It depend of your definition of "a necessity".
Trim isn't a necessity for your SSD to work as a storage device. (read/write data)
However, Trim is a necessity if you want to have your SSD to keep the write speed it had in the beginning for all it's usable life (especially if you want to use most of it, and not just like a third of the storage space).
Without TRIM, especially if you want to use most of your storage space on your SSD, you need TRIM to keep performance. That's a "necessity" in that sense.
But yeah, it will still work without TRIM.
Not true. If your SSD gets extremely slow you can always issue a ATA secure erase which brings the performance back to normal.
I have been using SSDs in my Macs WITHOUT trim for a long time now. I have never had any severe slowdowns. How much does it slow it down? How often are you guys hitting the 500 MB/s limit anyway?
There are still people out there that get so paranoid with SSDs. Disable this, enable this, move your temp files to a standard HDD. You cannot have one unnecessary write to the drive or it will die!!!! Just get a SSD and let it be. Have backups of files, and if your drive dies before it reaches the warranty, get it RMA. It takes terabytes before the write cycles are used up. People need to stop being so paranoid.
Guess what? I have had a 1TB HDD die on me ONE MONTH after I bought it. I had to RMA that drive.