From what Sparksd has said, testing many of them, the RAVPower is the best. With his help I am happy with it. I find with my iPhone or iPad connected to it in 5G mode the data transfer speed is not great, but good. a 24MB file takes 2-3 seconds to download to my iOS device, maybe a little faster than that.
Yesterday I could not get the Filehub plus or RAV Filehub to succesfully download my raw files. I bought and installed the FileExplorer pro app, which works great, but during the process of finding the best way to get my files to download, what I did for the FE Pro app worke on the Filehub plus app and wanted to share.
Since the app will not allow you to save raw files to the camera roll on an IOS device, the key is finding a way to save the files as an go between. If you have an Adobe Creative cloud account. Download the creative cloud app on the iOS Device. Then go into the Files app on the iOS device and on the main screen that shows locations in the Files app, click on Edit and you should see creative cloud. This will allow you to download
Or from the Files Explorer Pro app, once you connect to the RAVPpower, you select the photos, click on copy and choose copy to local. You can create a new folder to copy the pictures into. From there, go back to the local location in the app you can click on camera roll to save them. Then if you to to LightRoom you can access and edit the raw files, or go to the Photos app.
Or you can go to Files app on your device, select the files and choose open in Lightroom or other apps.
There are a few ways I have had success in copying and editing the photos.
So at this point I am very happy with the RAVPower WP-07.