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macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2018
It’s broken. You can ask it to set alarms and timers but that’s it. It struggles dictating text messages, and makes too many mistakes. It’s faster to type it yourself.
It sucks because it worked great for a long time (1 year+). I used to use it to "Type" messages while driving. It was.....mostly accurate :D
Why are you assuming he has an accent? I don’t have an accent and siri dictation aggregates me.
Everybody has an accent to somebody else.

Also, American isn't an accent, it's really several accents varying by region. The UK is probably the same.
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macrumors 601
Apr 21, 2004
Ya seems like it’s got worst not better. Wonder what they are doing on the backend to cause this to decline.


Jul 12, 2016
Ya seems like it’s got worst not better. Wonder what they are doing on the backend to cause this to decline.

This doesn’t really answer your question, but keep in mind, Siri is actually -server-based-. So the responses that sometimes you receive from Siri that really may not make sense, or are completely inaccurate, it’s not because Siri is just iOS embedded code, it’s actually direct from Apple servers.

For example:

Sometimes I can ask Siri what the ‘weather is’ or the ‘current sports score of a game’, and Siri might produce a result to me that actually might be dated in terms that it’s not the most current reflection of what actually it’s intended to be, and that’s because Apple servers are not updated to provide an accurate response. That doesn’t happen all the time, but that’s one of the reasons sometimes Siri is not always entirely accurate, aside from others complaining about Siri‘s lack of dictation of words or phrases.


macrumors newbie
Mar 7, 2019
When I was using the demo iPhone 8 model in the Apple store, the dictation was very good. It was able to pick up what I was saying with impressive accuracy despite background noise.

On the iPhone 8 I purchased, though, dictation is horrible. It can barely understand a word I'm saying even when I speak slowly and clearly. Then, after mis-hearing me, it makes automatic corrections that result in even worse translations. I am on Wi-fi and logged into an iCloud account.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? I tried an OS update but it did not help.
[doublepost=1552024580][/doublepost]Absolutely it is completely annoying
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