their most expensive new models and allow the older, cheaper Macs to still do it. Ah well.
Im so glad ive read this it was really bugging me that nothing seemed to happen after going in DFU mode. Think il give it a go on the old pc later on!
That's why I keep a crap old Dell laptop around. Works great for pesky Apple-imposed restrictions like this. It's kind of surprising they would lock-down DFU on their most expensive new models and allow the older, cheaper Macs to still do it. Ah well.

I'm still a little confused -

Is the problem restricted to all macs running 10.5.6? Or is it just the new unibody models? (I've heard conflicting answers here!)

EDIT: It's all macs running 10.5.6 apparently
Device previously pwned

I've read the entire thread and this isn't clear to me. Sorry if I've missed it.

If I'm currently running 10.5.6 and I've previously Quickpwn'd my iPhone, can I create a custom ipsw file with Pwnage and simply do an option-restore? Or does this still present a problem because of the DFU mode issue with 10.5.6?

Any help would be appreciated.
OK i am a little confused myself now as well.

I wanted to upgrade the other day as i have been with the jail-braking and unlocking community for 2 years or so. i believe i had firmware 2.1 or something. i downloaded 2.2.1 via itunes then used pwnage tool to create a custom ipsw.

when i got to the dfu mode part, it said i successfully entered dfu mode in pwnage, however then itunes would give me some error message. So i decided to attempt to put it into dfu mode myself, i dont think i did i cant remmeber if the screen was all black or not, but i said screw this and itunes said it was in restore mode. So i installed the custom 2.2.1 ipsw, when i have like a 2.1 baseband or something.

Point is everything is working amazing great, could not be better! No tiny issue i have is with yellowsnow. OK i installed it thinking it should work with 2.2.1 after reading the dev team blog site right. Well it does not seem to work with my tmobile sim card. However with my gevey plus version 1 sim card the phone is unlock and works perfectly.
Now this could be because i need to take out my tmobile sim and put it in a tmobile phone then back in the iphone sense its been with the gevey sim for so long. It forgets its a tmobile sim or something it happens happened before.

or i f$%#% something up and the older base band from 2.1 because i never updated to 2.2 has something to do with it.
but my phone is working great the best it ever has.

So i think what that one guy said might be right about " not having to put the iphone into dfu mode, because itunes says its in recovery mode anyway, i mean if your phone is already pwned like mine.

DFU mode gottta love it, i had a broken iphoe 3g a while back and it broke so i took it in to be repaired. the phone was not in my name as i use tmobile i bought it off some creepy guy. LOL but one of the apple genius was a young dude like myself and i mentioned DFU mode and other jail-breaking **** by accident. He was so dam cool about it, he went into the computer system changed the name registered to the iphone ( some arab name) to my name and gave me a brand new iphone 3g and started the warranty from that day foreword. SO it does not matter im on tmobile anymore i cal go to the apple store or call and its registered to me and if its not activated i just say because its not working. lol its great.
For those who do not have keyboard and mouse in safe mode, I have also gone thorough that and had to reinstall from the OS DVD's. Notice (jamestemroot), all my data remained unchanged (I do remember some minor change, but I cannot recall what it was, but it was very minor) and my keyboard and mouse started to work. I was then able to run the command lines in my previous posts without a problem.

how do you install the os dvd's when your keyboard and mouse dont work

i put the os dvd in but i cant click or do anything so how do you get it to start installing?
I think it would be easier if you were to just build the custom firmware, then after you build it, just unplug your device and manually enter in into DFU mode, then after it is in DFU mode plug it back in and option+click restore and choose your firmware :) MUCH MUCH MUCH easier then having to fail the stupid DFU mode test-thing.
i dont know what you fellas are going on about in this thread.... but my keyboard and mouse got locked too.... but it was unrelated to this (the reason behind it getting locked up).....

what i did was put the OS dvd in the drive and rebooted the computer... while it was rebooting i pressed the 'c' key (dont worry the 'c' key should work even if you cant the keyboard to work in safemode) and the OS installation began.

once here pick 'archive and install' option this way you dont lose any data or anything on your computer.... install the OS again fully through to disc 2 and then once done..... just run software update and make sure you install the combo update 10.5.6 or download it from mac's website..... once this is all done you should have no problems again with your keyboard or mouse being locked up after restarting.... hope this helps you peeps out there that arent so technically capable (like me).... this is an easier thing to do and follow than all the different commands and stuff other people are doing..... hopefully this method will work for you.

and happy :apple: computing to all!
dfu mode

I updated my 2g iphone from 1.1.4 to latest firmware but itunes gave me an error cannot update i quickpwned with windows and it worked but cannot use my tmobile sim now i restored and tried my usb cable through time machine and that did not work, I read somewhere that a usb hub would work,has anybody used this and is the hub connected to the back of the desktop i have an imac,would like to get back to using tmobile instead of att.
Hi guys,

possible stupid question here but does quickpwn and DFU work while in bootcamp on a unibody? (17")

has anybody had good results while using Fusion 2.0 on unibody?


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