Peligro said:I just wanna say I am so glad that I didn't listen to any of the crying, complaining and nit picking that goes on any boards or reviews dealing with the MBP.
I am very happy with my MBP. Ive read people complaining about screen tilt, magsafe, and various noises. All where blown WAY out of proportion or to be put simply just an opinion.
My advice after this whole expierience to all you is to never buy anything. Just stick with your old outdated machines for the rest of your life.
Spend that money on food to stuff your dumb whining cry holes instead.![]()
I hate quoting people to point something out, but I have to in this case. If by some chance I misinterpreted you, then I apologize in advance, but anyway here goes...generik said:Do you want a good computer or a head turner?
If you need to turn heads so desperately I suggest some cosmetic surgery down there *cough cough*
Not only will it turn heads WHERE IT MATTERS, it is functionally useful too!![]()
Kaiser Phoenix said:I agree with you to the extent that YES, the complaining is way overblown. However I also have to add in that if you buy a product, costing well over 2000-3000US, you would at least expect it to:
1) Not "whine" and im pretty sure not ALL computers do that, heck my desktop is near silent with the AMD. Some people wanna record using their MBPs and they dont want unwanted back ground sounds!
Music_Producer said:Hey buddy, a computer like this, DOES cost well over $2000. There's no other way it can be made for cheaper..well yeah, just take away the isight, bluetooth, superdrive, etc etc. The 'whine' that everyone complains about is a software related issue, which I am sure will be taken care of soon.
Furthermore, I don't think you can compare the macbook's whine to your desktop.. DESKTOP? I have an AMD laptop.. and when the fans start, hell it sounds BAD. So you should compare a laptop to a laptop.. not to a desktop.
We do recordings with our mbps.. but we don't use the mbp as a microphoneWe connect firewire interfaces.. which then have condenser mics, etc.. blah blah blah.. and the noise really isn't an issue at all. you can't hear it, atleast I can't. I don't have an MBP yet, but my colleagues do.. and they don't hear the whine either.
I think its also that these complaints are due to the fact that everyone gets more sensitive to the smallest of issues, especially when they have paid a lot of money for it. People, this is a pro machine, so if you're not using it professionally.. its bound to hurt when you spend so much. and yes, you will then notice every whine, the sound of a cd ejecting, surface aberrations..etc.
Having said that, all the mbps i've seen as of now are perfect. Can't wait to get one myself![]()
Kaiser Phoenix said:Yeah I agree with you, though I just used my AMD Desktop as an example to further illustrate my point that my AMD Desktop which is actually near SILENT with the fans on and it is a Dual-core with 3 fans, is much more silent than an MBP. Thats it really.
I agree yeah, you will usually use FW devises etc to record but say you were recording a solo guitar with a microphone connected to an audio interface and ur MBP was mking all these sounds. It MAY not get recorded but it will sure annoy the hell out of some people!
This is kind of an ambiguous, and false claim. It's so hard to compare the two processors and have it stay true for more than a week. Depending on what you're doing, one machine will definitely be faster than the other. If you're planning on doing a lot of encoding, you're going to be better getting a high end Intel, whereas the AMD CPUs tend to be better for gaming. I know that Tom's Hardware is a rather biased site, and because of that I don't go there for any of their personal "reviews", which are more opinions than anything else, but their benchmarks are valid. Go there and look @ the benchmark scores and you'll see that depending on what you're doing, both Intel and AMD can both be the "top processor."Music_Producer said:Well AMD beats Intel anyday.. so.. I still wish Apple had picked AMD instead of Intel. Everything just opens so much faster on an AMD than an intel computer...
mmmcheese said:mmm...cheese...
student_trap said:2. when the machine gets hot, it makes a 'whoop' sound a few times, which goes when the machine cools again (this is not the whine that people are talking about)
Just for the record, she waves the computer around to cool it when it starts whooping, and doesn't put the screen at the lowest brightness setting, and this is acceptable to her...she is happy with it.
But is it? £1800 ($3200) for a machine that needs to be waved around to stop it whooping?
Kaiser Phoenix said:I agree with the post above. I also went to an apple store and looked at the MBPs and they are HOT. I actually burned my finger almost! Im not kidding, they are way hotter than the powebooks and that bothers me!
Whistleway said:any freaking laptop that is so hot just defeats the purpose of being a laptop. And I complain about ibook heat and folks tell me it is the coolest around. I wonder how you survive reportedly that much heat.
Codemonkey said:Maybe you all are upgrading from PowerBook 17" or something, but my previous computer was an Snow iMac G3-600 - I needed this upgrade
marissaaa said:The heat on mine has become unbearable. I can stand heat. Usually. But on my MBP, I can't even use the keyboard or trackpad because the entire top part of the computer is burning up. ...And this is only after about a half an hour of use.
bimboles said:Studen_trap have you tried Windows on your Girlfriend's MBP?
I had to take my MBP back because I found that when I installed Boot Camp Windows, the screen flicker got a lot worse
student_trap said:Really? thats strange, could it be a graphics card thing then? I haven't tried bootcamp on my girlfriends mbp yet, i tried last weekend, but she said:
"i just paid £2000 to get out of windows"
either way, it was good of them to replace it
eVolcre said:Hi Marissaaa, (that's a lot of 'a' btw)
What model is it? It sounds like it's way way hotter than it should be.
Now, mine is going back, but for a different reason. I have a '14' model and the heat is not noticeable at all.
After about 3 hours of use, on my lap, the bottom does get hot but I can live with it. I put it on a pillow.
The top, however, is barely even warm. The area between the F keys and the screen is hot to the touch, but not so hot that I have to jerk my hand away. The area above the speakers is warm.
Keyboard and trackpad are actually COOL. Not even warm. And the where you rest your palm is the same .. no heat whatsoever.
I know some people are going to jump on you and say that heat is acceptable blah blah blah but from your description, and my comparison, it definitely sounds like yours is way hotter than mine. The way I see it, if it's THAT hot and others aren't, it's an ossue that needs to be fixed.
If they were ALL hot, I would buy into the 'normal heat' crap that the support reps and other *experts* on this board spout. But, if yours is hot and mine isn't , then there is somehting wrong with yours.
My specs are listed in the sig. It is the most powerful one they have so technically, mine should be really hot right?