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Theoretically, I don't think you'll need the Mac software to scrobble songs (though it helps!). You just need a profile, and then you can access the various radios through the iPhone app, and your songs will be scrobbled then.

However, I think it's best when you scrobble your own songs from iTunes -- that way it builds a more accurate music profile for you. Be warned, it can take a LOT of scrobbling before you start seeing the benefits -- but once you do, it's definitely worth it. I've discovered SO many new bands that are my style from, while also making tons of friends who listen to similar stuff (not just casual internet friends, but really close friends I regulary do stuff with). Plus, I've been connected to many concerts I otherwise would have missed. It's for serious music lovers, and when it works, it works beautifully.

Pardon me, but are you scrobbling at the moment? :D

Thanks for the help and explanation.
when you plug your iPhone back into iTunes, it updates the play count for all the songs you listened to, then if you open up the app for the Mac, it will scrobble the songs you listened to on the iPhone. Complicated, but it does get the job done.

I know this is how it works with iPods but I haven't noticed it working with my iPhone. I recently reset my iTunes library, so many of the songs haven't been played in iTunes, but I have listened to them on my iPhone. The iTunes play count still shows 0, though. There were a few songs that I think did update, but if they did the dates/times are off so I don't know if that affects whether or not it shows up in
I know this is how it works with iPods but I haven't noticed it working with my iPhone. I recently reset my iTunes library, so many of the songs haven't been played in iTunes, but I have listened to them on my iPhone. The iTunes play count still shows 0, though. There were a few songs that I think did update, but if they did the dates/times are off so I don't know if that affects whether or not it shows up in

Yeah, I've been having problems scrobbling from my iPhone too. Theoretically it's possible, as I know others have been able to do it. But I can't seem to get it to work for me. That's why I was hoping the app could scrobble tracks played directly from my iPhone's music library, and not just songs from the radio within the app. I've only tried's official software, though -- and I know there's other scrobbling clients out there, so I'll give them a try.
Yeah, I've been having problems scrobbling from my iPhone too. Theoretically it's possible, as I know others have been able to do it. But I can't seem to get it to work for me. That's why I was hoping the app could scrobble tracks played directly from my iPhone's music library, and not just songs from the radio within the app. I've only tried's official software, though -- and I know there's other scrobbling clients out there, so I'll give them a try.

I haven't found out what the science to it is yet, but I have to plug in my iPhone, sync, unplug it, plug it back in, and in the next 15 minutes or so, will ask me if i want the new songs scrobbled. it works from my apple tv too actually! It would be great if it could scrobble right from the iPod on your iPhone. the iPod app can run in the background, so you could launch that, then launch I think thats a restriction in the SDK though.
I haven't found out what the science to it is yet, but I have to plug in my iPhone, sync, unplug it, plug it back in, and in the next 15 minutes or so, will ask me if i want the new songs scrobbled. it works from my apple tv too actually! It would be great if it could scrobble right from the iPod on your iPhone. the iPod app can run in the background, so you could launch that, then launch I think thats a restriction in the SDK though.

That's odd. I double checked yesterday and at least one song I know I've listened to on my iPhone iPod was still listed with 0 plays in iTunes. I have an iScrobbler program running and it has an option to Update iPod. It's never possible for me to do that when I have my iPhone plugged in. And I don't think the iPhone keeps a recently played list, but I could be wrong. That would be needed to get times and whatnot so they could update.
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