Thanks. For search purposes:
Boot ROM Version: MBP111.0138.B14
SMC Version (system): 2.16f68
snsking, please:
- read the precautions below
- backup
- connect the power adapter to the notebook
- log in as an administrator
- attach (mount) the disk image that you downloaded from Apple
- with a utility such as Pacifist or Payload Extractor, extract the .scap file from Apple's update package to a convenient path, for example ~/Desktop/MBPRetinaEFIUpdate-1.3/
- proceed only if you are certain that the drive at disk0 is in good working order; that the .scap file is of good integrity; and that the .scap file is applicable to the model identifier of the Mac
- launch Terminal
- prepare to enter your administrator password at the command line
- run the two single-line commands below.
First command:
Code:sudo /usr/sbin/bless -mount / -firmware ~/Desktop/MBPRetinaEFIUpdate-1.3/MBP111_0138_B03_LOCKED.scap --recovery --setBoot --nextonly --verbose
Second command:
Code:clear ; diskutil mount /dev/disk0s1 ; ls -l /Volumes/EFI/EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE/ ; diskutil unmount /dev/disk0s1
If the output from that second command does not include the expected file in your case, MBP111_0138_B03_LOCKED.scap then do not restart. Instead, remount disk0s1 and remove the .scap files from the EFI volume.
If the output from that second command is good then restart the operating system, be patient before and during installation of the firmware (the screen may be blank for a while before the firmware progress bar appears), do not touch the Mac until after OS X restarts with the installed firmware.
Google found MBP111_0138_B03_LOCKED.scap mentioned in Откат прошивки EFI на Mac - Проект AppStudio (2014-11-15). I don't read Russian, but a translation of the page suggests that rollback/downgrade of firmware is a most dangerous operation on a Mac.
With a different model (MacBookPro5,2) and the .scap file that's appropriate for that model, the ten-step approach above successfully (re)installed firmware. However I have not tested installation of lesser firmware.
Apple's Mac OS X manual page for bless(8) may be outdated; there's no description of the -firmware option in --mount mode, and so on.
Tried it, but all it did was take really long to reboot. How can I show you the output log from the terminal commands