Yes! PowerMac Triple Processor Available!
Here's the reply I got:
I'm a bit stuck on how to reply. If I tell him again that I want to come and pick it up, I'll probably get the same crap back again.
Any suggestions on how to wind him up?
Subject: Re: ebay: Apple Power Mac G5 Dual 2GHZ, 1GB, 160GB, AppleCare NR!
Date: August 11, 2006 00:45:51 BST
I send you the package to UPS.. eBay will confirm you that i am genuine seller and will guarrante the existense of the package ... After that you go at Western Union office and send the money on my name and address and send the all information of the transfer to eBay not me... After i send the all information of the transfer to eBay in maximum 24-48 hours the UPS agent is at your door with the package..You will inspect the unit and if you like it eBay will release the payment informations to me.If you will not be satisfied by the unit , you can return it back and you will be completely refunded.
To set up our transaction I need the following info:
Your ebay user id: ...
First Name: ...
Last name: ...
Address: ...
City: ...
State: ...
Zip: ...
Country: ...
Name of unit and the price
I will contact ebay as soon as i receive the info.
In shortly you must receive an invoice from ebay. You must read carefully the invoice and
there you will have all instructions about payment and shipping.
Thanks !
On 8/11/06, RedTomato <> wrote:
Dear M.Mark,
Thanks for your lovely email. Yes I'm very interested. I saw from
your listing that you're based in Poole, England.
What luck, I live near there! I'm happy to bring payment and pick up
the computer from you! (Apple PowerMac G5 Triple Processor, with
Apple 28" Cinema display)
Do you accept cash or cheque?
Many thanks,